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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for the hat, Byrdie! I think I am going to sew some earflaps on it so I can wear it proudly while I walk the dog this evening!:thanks:

    I have been thinking about how my life changed the day I found MWO when I was googling "how to stop drinking". I was so low that I did not think it was possible to stop without some sort of rehab that would put my family through hell. This place has been tremendous. Even though there are ups and downs, it is always good to know this place is here and ain't goin' nowhere.

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome to the nest Maddie!
      Hope your doc helps you out.

      CONGRATS Belle & timpin

      Greetings jane - you're doing pretty well yourself!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        jane27;1261606 wrote:
        Irie I feel like you?re faced with a really difficult situation. I recently got through a 5 day vaca to Florida, but my husband doesn?t really drink and there were no other pressures (drinking friends etc). It wasn?t easy, but it also wasn?t impossible.

        During the witching hour (4pm on) I kept track of the time because I know that cravings don?t usually last more than an hour or 3 I broke down the time into chunks (crossword puzzle for an hour, bath for an hour etc). Getting seated at the restaurant was peak trigger time (fuck it, should I just go for it?), but as soon as I ate something the craving almost totally subsided. I also found that tonic with lime gave me a cheap thrill.

        Non witching hour temptations were a little more heart heavy. So many drinking rituals were pulling at me, ?let?s have wine while we pack!? ?make sure to get nice and toasted before heading to the air port!? All of it seems (note I could have said seem ed, but that?s not what came out) so damn alluring.
        For each of those times, the truth is, it hurt a little and I felt like I was in mourning, but hours later, having made it through, I felt like I had just completed a really great workout- a bit like a runners high.
        Jane, thanks for this post. It really helps to know someone gets it. The wine while we pack, the drinks at the airport, in the plane and between flights are all part of the fun. Heck, the driver that takes us from the airport to the town we vacation in even routinely stops for a Red Stripe (Jamaican Beer).

        It's still a long way away, but I will say that since I outed myself and put my concern out here it's the first time I've been able to think I could maybe do it. I'm glad I'm starting to work on it now. And the hotel has wifi, so I can stay close to this board during the trip.

        It's two months away, so I have a lot of work to keep myself sober until then. No sense getting ahead of myself!
        ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
        Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


          Newbies Nest

          Hey guys,

          Quick check in for me. Had a great weekend - dinner out with friends - enjoyed every single minute and love the fact I enjoyed it totally AF.

          Belle - :goodjob: 30 days feels wonderful doesn't it?

          Welcome to all the newbies - whatever your story, you've found a great place and you'll get lots of support and understanding here.

          Hope everyone has a great AF evening!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Newbies Nest

            Congrats Belle and timpin

            Way to go ! Just checking in and wishing you all a safe night. Glad to hear you are feeling better Jane and things are well at your house K9! We r here for you Maddie
            Mom and guy! Good night all:l



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Almost forgot to say good night (granny brain) :H

              jane, my hens are pretty good but yesterday I only got 8 eggs from 27 birds - way too cold. They did a lot better today
              I've heard to be prepared to major changes in your life once you are sober. I just wasn't prepared for my chronically depressed husband of 37 years (at the time) to walk out on me a full year after I stopped drinking. I was happy, feeling good - he just couldn't cope with that. Talk about unsavory

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Quick goodnight from me too!
                I was tired and cranky but after reading everyone's posts I am feeling much better. I love that we hold eachother up.
                mrsg, thinking of you.
                K9, clean bathroom? Are they ok? Lol
                GUY, you were doing awesome. Don't let alcohol be your "go to" thought anymore. I have been so mad at myself for that automatic response, and I'm trying to retrain my brain and emotional responses.
                Irie, i have been to Jamaica, all inclusive resort. I can't even look at the pictures because I was a disaster the whole time. Swim up bars. Coconuts being slashed open with machetes and filled up with rum. I would love to go back and do it sober one day. Virgin pi?a coladas with a nice umbrella I would enjoy the experience so much more sober.

                Jane, that post is golden. I will keep it. You are on the money girl!

                Shue, you can't remember a blackout, you just have to move on from here. One time my son asked me why I threw the remote control...I have no clue. Who did I even throw it at? I didn't even want to know.

                Inchy, take it from the top! One hour at a time Hun. Kick some ass!

                Lav, major life changes sure do happen when we get sober. Have they been happening all along and we didn't notice? Or did we change the tides and winds by simply not drinking.

                Even though I have so much going on right now, I would be a mess if I were drinking. Alcohol wins when we give in and I am very competitive lol. I want to win!!
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yay to belle for 30 days!!!
                  45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                  New day 1- 9 January !
                  Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                    Newbies Nest

                    Will you be my Valentine?

                    Good morning peeps!
                    Hearts and candy all around :h
                    Hope you all have the best valentines day ever! I made it through a rough spot last night when I attended a company dinner where I knew a lot of free booze would be available. It was not easy at first , but after I got my plate and ice cold coca cola I did ok. Ate myself silly. I got a "real " coke instead of a diet one and even enjoyed some dessert. I willl say it again - I could only have done this because of the support I have from mwo !
                    Oh yeah AND I stayed away from the hotel lounge once I got back to the hotel
                    Have a super sober valentines day everyone !



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello nesties,

                      I did not manage to talk to hubby as he came back late last night – but … after putting junior to bed and having the house and Sky remote to myself (cue for pouring myself a night cap or 5) - I thought of all of you and made myself a nice lavender tea.

                      My mood did another 180 this morning and I feel back to my usual springy self. I read my post of yesterday and my first post ever last summer – just to remind myself of who I don’t want to be anymore.

                      Congrats to Belle and Timpin, I am looking up to you.

