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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    HI ALL!!!
    :welcome::welcome:Rebus and Anu!!!! Yes...this is pretty quiet for the nest!!! It has been lately on the weekends though....I suppose it's weather related!! You'll love it here...everyone's great!!!
    My son had his championship game...they played they undefeated team (the ONLY team to beat them) it's the other team from their it's all their friends!! We were up to bat first....scored 4 runs...they answer back with goes on this way for ties at 7...goes back and ties again at 12...we have to go an extra inning....our team bats...we get in 1 run...13-12...they bat...long story short....we lost 13-14!!! Great game!!! My son got his first trophy...he was pumped!!!
    Had my sister's wedding reception you can tell...I'm home...DROVE home....and am here checking in at the nest!!! Feel good...did a GREAT job modding!!! Hope everyone had a great Saturday!!! AND...hope to see y'all back in the nest soon!!!
    Dill--If you need some more practice cleaning and throwing...I know a gal in SD that would love some help learning!!!:H
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      Newbies Nest

      :rays:Good morning, peeps! Rise and shine!

      Hey, SD, I loved hearing about your son's game. Maybe you should quit your job and become a sports caster?! :microphone: Make sure you get a picture of him with that trophy! I'm glad you had a good time at your sister's reception. Were you in the wedding party? Is it an older or younger sister?

      PR, What's up? You sure have been having a lot of "I wasn't quite right' physically days lately. Well, more than your share, anyway. I hope you are up and feeling in fine feather today! :chick: It's Sunday! Church is calling!

      Have a great day, everyone!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Dill and everyone,

        Such a dark morning here - sun is supposed to come out sometime today. I sure hope it does anyway. I have seedlings waiting to be planted in the garden.

        Hope you're both hanging in Rebus & Anu. The early days are tough but doable. Just keep checking in for strength and support, I did and still do

        I feel lonely & isolated in this endeavor as well. My loved ones all scoffed months ago when I told them about this support group. They had no faith in it, said I needed more. Well, they were wrong, as evidenced by my success. I'm nearly 8 weeks AF now, happy & proud. They had no problem telling me how unhappy they were with my drinking but have yet to utter a word regarding my success in quitting. I'm not looking for their approval, don't need it, but still it would be nice to hear a positive word from them. That's why I continue to come here!

        Wishing everyone a good day and thanks for the support,
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Peeps,

          Welcome Rebus :welcome: Anu :welcome: The nest is a loving and supportive place.

          I'm almost done with the spring cleaning at my Mother's. We are finially going to have a sunny day today with no rain so I'll be able to wash her spring curtains and bedspread and hang them out to dry the way she likes.

          Between the yard work, spring cleaning and all the rain, the artritis in my hands are pretty bad this year. Yesterday they looked a bit like those rubber gloves when they have been blown up. It makes typing a little difficult so this will have to be short.

          PR I'm sorry to hear you're having health troubles. I hope you are rested and feeling better today.

          Well all my peeper buddies, I hope you all have a great week end.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning to all and Happy Sunday! It is a beautiful day here so I am going to make a quick check in before taking flight!

            I hope everyone had a great Saturday. I had the most spectacular day with my son and grandson. It was truly a "Mastercard" moment.....priceless. The pictures we had taken turned out gorgeous! I haven't seen my son so happy and relaxed in a long time.

            I truly learned yesterday that the past is the past and we must always live in the here and now. Life is just too darn short! I won't go into the ugly details of the past year's events. We are all letting that sleeping dog lie and it is so wonderful.

            Enjoy your day everyone. I am on cloud 9 and won't be coming down for awhile. I am going to send rays of sunshine to all!


              Newbies Nest

              Good day fellow nesters and a Big Welcome to the New folks
              I finally got the laptop now that Emylee got out of bed and went to work. She has not been home for a couple of days. She is seeing a guy that lives about an hour's drive away.
              I think she likes him alot, but she has a contract in LA starting in August, so that's gotta stop.
              SD- I love your enthusiasm for your son's sports. I was like that with my Patrick.
              CM-You made my day love. How wonderful
              PR-I hope you feel better soon. I will probably have a heart attack and die during the Celtics game tonight. Do or Die Celtics tonight.
              Well, my son Patrick dropped a biggie on me last night. He is moving to New Jersey in July to take a new job and now he wants me to move in with him. Maybe I would have better job prospects out there who knows, but I will do what I can to be with him.
              If I live through the Celtics game I will check in tomorrow. Can't wait to get my laptop back.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Newbies Nest


                Sorry was a great run! Lavande, welcome....and a few words from the 'Papa' of this here nest. You cannot control how your family does or doesn't respond....what you are doing is FANTASTIC!! Feel proud, you deserve to. Sometimes people feel uneasy at anothers's a whole lot easier to pounce on them when they are down as it makes them feel superior. Well my dear you are 'on to them'....keep doing what you're doing....and do it for YOU. I'm a proud papa of all my little ones here in the can add yourself to that list.
                To all of you, have a wonderful night and a great start to next week.
                Papa R & his little buddy....


