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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Great to see everyone!
    I'm rushing around to get a few things done then heading out to meet friends for lunch ~ nice

    ginger, read the MWO book. Following the program as close as possible, incorporating vitamn supplements, exercise, healthy eating, etc will help you regain your energy. It takes a bit of time to heal your body after the abuse

    Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Well I managed to F it up yet again. I got back to Beijing February 4th, after my super successful holiday, only to go out and drink...and that's what I have been doing since. I know how it happened. I came back here alone cause my husband still had some things to do in his town, the internet wasn't working, a friend who I hadn't seen in ages called me to go to a bar, I thought I could handle it and drink a coke, but when I saw him and his lovely beer I ordered one too. And I didn't eat dinner that night so you can imagine what happened. A total blackout. And to top it off, I was meeting his new girlfriend for the first time.
      So after ten days of drinking at home from morning to night, I knew I needed to stop and had to call my husband and tell him I needed his help and to please come home. I don't know how he puts up with me and he still took care of me all day today as my withdrawl symptoms are pretty severe. So I am deciding to go back to work tomorrow and I will look like crap because I will have 3 sleepless nights. I can't wait for the next 3 days to be over.

      I hope you all are doing well
      "When you know better, you do better"

      AF- February 16, 2012
      Goal 1- 3 days al free
      Goal 2- 7 days al free
      Goal 3- 1 month al free
      Goal 4- 3 months al free


        Newbies Nest

        CG, I've been wondering about you. Oh, sorry about your situation. Gawd, I hate alcohol.....and you were doing so well. Well, as we always say, not trying again is the only real failure. We're here for you. Sending you lots of love and hugs.:lilheart:


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks UW. I just don't know why I do this to myself every time. I hate alcohol too! How are you doing?
          "When you know better, you do better"

          AF- February 16, 2012
          Goal 1- 3 days al free
          Goal 2- 7 days al free
          Goal 3- 1 month al free
          Goal 4- 3 months al free


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Everyone!

            This is my first time in the nest. After reading for a while, I can see why it is such a nice, cozy place. I did not do well yesterday. Had great intentions and felt fantastic. However, I to am afraid of the bp rising. Mine was high yesterday and I asked my doctor if it would be ok to go cold turkey. He was fine with it. I, however, am a baby.

            So I decided to just have 2 drinks last night. Trust me, for me this is an accomplishment. So the confusion and light headedness is starting today. I did eat healthy and exercised this morning. So I am proud of that. I'm really thirsty too. I'll keep the water close by.

            I'm going to try to stay as busy as possible to keep my mind off of the sick feelings.

            Good Luck to Everyone today and thanks for posting. It's nice to not feel alone.


              Newbies Nest

              CG, I just celebrated 90 days AF. Most days are good, but I have a bad one now and then. I haven't been tempted to drink because I don't want to go back to the dungeon, but I've had down days. It is always better the next day -- the bad days usually don't last more than a day. But, when I was drinking every day was awful, so I consider that progress! I'm holding onto the thought that as more time passes my life will get better and that I won't think much about alcohol. Right now I still do -- not so much wanting it, but just sort of an emptiness at times. Most of the time, though, I feel hopeful and better.

              Ava, glad you joined the nest. It's the most active thread so it's a great place when you're starting out! Sounds like you've taken some good small steps toward getting alcohol out of your life! Try putting some lemon in your water at your witching hour - it helps with the cravings.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Guys,

                Lolab, thanks for remembering my milestone, you are so thoughtful. My thoughts are with you regarding your Mom xx
                I've really been struggling the last few days. Lots of stinkin thinkin and I've been very close to drinking. But I haven't. It's been nearly a week since I had my d&c and my mood and hormones are crazy. I just feel empty, sad and angry at times. I miss being pregnant and my sis-in-law just had a baby today and while I am very happy for them I just wish it happened in a month or two. I'm dreading seeing seeing the baby in case I fall apart. Last night I just felt like hurting myself, I felt useless and horrible. Eventually I slept after taking a xanax the doc prescribed. But I know time will heal. I just need to be careful re AL, I don't want to slip up, I did 4 months yesterday and I'm proud of that xxxx


                  Newbies Nest

                  CG - Big :l to you...pick yourself up and start over. We've all messed up in the past, but don't dwell on it...remember to never quit quitting. We are here for you!

                  UW - I requested that book The Interventionist from the library and I'm going to pick it up at lunch, can't wait to read it. I also rented A Piece of Cake again, this time for my sister. She loves to read too and it's such a good book, she doesn't have a "problem" like we do, but she'll still enjoy it.

                  I made it through my Notary training yesterday, disclosed my DUI on my application, took the test, and will now have to wait 15 days to see if I passed. It was harder than I thought...but I am optomistic. There's a lot more to being a Notary Public than one would think. There are so many rules and laws, some of which can be considered felonies if you break them, and jail time could ensue. It's quite a responsibility, I never realized it!

                  The Nest has been busy and I am still trying to catch up. Sounds like there's some ups and downs, but that's to be expected, we are only human after all. I hope everyone stays strong. I'll check in later.

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    K9 - a test? Jeez I was a notary many (many) years ago when I worked in a bank. Don't remember having to take a test but like I said, it was a long time ago. I'm sure you did fine and bet you feel better now that the stressful part is out of the way.

                    Still haven't been able to stay up to watch SMASH (feel like I'm 90 when I say that). I start work at 6:00 in the morning so I usually struggle to stay up the one weeknight I allow myself to watch Modern Family on wednesdays (totally disappointed last night by the way - it's usually so much funnier)

                    mrsg - thinking of you and hoping you will start to feel better soon. You need to grieve for what you've lost and it will take some time. I remember falling apart just driving home from work a week or so later - it will just take the hormones time to sort themselves out.