                      Byrdlady / Jane – very good advice – I managed to stay AF in the first half of my holiday ( even refused champagne 16 times on my upgraded 13 hour flight) - then I foolishly thought that a little beer won’t hurt. God, I remember packing suitcases while drinking … took bloody forever .

                      SteadyHands, thank you for the kind words, good luck with your studies

                      Star – well done on the company outing, how was the seafood?

                      K9 – LoL – men do need caves
                      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                        Newbies Nest

                        Irie, just wanted to throw something else in about your vacation. I just bought an I-phone with which I can access MWO. That means, no matter where I am (not sure about Jamaica but I would bet so) I can access the internet. Anyhoo, it would be super if you suddenly found yourself in a bad situation and could distract yourself by getting on the I-net for MWO, or whatever other site. There are probably even Apps for AF.........I'm still checking into that. Now, my contract happened to be up, so it was only $200 for my phone. They're really expensive otherwise (as if that isn't enough lol). But, I can see that it will be a tremendous help to me if I'm out and having a portable sponsor.:H:H

                        Lav today is my 16th wedding anniversary. I can see that getting sober might change a relationship quite dramatically. Luckily my husband is very understanding.......I'm so sorry that you had to go what is probably the most stressful life change (divorce) when so newly, if you can make it through can handle anything!

                        Nesters, everyone is certainly sounding good. Nursie, you've been strong through a very tough time too. :lilheart:

                        Shue, scary story about you and your son........alcohol is evil, it truly is!

                        Everyone is sounding so good here.....Shue, Star, Aussie, Belle, Jolie, Jane, Inchy, Tim (congrats on 100 days!), Maddie, Byrdie......I just love the support of MWO. It's very special. Happy V Day everyone :lilheart:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters,

                          Overslept a bit but the sun never came out so it's not my fault :H

                          Glad to see everyone checking in bright & early!

                          Unwasted, I am not divorced, simply living on my own. My spouse had a complete mental meltdown, his leaving really didn't have anything to do with me but his inability to recognize happiness when it's right in front of his face. He has been an ego-centric thinker his entire life, a seriously negative person. Frankly, he dragged me into his dark hole many years ago, that's when I started drinking. I thank God, the Universe & anyone who offered me a hand out & I am one grateful granny

                          Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Tuesday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            I am new here and struggling...trying to have a Day 1. Posted on another thread but was told this is a good place to start. I have been reading many posts and see the love and support here. I have no support system....I'm trying to keep this to myself and handle it myself. I am so ashamed and guilty I do not want anyone to know. During the day, I go to work-do all my normal things but on the way home I stop and buy a bottle of wine. It is like an alien force has overtaken me. I am avoiding friends and family, I fear I am ruining my health and I feel such guilt and shame. I'm going to keep coming here and reading the info...lots and lots of good reading. Thanks for listening. Ginger
                            Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is hope... today is getting from one to the other.
                            GOAL 1 - 5 days AF
                            GOAL 2 - 10 days AF
                            GOAL 3 - 20 days AF
                            GOAL 4 - 30 days AF
                            GOAL 5 - Set new GOALS


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks everyone for the 30-day well-wishes...they really mean alot.

                              Nursie, I am so impressed with how you are handling the rough time you are going through...AL free! You deserve a medal!

                              UW, you are really smart for thinking about how to deal with vacation now!

                              Shue, I really sympathize with what you are going thru. Doing things that hurt the kids, either physically or emotionally, while on AL is one of the worst feelings. I'm thinking about you and sending good vibes that this is truly "the time" for you!

                              Starfish...Kudos to you for making it through that company event! It is hard to turn down free booze when others are partaking, but you did just Fab!

                              Welcome Gingersnap...glad you're here. Hang tight with us!

                              Jane, Lav, Byrd, Lola, and you you all on Valentines day. :h:h:h It's Yoga Time here!

                              Alcohol does me no favors.

                              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Welcome Gingersnap

                                You have landed yourself in the best possible place if you are SERIOUS about quitting AL. We have lots of success here in this little place. Day 1 sucks and there's just no sugar coating it....but here's a couple things to keep in mind....this is my take only...but I was pretty hard core. You are welcome to see my 2 year journey right here for the reading. But first of all, you must get control of your mind. When you have reached the bottom of the hole and say to yourself, enough of this're resolve couldn't be stronger, right? Until the day wears on...and the afternoon arrives...(the first 4 hours of a diet are easy, right?) but as the rubber hits the road, here's what you must do. Clear your home of all ALCOHOL. I don't care how strong your resolve is, we are not Mother Theresa...lead yourself out of temptation and deliver yourself from evil. Get it out...I didn't want anyone else to know either, so that meant pouring it out and getting rid of the empties...notice I said pouring...not drinking. This act is painful...but so be it. The shear act of taking back that control of it, well it helps. Throw away your favorite drinking cup. Surround yourself with things you LOVE to eat. You are going to have a powerful sweet tooth. REWARD yourself hourly with good things to eat. Keep yourself full and drink plenty of water or diet or whatever you like that isn't AL. About 2 hours into your witching hour, you are going to have MASSIVE MONKEY MIND...this is where your brain will not shut up about drinking. This is The will tell you anything to survive. Don't listen to it no matter what and no matter who. Do NOT drink today....If you got thru the last 15 minutes, you can get thru the next 15. When you get an overwhelming urge to cave...recite the Pledge of allegience, or the Lords the 7 Dwarfs, or whether it's Dwarfs or whatever it takes to distract yourself and you get thru that Day 1. That is the hardest day by far, I promise. If you did day 1, rinse and repeat....on to Day 2, and so it goes. I drank every night for 25 years...Day 1 was a bitch the first time, and the 100 times that followed but by golly it finally stuck. You can do this and we are here to help you...all you gotta do is get thru THIS day....Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

