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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters

    So.... another busy week started.... Today we were scrambling around at class and the pressure is on and I stood for a while looking at my fellow students.... And then a thought hit me - Thank God I am not hungover!!!

    The new year with new pressures / change in routine does make the thoughts of AL come up more often. To get away from pressure or to cope with the stress, but today was great to realise how much better I am able to handle the tasks at hand and not worry about hiding or nurturing a hangover.

    Shue -:l It could have been any of us while intoxicated and we have done enough similar things that made us quit. It will pass and be forgotten when we replace those memories with new sober fun.
    12-20-2012 AF
    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


      Newbies Nest

      Day 1 again (and again). The most I've been AF in the last 5 years has been 7 days in a row. I'll moderate for awhile, maybe go a weekday or two with no or little alcohol, but its usually back to where I'm at right now, post-weekend hangover, sick and full of regret. What scares me now is how much more difficult it is for me to stop. My husband and I are both facing potential layoffs and the stress of that has really been a trigger -- maybe I'd find another excuse, but I think things have gotten worse with the anxiety. Its getting harder to moderate on weekdays and the weekends are all about how I'm going to drink. I'm scared, both about my drinking and thinking of life without drinking.


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Nesters! Happy busy Monday! Shue, welcome back, I wondered how you were ...last I remember you were off on vacation. I'm glad you are back, but I'm sorry about the circumstances...I hope that your mind set is to get down to work and get AL out once and for all. There is NO GOOD for us with it. It is a dead end in every way. Once you eliminate it from your life, you will find your SELF. That bubbly, funny lady that everyone knows and wants to be around. You don't need AL for that...we just think we do. We are down there, just waiting to be let out... I promise!
        Star, thinking about you at your company convention....if you get the idea that drinking is ok, or sexy or makes you more social...will you do this for me? Think of your an evening dress, getting out of a ditch full of water. An offsite dinner, and I slipped and fell in a ditch. I had mud and blades of grass all over me, it was horrible. But even that...EVEN THAT....didn't make me stop drinking. It made me a joke.
        The whole Whitney Houston thing got me thinking too. That song she sang, The greatest love of all.....there's a line in there, "they can't take away my dignity"...well, I'll tell you something that can....being a slave to a substance. I was on this path with AL...thank GOD I found this place, and the strong people here who helped me. It made me see that I have more strength than even I thought I had...and that I do have plenty to live for...and none of it comes out of a bottle. Giving up AL is only a big deal to people who shouldn't have it in the first place....I am amazed at the people who just don't drink....never occurs to them! I am planning on being one of those....Strength today for all, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hi & welcome allybee!
          Glad you thought about landing in the nest
          What's your plan? Why not reread the MWO book & make a plan to get 30 AF days under your belt before you think about moderating again. We need that time to completely detox & begin thinking clearly. I made my decision to remain AF during that time because I was finally able to stop BS-ing myself - moderation just will not work for most of us.

          SH, Starfish & Byrdie, good to see you this morning!!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning everybody!

            Star, Shue, SH, Lav, Byrdie, Irie, Lifechange, Inchy, UW...oh boy, that's as far as my memory goes but I do mean to include everyone! I haven't had time to read back too far yet, but I'm sure you've all heard of the death of Whitney Houston on Saturday...due to drugs and alcohol. What a waste of a huge talent (although she had been showing signs of the ravages of drugs and alcohol the past few years). Sad.

            I had a nice sober weekend! Got some housecleaning done Saturday which felt so good, and then Sunday was church in the morning and a nice loooong nap in the afternoon! My nephew that moved in with me is doing really good. He doesn't go out to "party" or anything like that. He was home all weekend and ate meals with us. I guess he just needed some space and a little independence (he left 5 brothers wonder he felt cramped!). He must like his little "cave" of a room because he stays in there for hours playing his guitar and "droppin beats" on the computer. LOL And I am totally shocked at how clean he and my daughter are keeping "their" bathroom, it was never that clean when it was only my daughters...I guess they're respecting each other, which is nice to see.

            Well I'm going to catch up around the boards, hope everyone has a great day!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Irie I feel like you?re faced with a really difficult situation. I recently got through a 5 day vaca to Florida, but my husband doesn?t really drink and there were no other pressures (drinking friends etc). It wasn?t easy, but it also wasn?t impossible.

