Hello satz. If you're trying to be alcohol free, then I'd use last night not as a a semi-victory - but as a learning experience. Look back to see what made you choose to drink, and make a plan that deals with that for the future.
I just looked at the other thread, and I think others just weren't online when you were posting - you got some decent responses now...:-) But really - the nest is a really nice place...and not somewhere to be banished to...(wink).
Today, I'm glad first to read your description of what happened...Lav has gotten into your brain...:-) that you "chose" to drink....and I'm encouraged by your description....and that you poured it out and came back right away AND that it was not the experience you thought it would be.
I think you're going to be fine - BUT - even though there are some others who have done the same thing and come right back and been fine, I do think you should be extra cautious. There's something about opening that door that makes it difficult - but not impossible - to slam it shut again. Those feelings of wanting to drink might be stronger in the next few days - as alcohol does its damndest to try to weasel back into your life. We're all hanging onto you tight, friend!!!
Everybody have a great Sunday. Nursie, I hope you're doing ok...