                    Ava - glad to see you here and hope you will find a source of strength and support from all the lovely people who fly in and out.

                    UW - I know what you mean - we are all going to occasionally have a bad day and once we get it through out thick skulls that AL isn't going to make it any better, we will learn to take them as they come - I know for me the good days soooo outweigh the bad days now.

                    CG - it happens - I know it sounds too easy but just take it for what it was - a mistake, a bad decision, whatever you want to call it - and then move on. Today is a brand new day and you can start over. Sometimes I think these slips really reinforce our determination to conquer this disease. You know what you have to do and sounds like your on the right path. Hope you are feeling better soon. (your hubby sounds like a wonderful person!)

                    Hi Lav, Shue, lifechange, today, lola, starfish - I'm sure I left someone out but I'm thinking of all you guys and hoping that whether you are struggling or not, you have a wonderful day.
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Newbies Nest

                      :welcome: Ava!

                      CG - I was thinking of you.... Glad you're back! I am sure you will get it right again. You were strong and embraced the sober experience. This 10 day bender is part of your journey and your way out.

                      I had a fall out with my stepdad... about where I parked my car... I couldn't handle him!! NO PATIENCE!! So, I threw him the finger....Like a teen ager!! Then I went for a walk in the park. Circled 3 times and it is a really big park!! And each time I thought about buying a box of wine to "get it over and done with". That was the thought. I felt so out of control and angry and desperately wanted to numb out!!

                      I am 33 years old. I study full time and am financially dependent on my ex and stepdad + mom.... If it weren't for AL I would have studied this 10 years ago!!

                      I HATE AL!!

                      I am going to write him a letter. If I was still drinking I would have no foot to stand on. Now I am confident enough to ask him to back the hell up and leave me alone - for sobriety's sake!!
                      12-20-2012 AF
                      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                        Newbies Nest

                        SH, I lost it last night with my husband. Just started screaming at him for not helping with dinner.......I can really relate to the anger........just came out of nowhere. I had to apologize today but there was truth in why I got mad at was just that my reaction was extreme. I really think all those years of drinking.......and then suddenly no way to numb out........sets us off at times. It will get better, I know. The people in our lives have to understand how hard it is. I'm pretty steady most of the time, but every now and then I blow a gasket. I f*cking hate AL too but I know it will win if I go back.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks UW, luckily there is MWO. I feel so much better now.
                          12-20-2012 AF
                          Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Great and Informative Post Worth Reading

                            Nesters, I post this from time to time. It's by helps me understand this whole process much better, especially the time frame and what to expect.

                            Hi. I haven't posted for a while so I thought I would pop in for an update and say thanks to all of the members who helped me be successful.

                            I haven't had any alcohol for about 15 months. Not a drop. I quit twice before for about 4 months each time using this site and the encouragement of it's members. Both times previously I went back to drinking thinking I could control it. Of course it ends up controlling me in the end.

                            This third time I have been very successful and thought I would pass along some observations.

                            There were several milestones along the way I thought were interesting. It took many many months to actually feel "normal". I thought after 30 days AF I would starting to feel "normal" but in hindsight I did not.

                            I do know (now) with the amount of alcohol I drank I was masking/creating other problems. From months 3-6 AF I suffered through some mild depression as my body adapted to no more alcohol. Whether that be from physical or mental adjustments or both, I am not sure. This was probably the make or break point for me (failed twice before around this time).

                            From 6 months to a year was where I started to see/feel some real changes of returning to "normal".

                            Some of the biggest changes include no longer having that feeling of being agitated and aggressive all of the time. I sleep like a rock every night and wake up refreshed. Actually going to bed sober is something I look forward to, a lot. Knowing I will wake up sober is a great feeling.

                            For the first part of this journey, I remember waking up expecting to feel hungover and then realizing I wasn't. It's a great feeling.

                            I also managed to finally take control of my poor eating habits. I have lost 70 pounds since quitting drinking. Most people are shocked to see the difference from where I was to where I am.

                            My family cannot believe how nice and calm I am all of the time now. My stress levels both personally and professionally have dropped dramatically.

                            I am posting here today in hopes that others starting on this wonderful journey can see that there are people who are successful at this. Maybe others, like me, will take what they need and move on. Which is why I wanted to come back and say thank you to all of those members who stick around and offer help and advice.

                            Anyway, for those just starting, there is a better life if you can stick with it. I know there can be social pressures or work pressures to drink, but you can be successful in life without drinking.

                            Good luck to all!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi All

                              I don't post on here as much as I used to and occasionally feel a little guilty about it because without this site, I would probably still be back where I was just a few months ago, drunk every night, bloated and overweight along with being depressed and having no future to look forward to. Things have changed a lot and my life is the total opposite. I never crave for a drink and rarely even think about it ! However I am smart enough to know that AL is still there in the background and just looking for that tiny chink in my armour, so I am not cocky or complacent about it. The reason for writing this to you is that as an individual who has gained so much from this site, I really want to put something back. To me, if I could help just one person who is struggling with AL to be able to stop completely, then that would be part of my debt paid back to this community. How I did it and how I am maintaining my sobriety would take far too long to write out here and would confuse this message board, however if there is just one person on here who would like to give my methods a try then I will start another thread and post the details there. Anyone want to give it a go ? Just say so on here and I'll get started.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Tim, I would love it if you would post another thread. Please do.

