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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    The bullet dodging part three

    Thanks for bearing with me guys. I really don't want to lose this post. So omg. He popped open that can of beer and I wanted a sip so badly. The bad part is, he would have given it to me. But I thought of my 22 days and you guys and that is the only thing that prevented me from falling down the rabbit hole AGAiIN. Then if that were not enough , The waitress offered tje wine list at the restaurant. I said I don't want any wine.
    Then the Dh orders whiskey and coke. I ordered club soda. They put a slice of lime in it and that was the best drink I ever had in my life. Sorry for the way I had to send this message but am glad I did it because it is a thank you note to all of you for all you have done for me




    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      glad to see you back, Lolab. sounds like you had a very difficult time and i'm so proud of you for making it through with out al.
      Jolie, the al is in the cellar at work!! not in mine--that stash is long gone. the one at work is not possible for me to get rid of--so i have to have the strength not to go there.
      Star, super duper!! i wish i had some sort of portable MWO. i know it really help me, too.

      so happy to see everyone moving forward one day at a time.--so much strength here. positive power.!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Yep the snow is pretty to look at Jolie so long as I don't have to shoveled any :H

        Starfish, sounds like you did a great job holding onto the nest Good for you!

        Lola, we are collectively sending you much strength!

        lifechange, you mentioned you are in Germany? I had a terrific visit there beck in 98
        Glad you are staying strong as well.

        Lou, hello & welcome to you & glad you found the nest!
        Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it right from the Health store here. It has a lot of useful info for you. Making a good plan for yourself is essential. Look in the for some great ideas. Staying close to the newbies nest really helped me in the beginning

        Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Lou:welcome: just wanted to welcome you to the nest. I don't post here every day, but check in from time to time. I posted on your other thread. Just want to say that you've found a good spot.........sometimes it gets kind of busy here, but overall it's a wonderful place with lots of support. And, just so you know, there is a meds thread if you want specifics. I too believe we can shape our lives by learning to think differently - along the line of CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy. I'm learning about that. Here is a link to the meds thread:

          Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

          Everyone sounds good here.......I'm coming up on 3 months AF, and just want to tell you guys that it's getting easier. Not that we don't need to stay vigilant, but it is starting to feel more natural not to drink. It really strikes me though when people like Star talk about relapsing after 3 years. It's good to hear because we know never to let our guard down.

          Have a wonderful AF weekend everyone! Stay strong.


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all! Lolab so glad to see your stylish face back...we have sorely missed you. We will be right here when your schedule permits. Steady...your post meant a lot to me too. You never know what will resonate with someone, but thinking about romanticizing AL in the movies and on tv...I am latching on to "they used to make smoking look cool, too". Thank you for that gold nugget. And speaking of misquoting....Star, as you well know, getting thru a rough edge makes you THAT much better next time...I think it was Ernest Hemingway who said (but it could have been someone else..sorry) "The world breaks everybody, but we are all stronger in the broken places". How true about this journey. Thanks for your posts!! XXOO, t
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Congratulations Starfish on not letting alcohol steal your power.
              Had a few hard knocks this week, didn't really consider drinking at all but did go back and review some notes I wrote at the beginning of the year. Number one on the priority list was living without alcohol. Just looking at the handwriting took me back to that dark place I was in at the beginning of the year and the words NO, Hell NO started echoing in my head. The positive energy coming from this place is incredible.
              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                Newbies Nest

                Good for you, Star! It would have only taken a moment to undue your hard work and you made sure that didn't happen! You must be so proud of yourself and what you are doing!
                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey, thanks Irie. We are all proud of you too! You are doing great :l



                  I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Nesters!

                    Seems pretty quiet here today. Hope everyone is busy enjoying an AF weekend

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest (25 degrees here at the moment - freezing).

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      good sunday morning everyone.
                      just got back from running a 5k and realized half way through that it's my 5th (really) sober day.
                      it was a forest run with a beautiful half frozen lake on one side and snow crunching under foot. bright sunshine and a bright mood. i'm working hard to make this my last day 5 EVER!!!

                      Lav, i moved to germany in 98! maybe we crossed paths somewhere!!

                      i think there must be some 30 dayers today! will go now to look around on the other threads--
                      big hugs to you all.
                      so glad you are here!!!!

