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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Tonight, I will be repeating this a lot... "I do not drink," "I do not drink anymore" AL thoughts are LOUD right now, thank goodness you all combined are louder.

    From the top... "I do not drink," "I do not drink"...

    Good luck to everyone hanging in there, let's stay strong!


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning nesters!

      Waking up to what's supposed to be a beautiful day here on the east coast (not sure what tomorrow will bring though).

      Jane - wishing you much strength as you head west. You know where you can come anytime you need a little support - this group's always more than willing

      Needbulls - you are absolutely NOT the only male here, although it seems like the majority on this thread may be female, there are several males who post to this thread. I believe there is also a "guy's corner" thread that may interest you as well. Don't tell me all these females are scaring you off though! Gender matters not when fighting the beast! Hope you will stick around here with us.

      Happy 40 Jane and Nursie! Awesome job!

      Belle and Wicked - My kids are grown and out of the house but I do remember those days of bickering. Might be hard to comprehend right now, but one day it will become very quiet in your house without all that bickering - not saying to enjoy it but just take it for what it is - part of life

      Lav - watching the weather reports but sounds like everything is going to be south of us. Could it be we dodged a bullet?

      K9 - how did you make out with your pesky infestation? They are so stinking hard to get rid of. I will never forget when my son was just born and I brought him into my place of work for all my coworkers to see. We were having a flea problem with my cat at home and as I was showing off my new little bundle of joy, I saw a flea hopping around on his little blanket! I was mortified and prayed nobody saw it! Kind of funny now but they are a real pain to get rid of.

      Today - it may sound strange but sometimes I need to say it out loud - thinking it is one thing but when I say it out loud (that I will not drink or I will not stop by that liquor store), it just seems to have more of an impact. Keep shouting friend:H

      Babysitting for my grand-dog today. Hoping to get a lot of stuff accomplished around the house.

      Hope you all make it a great AF Saturday!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Newbies Nest

        good morning lovely nesters!!

        congrats again Nursie and Jane on 40! and Star you must be hitting 30 days today!!YEA!!!

        i love reading all the posts here. i can relate to so many of you--i'm on day 11 today and am feeling so strong. i feel like my mind is able to stop and make decisions. not just with al, but with other things as well. if i question something--usually when i'm walking--i physically stop, think and make a decision. and they've been rather good, if i don't say so myself.
        i've been concentrating on the gratitude i feel for being sober, for being able to enjoy life.
        i mentioned somewhere earlier that i'm asking each morning to be shown why i am so much better off AF. i'm always shown something. eyes open, there's something each day to be thankful for.

        hugs to you all,


          Newbies Nest

          Happy Saturday

          Good morning one and all! Here goes another post from the cell phone. Hope I don't lose it!
          Hi Stella and unwasted. Glad to hear from you and glad my post about the benefits of not drinking at my meeting was beneficial. UW great job in hanging tough. Seems like the beast has been roaming thru the nest trying to stir up some trouble with lots of us and we are showing him who is boss!
          Belle and wicked. You are also kickin butt by not letting those kids get to you. I think canned soup or cereal is a fantastic supper when you need something quick and easy and just to give yourself a break. Great thinking. Stay strong.
          Today. Thanks for reminding us all about the statement " I do not drink". It works!
          Jane and nursie :goodjob::goodjob: forty days fantastic! You two are such great role models for the rest of us!
          Jolie hope you have a great day with the grand dog!
          I know I haven't addressed everyone but please know you are all close in my heart. I just don't want to time out and lose this post
          :h star



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            Newbies Nest

            Needbulls, just wanted to comment on your question. There are several guys who post here although not real regularly. It seems that most men here post on the meds thread which you can access from the front page. Also, many post randomly. Supercrew, Tim, Wine Wrangler to name a few who post in various places. But the meds thread has quite a lot actually.

            Hi nesters, hope all is well - in a rush today but wanting to wish everyone well.:l


              Newbies Nest

              Starfish, You deserve a raise!

              Starfish1;1264043 wrote: the perks I got while out of town at a work conference by not drinking
              I did not lose anything (keys, phone, paperwork)
              I did not have to keep thinking about how to (discreetly) get my next drink at the company dinner
              I did not have to look around to see who was drinking more than I was
              I slept well and was not hungover in the mornings
              I remembered where my room was in the hotel
              I saved money and calories by not drinking (but made up for the calories in food!)
              I did not gossip about my coworkers
              I remembered what I did and said
              I did not embarrass myself by drinking too much
              Just wanted to make this list for myself for future reference and to share with you all :h
              Just Do It !


