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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ginger, just think in small chunks of time. Have a one week, or even 3-4 day goal at first -- whatever you're comfortable with. There are no rules.......just whatever you can do for yourself. We can give you ideas, but of course you do the hard stuff.....we just chime in. Sounds like your health makes this a very important decision for you. I definitely have health aspects that not drinking has helped....better sleep, etc.

    Oh, Life Change, I just want to hug you. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this sorrow. I can just feel it........but it's not you doing these things, it's the alcohol, the addiction. It makes us crazy. I so hope you can get a handle on things. I know you want to. Just know that we are here. :lilheart:

    Sending peace and strength to everyone in the nest tonight. :lilheart:


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      lifechange & ginger - you are both on your way to health & happiness!
      Just stick to your plans, check in here as often as you can, we suuport you both
      Please don't waste time & energy worrying about past stuff ~ it's history & can't be changed. Put your energy into the new & soon to be improved 'you'!

      Unwasted, great to see you as always

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
      I'm looking forward to meeting some old work friends for lunch tomorrow - non-drinkers all of us!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Just catching up on today's activity in our little nest. I am still out of town at my work conference and am so tired I don't think I would even have the energy to drink if I wanted to. Just wanted to wish you all a safe and sober night. Lolab I am sp sorry about your mom :l
        Congrats on your thirty days Today!:goodjob:
        Jane I think I have gained at least five pounds this week while at this conference. It is embarrassing to think of how much I have eaten this week !



        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


          Newbies Nest

          Quick post from me!
          My friend made it through day 1 sober and I gave her supps and reading material this morning. I spoke to her family and they are coming for her tomorrow so that she can get treatment.

          I have really REALLY had a heck of a week!

          But I am still going strong. Stronger than before. I am so happy to be sober.

          Sprinkling sober dust for the nest tonight
          Day 1 again 11/5/19
          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

          One day at a time.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks for all the sober cheers for my 30 days and for my hat, I have it on with so much pride. Just heading off to bed, hopefully Nursie's sober dust crossed with the sleep fairy.

            Lifechange; so glad you got to spend some time with your 7 year old... sounds like just what you needed. Your post before was sad but very moving; thank you for sharing. I too rarely am actually sick and need to take time off work, I seem to reserve it for hangover or pity parties. But I do feel so good when I get back into a routine, put one foot in front of the other and get through.

            Congrats to everyone on getting through this day, or if not and you're coming back on making a plan to get through tomorrow. MWO has helped me so much, hope I can give back!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning nesties,

              Another AF day passed, not without challenges ? I salivated as I watched my hubby sip a nice chilled grappa ? I ate too much in response then made lavender tea. It is strong tasting and it has a strong effect ? putting me to sleep within 1 hour.

              LolaB ? how truly wonderful you are!!! I just loved your posts not forgetting anyone. ? I don?t know how she does it?:good:

              Nursie ? Steven Covie says that teaching others consolidates your own knowledge. It is great what you are doing.

              Steady ? that is such an intelligent (I was going to say mature) decision, forming new sober friendships. How old are you ???

              Lifechange - this just does my head in: I have a wonderful life too ? loving family, friends and a great job that I love ? why am I so bent on destroying it?

              Jane ? about the weight ? since trying to stop first I actually put on 3 Kg ? I am determined this time to get back on track with healthy eating .. . so this morning it is cottage cheese and broccoli for my breakfast.

              Belle ? I have never tried Krispy Cremes but their fame precedes them even in this remote part of the world. I don't have a sweet tooth but when I was not drinking I would allow myself a liitle piece of fudge in the evening. The little girls looks up to you . My boy is just as uninterested in what I do as his father ? Nevertheless, they know when something is amiss. The only member of the family I absolutely cannot fool when drunk is my dog. Even if I had only 2 drinks - he just won't listen anymore. "Mam, you should not be driving or be in charge of large animals!"

              Ginger ? hooray on juicing ? I found that adding ginger to any fruit / veg juice just gives me more energy.

              Have a great day everyone
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                Newbies Nest

                good morning nesters!!

                Shue, you sound so positive and super strong!! i love lavender tea and have been trying out all the herbals. there are so many super delicious teas. i've also been lighting a little aromatherapy lamp using different oils--have lemon right now-- and the subtle scent along with the candle light is somehow just a little joy.

                what a difference a week makes!! i wrote about last tuesday mainly to remind myself of how easy it is to slip back into hell. today is the 9th day i've been SOBER and i feel so good.
                am off for a run around the lake.
                xoxo and hugs to you all.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Today, i forgot to congratulate you on your BIG 30!! you're a real source of inspiration for me.
                  and Ginger, stay strong. it's so important to get these af days. like everyone says, and i'm believing what everyone says!!, getting through these first 30 days allows us a chance to look at things from a completely different perspective. i love what Lav said about realizing during her first 30 days that she was BS-ing herself about thoughts of "moderation". anyway, sending super positive energy your way. xo


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning all!

                    Lola, you blew me away with your post(s) It is just so amazing to see what a difference several months can make. You are a whole different person (in a good way) and truly an inspiration to all of us here.

                    Lifechange - so glad you are seeing things so much differently now that you've got some AF time under your belt. If there is one thing I seem to feel more than anything since I began this journey, it's gratitude. So much to be grateful for and your 7 year old I'm sure is at the top of the list for you. Keep it going - you are doing great!

                    Ginger - sending you a big :l I truly believe my drinking had something to do with the reason I take bp medicine today. Sounds like you have many, many reasons to quit healthwise - now to just wrap the brain around that huh? Lean on us - we are all here for you. I know it's hard but believe me you will feel better and better not only physically but mentally/emotionally. Hang in there!