                      Happy 90 DAYS Unwasted!! that is huge and i'm so happy for you and inspired by your work!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        well, crappity crap. Moved my laptop and lost my post. now I don't have as much time! Everyone will be getting up soon. Unwasted, congrats on your 90 days -you're a rock! Belle, I believe 30 for you today - You've done this before and you know how hard it is to start over and how quickly you can get wrapped up in it all again've come to some pretty strong realizations this time, I know that you can say no...and girl, there are some pretty awesome changes still ahead of you!!!!!! I"m just thrilled for you.

                        OH, I said something before about changes in routine again...whether expected or not...I have to be prepared. There are going to be expected changes like changes in the seasons - these are HUGE in this neck of the little routine has centered around the's cold and a rather quiet "social" time of year...but spring will be entirely different, and then summer - different than that...the things I have done in the winter to stay sober will likely not be the same then. So whether it's these expected changes or unexpected changes - I have to be sure I am equipped in advance to handle them...

                        So.....I am wondering....once you have an "experience" sober, does it make it easier for the next time? Since I experienced a sober holiday will the next one be easier? You know...a sober birthday ... a sober "summer"....a sober "loss"...does it make your brain not immediately turn to alcohol thoughts in those circumstances the next time??? I do know that it will always be something that I have to be watchful over...I'm just hoping that my brain will - next time - kind of "revert back to" and remember how I coped with or enjoyed things without drinking...

                        Well, everyone slept long enough for me to express my feelings again...although I am sure they were more eloquently put the first time...:H But they're stirring now.

                        Lav, it is eerily quiet around here!

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm here Lav, L C and Lolab.
                          Wow LC that run sounds heavenly. I was wondering where you were , having done that already this morning! Really makes you appreciate your sober mornings doesn't it? I have a feeling this is your time to stick with or too. No more going back to day 1 for us , right?
                          Lolab I surely understand your concerns about the change in your routines causing you to want you to go back to old ways. I can share a few thoughts on that : about 6 1/2 years ago I somehow just stopped drinking and thought that I had found the secret to sobriety and would not change my daily routine for anything. Then bit by bit I let it slip and allowed myself to drink. That drink cost me 3 1/2 years of struggling to get back on track. I am not trying to scare you at all. But after much analyzing of the situation and how I went so wrong, I think the major factor in my downfall was not that my daily routine changed or that my environment changed (which it did) but that I had more opportunity to drink since I was not being watched so closely by certain people in my life and that there would be more opportunity to drink socially. In other words , I would have tha means ans the motive and the opportunity and I had never dealt with my real issues of what was causing the drinking behavior in the first place. So I am giving this information just to say that, in my opinion , as long as you continue to realize that you can not drink no matter what and no matter who - you will be okay. I do believe you will be able to enjoy seasons, holidays, family and life in general much better by keeping your sobriety. Just my 1 cent. Oh yeah and the secret I have found this time (and it will be my last) is this best nest!
                          Love you all



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Brrrrr, sure is cold this morning!!!!

                            Lola, the answer to your question is YES!
                            Initially I found myself excited - couldn't wait to experience each season AF, each holiday, everything really
                            Remember that we are forming new & better habits. At this point in time, it is completely normal for me to be a non-drinker & a non-smoker as well. I have 999 smoke free days today :yay:

                            lifechange, congrats on your 5 AF days & running a 5K, wow! This granny wouldn't even dream of running a 5K :H

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning! All this talk about routine has got me thinking about my biggest worry right now. I don't want to get ahead of myself because I'm only on Day 7, but I know in my bones that it's different this time, and I'm looking way down the road to what may derail me, and it's not hard to find it. We have a two week vacation to Jamaica coming up in mid-April. This is a trip we take every year, and go with a large group of friends, so I know exactly what to expect and it revolves around a whole lot of drinking.

                              I've been telling myself that I haven't mentioned this worry because it might identify me. All my friends and co-workers know about this yearly trip. While that's true, if I'm honest, I think a lot of the reason was so that I would not be accountable for that time. I think ... no, I know...I was giving myself permission to drink on vacation, in spite of all the cautionary tales I've read on this board about just this very thing.

                              So, I'm putting it out there. I have to tell you, I feel a little sad, like I'm saying goodbye to a really fun part of my life. While I really no longer enjoyed the daily wine I was deadening myself with (literally) I loved drinking those tropical drinks in the sun. It's still two months away, but I think I need to start getting my mind in the right place about this right now.
                              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Guess what day I'm on today? lets start again form the top shall we? aiming for 6 out of 7 days sober this week, here goes...
                                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