                Newbies Nest

                Oh wow. LC yes. Thanks for remembering. You and I were cross posting. Today is thirty days for me and I will say again that I absolutely could not have done it without the support of this program. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
                You are sounding great LC and eleven days is awesome and so is your attitude.
                You know as I was reading posts from yesterday afternoon and hearing about that beast in our nest , I just pictured a big fat black slimy snake slithering through the nest looking for poor innocent baby birds to swallow up. I hate that sneaky snake. We are beating him off with a stick though. Yay us!
                Ok since I have a little more time I also want to say good morning to k9, cw, turn, Tim, cg, bull, lav, birdie and anyone else I forgot!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning all Nesters!

                  Lovely day shaping up so I plan to go enjoy it
                  Think we will dodge the snow bullet tomorrow Jolie - yay!!

                  Starfish, CONGRATS on your 30 AF days, be proud & keep going

                  Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Saturday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    I just said good bye to my sober friend and her son. She even stayed longer than she said she would!! I am so impressed!! Life without AL is great and exploring other possibilities and friendships feels good.

                    Going to read back - so many pages since I last checked in.
                    12-20-2012 AF
                    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lav ? :thanks: for your words of wisdom. To always say calm and in control. I have a vision of myself aging (very well of course!) with long silver blond hair and calmness about myself and my life. I guess I don?t have to wait for old age to calm down? It feels rotten to lose one?s temper!!

                      Hi to Jessie & Crazyfor Wine:welcome:

                      Nursie ? Wow to your 40 days and for helping a friend going AF!:goodjob:

                      Congrats Jane ? Hope Vegas is great!:goodjob:

                      Go Starfish!! ? 30 days AF:goodjob: Great list ? Like the one that you didn?t gossip?. Being AF makes you a better person!

                      Belle ? Aren?t you past day 35 now? Don?t blow it ? you worked really hard for it!
                      12-20-2012 AF
                      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Star!!! Look at you at 30 days....I remember back when you were just a baby newbie...and to reach this day??? It's big. BIG! Here is YOUR hat! :bday2: Well done to you! Your posts are inspriational to us all. Those company meetings are TOUGH! I'm so proud of you.
                        LC, remember the magic Day 13. The Day when your thinking changes and things become so much easier. You are almost there, my Dear! Just keep going strong, you will never regret NOT drinking.
                        Needbulls...we have lots of men, it's a cyclic thing, like all things are, but like Jolie says, AL doesn't offends equally. I love the male perspective however...usually right to the point. I hope you stay in the nest as you look around...every post matters, and yours are awesome.
                        Strength to all today, and MindPeace. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Congrats on 30 days Star! I hate that sneaky snake too... good on all of us for thwarting!

                          Life; I completely agree about the change of making proper, well thought out decisions. I feel like AL, and other stresses in my life always had me just reacting. Not anymore!
                          And congrats in advance on your day 11, have a great day!

                          Babysitting your grand dog sounds.. grand Jolie. Enjoy!

                          Lav, Byrd, Steady, UW, Nike.... okay, hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Jolie and Unwasted. I am not intimidated! Rather like it actually!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Aww thanks everyone!

                              I love my hat and I ordered an extra large one from Byrdie so it would fit my BIG head! I am proud of myself because I have not been AL free for 30 days straight since last spring.
                              I do want you all to know that I feel this is a community hat since you all helped me earn it. :l
                              And it is large enough so that if need be, we can all huddle up underneath it and hide from the sneaky snake. Those streamers can be used to strangle his slimy neck too!
                              Hey sorry bull. Shouldn't automatically refer to our snake as "him". Could be a female snake we'll just refer to IT!
                              Man, I sound like a crazy person today, but that's the way I feel !



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest


                                You do sound crazy - CRAZY GOOD!! That's what being AF will do for you. Congrats on 30 days!

                                Took the granddog for a walk - thinking about all the times I drunk-walked. Thought I was something else - out there getting my exercise - what a joke! The alcohol totally negated the walk so I was only fooling myself.

                                Thanking God today for such a beautiful blue sky - very very grateful for being sober and for all my MWO buddies.
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