                    Hiya to Lav, Byrdie, Steady, Today, Shue, Nursie (what a wonderful friend you are!), Starfish, Jane (no doubt those extra pounds will come off eventually!) and anyone I might have missed.

                    Hope you all have a great day! Having dinner with friends after work (again - no chance of AL) and maybe going to the movies with friends this weekend. Serving dinner for the homeless at my church this weekend - little nervous cause I've never helped with that before. One more reason though to be grateful for all we have.

                    Check in later this evening guys!
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Nursie;1263062 wrote: Quick post from me!
                      My friend made it through day 1 sober and I gave her supps and reading material this morning. I spoke to her family and they are coming for her tomorrow so that she can get treatment.

                      I have really REALLY had a heck of a week!

                      But I am still going strong. Stronger than before. I am so happy to be sober.

                      Sprinkling sober dust for the nest tonight

                      I really like that saying! Nice
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Newbies Nest

                        Today, big congrats on 30 days. Have you set another 30-day goal? Sorry I haven't had time to read thoroughlly, but wanted to wish you well!

                        Nursie, after reading about your friend ........maybe you should consider being an addiction counselor or working in a rehab. I just finished a book called The Interventionist about a nurse who was severely addicted to pills, got sober, and then went on to help others with addiction problems. I could just see you doing that!

                        Oh, and I just wanted to second the motion of adding ginger to veg drinks! Good stuff and extremely healthy!

                        Wishing everyone in the nest a wonderful AF day. Strength to us all! :lilheart:


                          Newbies Nest

                          yeah, that was long - even for me! :H

                          steady, it does make sense...I guess that's probably why I feel the need to do it...sorting everything out...otherwise I feel out of the loop.

                          I understand about some people not knowing what to do - about other people who are sober. And I understand it from the other side! A few years ago, when a family member told me that they stopped drinking - she was very happy with it and proud of not drinking. I got to work researching on the internet to find another option for her! It was actually the first time I visited this site. I thought that if I could find her a way to keep drinking but control it, I'd be her hero.... Unbelievable

                          aww...lifechange, you're doing things right. don't dwell but don't forget what drove you to the decision in the first place. I was one of those people who is never sick...but in the past coupleof years, I was beginning to change. Lots of days of not feeling well...I couldn't tell what was hangover fueled because I was drinking all the time. My health was just really declining and I'd have headaches, tummy troubles, come down with everything I was exposed to..... Now, I'm never sick - once again. :-) That's a benefit I hadn't thought that much about...thanks.

                          ginger - I hope you keep going at least a few days to see how in just that short time, your head will clear and you will begin to see that regaining your health is entirely possible. Right now it looks like a mountain too high to get over or around, but believe me - if you set your mind right, you can do it. :l

                          Now, Shue, I'm always interested in stuff that might help me sleep well....lavender the flower makes me sneeze. (sorry Lav! :H) I wonder if I'd have a problem drinking lavender tea? I'm a little scared to try.

                          Jolie, you were one of the first people here that let me realize that it could be done...:h

                          I'm still looking for "normal"...I haven't seen it in so long, I'm not sure I'd recognize it.

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            I made it tru Day 1 AF...although I feel I cheated because I did not feel well and had no desire to drink. Maybe this is a divine intervention. When I feel bad and my BP is high it scares me since I take a BP
                            medicine. Pulse is high also. Which concerns me as I have read stopping AL can make you BP go high and I don't need it higher. I am going to cut out caffine, which I do not drink day time drink of choice is decaf cold brew ice tea. I'm cutting out salt and totally watching what I eat. I have made plans every night this wk, so I will be busy and not in situations I can drink. I am hoping to go Sat morning to have blood work to see were I'm at with various levels. I am running the Serenity Prayer thru my mind non stop. Also, one quick final thing - I have had several times in the last months I would go 1 or 2 days and not drink. I actually about 2 months ago had 4 days....each time I go thru exhaustion, I feel like the life is sucked out of me. Last night I slept better than I had in a long time. I woke up once and went right back to sleep, but this morning I am running on empty and do not want to have caffine. Any suggestions for some energy...Shue, you did mention adding giner to my juicing, will do. Congrats to everyone for their AL FREE days..
                            Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is hope... today is getting from one to the other.
                            GOAL 1 - 5 days AF
                            GOAL 2 - 10 days AF
                            GOAL 3 - 20 days AF
                            GOAL 4 - 30 days AF
                            GOAL 5 - Set new GOALS


                              Newbies Nest

                              Ginger, well done, the first one is hard !!! Here's the link on the supplements; it is worth the read ( also look for the other chapters too, I found it very interesting). Personally I do stress on taking the supplements, it really made a difference for me since my first cold turkey attempt that was an emotional rollercoaster and it felt like a white knuckle ride for most of the time.


                              Try to avoid fatigue (sometimes a trigger for AL) by eating small meals often ( no junk sugar preferably). Ginger is a godsend for me. Green apple and ginger is a fave morning wake up drink.

                              LolaB - I bought a mix of lavender and chamomile and a new one ( need to check additional herbs at home) that I truly swear by - I like the fact that it has a strong taste - I liked at the end of a meal to "change the taste" by having a "cleanser" like grappa or ...more wine.

                              Jane ? I am working on my healthy eating ( had cottage cheese and broccoli for breakfast) - tasted surprisingly good. Need to shed those pounds.
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                Newbies Nest

                                hi Ginger-- very well done!! when i'm feeling exhausted, as i was last night, it really helps me to do some stretching exercises. i don't know how you feel physically, but anything that stretches out the big muscles, especially helps a lot. also a good friend of mine who teaches yoga, gave e the tip that any sort of inversion helps for tiredness and i've found this to be true-- it can be a simple forward bend, or a handstand against a wall, or a bridge/backbend. just a thought.xo