              During the witching hour (4pm on) I kept track of the time because I know that cravings don?t usually last more than an hour or 3 I broke down the time into chunks (crossword puzzle for an hour, bath for an hour etc). Getting seated at the restaurant was peak trigger time (fuck it, should I just go for it?), but as soon as I ate something the craving almost totally subsided. I also found that tonic with lime gave me a cheap thrill.

              Non witching hour temptations were a little more heart heavy. So many drinking rituals were pulling at me, ?let?s have wine while we pack!? ?make sure to get nice and toasted before heading to the air port!? All of it seems (note I could have said seem ed, but that?s not what came out) so damn alluring.
              For each of those times, the truth is, it hurt a little and I felt like I was in mourning, but hours later, having made it through, I felt like I had just completed a really great workout- a bit like a runners high.



                Newbies Nest

                I was doing so good everyone, and you all gave me great help, Then i messed up went on a huge 2 day binge, just due to a stressor from an ex friend... But back at Day 2 AF and feeling like doo doo.....


                  Newbies Nest

                  Guy, I remember you! Do you have a plan to help you out when you're in a tempting situation? I'm still working on things like that -- great advice here from Jane. Welcome back.


                    Newbies Nest

                    BelleGirl....isn't tomorrow your 30th day???

                    Just checking my hat inventory, and I think you've got one coming tomorrow, no? hugs, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Byrdie...bless you for remembering me and waking me up!!! (literally...I have been sleeping most of the day)

                      Just had to do a count to make sure, but today is Day 31 for me. I sort of thought about day 30 over the weekend, but I did not pay much attention. I was preoccupied with the fact that I had to have a medical procedure this morning. Fortunately, everything came out OK, but I am still trying to recover from the anesthesia. I have a headache and feel like I have a hangover and I hate that!!! Maybe it is a good reminder and deterrent to stay away from the AL.

                      I feel so good and natural about the quit this time that I don't even care if my husband has a glass of wine or beer. I honestly just don't want it....because...I never want to feel the way I used to ever again. Hubby seldom drinks, and I do not want to take that away from him. I don't have to deal with work parties, bars, conferences, etc. so this is where I have learned to be strong. In my home. I just don't want to drink. right now, it feels simple.

                      I'll have to catch up on all my nestmates. But right now I need to eat something to get rid of this darn headache!


                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Belle, didn't know you had surgery. Sounds like things went well. So happy that you've achieved the big accomplishment of 30 days! That's super. Take good care. :lilheart:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh my does moderation NOT work!! After going for months AF I created a new job reestablished broken relationships. Xmas came thought I was strong, it's only lead to right now I'm sitting in the doctors office waiting room seeking help. Tried topa, camp they make me sick, need a different solution.

                          Around me I see beautiful mums with there kids who look so together, I want that again, me again!!

                          Wish me luck x


                            Newbies Nest

                            Maddie, welcome:welcome: We totally understand - we all tried to moderate many times. Stick close to the nest and formulate a good plan including exercise and healthy foods and lots of water (added lemon helps with cravings). You might also want to get the MWO book, which I believe is available for downloading in the Health Store here. Here's a link to the Toolbox (be sure to read through it because things get buried):


                            Sending you peace and strength. You can do this -- for you AND your family! Good luck.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all

                              Just achieved101 days AF ! When I started out after drinking two bottles of wine every day for ten years I didn't think this was possible. Now I go to the gym four days a week and lost eighteen pounds already. Anyone struggling please don't give up hope. Life is so much better in this new life. AL plays no part in it.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wow Belle!!! Here is your hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bday2: I'm so very proud of you...sorry to hear you had to go under the knife, and hope all is well there too. Everything goes better when you are sober. Well done to you!
                                Timpin...did you ever think you'd be at this point now? Getting AL off the table (drinkin joke) makes all the difference. I'm very jealous of your weight loss...I need to be telling myself, NO, HELL NO to chocolate. Keep the days stringing along and don't forget us here! If you need me, I'll be in front of the refrigerator with a spoon and my chocolate glaze....oy. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