                  Newbies Nest

                  Here! Here! What Papa said!! People get 'used to' what we 'teach them we are"...they almost become adapt in how to interact with us, if you will, once you change your throws off the's ok...THEY need to adapt...not you!! YOU are doing what makes you may throw off the dynamic...I KNOW it did in my family for like a year...but I tell you what I have gained SOOOOOO much more respect (from my family and FOR myself)....I LOVE IT!!!! We TEACH OTHERS HOW TO TREAT US!!!! Once we treat ourselves with love and respect, so will others....we will have it no other way!!!! Nor should we!!!
                  Sweet Dream Nest!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Newbies Nest


                    Hi everyone, thanks for the lovely welcome, I am really struggling at the moment, my son is taking his exams today, and I am wobbly about it all, and just dont want to turn to a drink,
                    also my hubby works away for four months at a time, and will be home next week, and he will want to go out and drink, what do I do or say, any advice would be wonderful,




                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning, Nesters,

                      Coffee's on and I splurged on some bavarian cream donuts! (SD, the Diet Pepsi is always in the fridge for you!)

                      Hi, Rebus! I understand the struggle. We all do. It is hardest in the first week or two. It will get easier! But it takes time. We are all susceptible to slips and the bad thing about slips is, sometimes they set you right back to where you started. I've been there! The important thing is to never give up! As to what to do about not drinking when your hubby gets home, well, I haven't much advice to share other than you are just going to have to tell him you're taking a break for awhile. My hb does not drink, so that, thankfully, is not an issue for me. Here is a link to an older thread started by someone in a similar position as you. There is quite a bit of support and advice in it. If you post a question there, you will likely get a response from someone with similar experience.


                      Sorry 'bout the Celtics, Sea! Are you Ok?

                      Nice bit of advice, PR. And, Chops, your are right. It's best to leave the past where it is.
                      Hey, SD, Lil, anu and everyon else to come along, have a great day!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning Nesters! I hope everyone is doing wonderful for a Monday!

                        Sea, I am sorry the Celtics lost. I was pulling for them. Now it's time to concentrate on the Red Sox I do hope you got some of my sunshine rays yesterday anyway!

                        Welcome to rebus and anu. Glad to have you in the nest. You are going to get a lot of support here and on all threads!

                        SD, I loved the play by play of your son's game. What a heartbreaker, but I hope they are all proud of themselves. I am thrilled he got his first exciting!!

                        PR, you always have just the right words to say to everyone. Thank you so much!

                        Hi LaVande. It is always nice to have positive words from those we love. I do hope that you will be recognized for your accomplishments. 8 weeks is absolutely fantastic!!!! Keep up the great work :l

                        Lil, did you get all the spring cleaning done? I do hope your hands are feeling better and not so swollen.

                        Hello to UNG, Beginning and all others! Have a fantastic Monday. Talk to you later :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters!!
                          Welcome rebus and anu!! :welcome:

                          Dill thanks for the donut and DP!! Yum! Yum!! Great way to start a Monday!! So when is your last day of school? My sister actually got married in Purto Rico in December...this was just the one was invited to the wedding! She is younger than I am...she will be 30 in October and I will be 35 in June (8th). She acts A LOT younger then that lately though!!! Little worried about her!!!

                          Chops--How are you doing?? How was your weekend?? Anything exciting on your end of the world??

                          Sea--Yep--we sound like sports mommies!! I can't believe how much my son is into baseball now! He likes the Twins though...probably because they are so close! We hope to get to a game soon! Keep cheerin!!

                          Lil-You are such a wonderful daughter!!! I sure hope your hands feel better soon....I have horrible hands myself...I get shots about every 3 months for them...I tell you...if I'm late....WOW do they hurt!! I feel for you!!!:l

                          To everyone else...many hugs and well wishes...I have to go grab some lunch...I have Noon Study Duty in 5 minutes....gotta run!!! Have a great rest of the day!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all,

                            I have now had 2 out of 5 AF days and am feeling OK. I sometimes cannot believe I have got myself in this mess! How does it get so bad???

                            I don't think I would have had any AF days if it wasn't for this site thank you MWO.

                            I am a bit shaky but no where near as bad as the first night.

                            I do find I can't sit and watch any TV though, that's my trigger. So having this place to come to is a relief.

                            Izzy xx


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi gang
                              Just grabbed Emylee's laptop to let you all know that yes I am still alive no thanks to the Bruins and Celtics. The beauty of Boston; still got the Red
                              SD= we are not gonna talk about the Twins Ok. lol
                              How ya feeling PR?
                              Love ya all
                              I just can't deal with Emylee's laptop, so I will check in tomorrow
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                                Newbies Nest


                                Izzy, glad the nest is of comfort to you.....keep visiting & posting my the rest of you, hope your week is off to a good start. Each day is an opportunity to make your future just a little bit better. The past is.....just that.....can't control what has happened, but you sure can control what will. Me and G are proud of each and every one of you.
                                Sweet dreams cherubs.
                                PR & G

