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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you

    Thank you for the warm welcome. So grateful to have found this site...I will be getting the book tonight. :h


      Newbies Nest

      Greetings sweet nesters....

      Just making a flyby while on vacay and am twittered to tears that UNWASTED has 100 days! You are rolling! The nest is bursting with pride!

      BlondeAF - I KNEW you would be back. We sure have missed you everywhere here! I think you've already reminded yourself just how much happier you were living AF! I'm glad you didn't wander too long in the wasteland.

      Welcome Mulligan. There is HOPE for you. You will find that within with a lot of help from folks here who have been there and done the near disaster thing with alcohol. This addiction really sucks. But the good news can be free. Really. AF= Alcohol Free a.k.a. Absolutely Fabulous!
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Great Mulligan - please let us know if you have any questions, etc.

        Turn, you lucky dog on vacay - have a great time

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome Miklo and Mulligan. This site really is great. It's filled with lots of encouragement, support and inspiration. Post as much as you can and read, read, read.

          Miklo- I am on day 8 now and let me tell you, day 1 was pure hell. Complete withdrawl. But after day 1, it got much easier. So treat day 1 as a sick day. Stay in bed all day, have someone cook for you, drink lots of water, read, watch movies, etc. It does get much easier. After about 3 sleepless nights, you will start to feel like yourself again.

          Willow- I know what you mean about wishing you were much further along. But take it one day at a time. You will keep racking up the numbers and in no time you will be at 100 days!

          Blond- Welcome back! Grab a twig and nestle in!

          Jane- when do you get back?

          Belle- How are you doing? Congrats on your 40 days!

          k9- I know what you mean about taking a sober holiday. Hubby and I went to Hong Kong a few years back. He planned everything...there literally wasn't a moment to rest. Had I gone alone, I would have found every bar in that city and wouldn't have remembered a thing from my trip. Instead, I have great memories!

          Well today hubby is leaving again for a week. This is my trigger, but I am ready for it. Last night, his going out with a friend took me by surprise, so I didn't have a plan. But I am prepared for this one, so I am sure I will be fine. I'm off to cook some lunch!

          To all my other nesters, Lav, unwasted, Byrdie, ginger, mandy, shue, lolab, turn, I hope you all have a great day/afternoon/evening/night!
          "When you know better, you do better"

          AF- February 16, 2012
          Goal 1- 3 days al free
          Goal 2- 7 days al free
          Goal 3- 1 month al free
          Goal 4- 3 months al free


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters

            Welcome back Blonde ? missed you!


            Mulligan:welcome: ? I understand where you are coming from. Believe me, you CAN stop drinking! Being in the medical profession and having an addiction makes you feel like double the culprit, doesn?t it? I have small children too and there was no option to go to a place to detox. Going AF will give you so much more confidence!! Even if you didn?t read the bed time story, you will feel good, because you are sober and attentive on all other levels. Hope it brings you and hubby closer and that you can have a different type of conversation when you have some good AF time under your belt. The thoughts and emotions I am dealing with now is way different than when I was drinking. I chose to let go of my husband. Needed space to do this change and he was a big hurdle in becoming sober. But that is me. Come here for support. This is the best place where people understand and give honest feedback and advice.

            CG ? Glad to see you are doing fine again and racking up the days!
            12-20-2012 AF
            Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


              Newbies Nest

              Just thought I?d pop my head in to say hello and give a big congratulations to Unwasted on 100 days -- that?s truly wonderful!! And excellent job to BelleGirl for 40 days -- way to go!!

              Mandy, welcome to MWO. I really understand the hesitation to do things outside of your regular routine. I am getting close to 6 months AF too but still don?t quite trust myself to ?behave properly? in all situations. I too feel much safer just staying at home where I know what to expect and where I am in control (ideally anyway). We (2 kids and husband) have a month long trip coming up that I am already beginning to worry about. Some of the activities involve all day outings to wineries along with lunches and dinners at various wine gardens These places are kid friendly -- so they will not be of help as an excuse to get out of it. I?m just going to have to figure out a way not to give in. Can?t wait to feel that self-assurance that Byrdie has -- it sounds like a phenomenal state to be in!

              Jane -- if you have time left in Las Vegas I suggest a quick trip outside of the city to ?Valley of Fire?. It?s an incredibly beautiful state park with more arches and petroglyphs than you can ever imagine -- and so so so peaceful this time of year! It?s less than an hour to the north? Definitely worth a visit if you have the time.

              Turnagain I love your version of AF it really is Absolutely Fabulous!

              Night All!
              AF since 9/20/2011


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesties,

                I was away for 2 days but read every post. Kept me centered, entertained and most important ly - AF. Thank you for that.

                Lav, I think you need to build a nest extension ? so many new chicks.

                Out with my colleagues I did not even thought of drinking ? but back home the open bottle of Cointreau (I used for making orange sauce ) winked at me ? how about it ????? Arghhhhhh ? caught me by surprise ? gave it to the nanny.

                My home was my favorite drinking place for ages ? now it is the last AL battlefield. I was AF on so many social occasions ? no problems. But I have to watch myself at home.

                Have a great day all
                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi David,


                  tell us a bit about you.

                  I am 36, mother of 1 son (+ 1 huge dog and 3 cats) - I am a former champion at drinking wine (a bottle a night) and did many stupid things before finally deciding to quit AL for good. From silly ones such as locking the cat in my car a whole night - to dangerous ones such as driving my son while drunk.

                  MWO is like a warm blanket to pull over my recovering body and mind.
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all,

                    I'm a newbie that is not so new. I've been lurking for years and have had long stretches of being wine-free (poison of choice) and then some wicked binges on a off this year. I haven't handled our out of state move as well as I pretend I have. Anyway, it's time for me to get serious. I'm on day 2. I'll be lurking around reading all this wonderful advice and support.
                    AF since 2/22/2012


                      Newbies Nest

                      K9Lover;1266616 wrote: Jane -
                      Sorry you're having such a hard time in Vegas. The last time I was there, I took my daughter for a little "getaway". We saw a David Copperfield show, and saw all the attractions. Needless to say, I did not drink at all for the 4 days we were there (or smoke!!). It was totally aimed at her having a good time, we rode roller-coasters, went to the Wax Museum, took a gondola ride, went to the M&M factory...all the touristy stuff that I had personally never done (I've never seen more than the blackjack tables!). The other times I've been there it has been an all out drink/smoke/gamble-fest. I had never been to bed at 9:00pm in Vegas before, but it felt great to get up early in the mornings with my daughter and to to breakfast and spend the day sightseeing. I never would have thought that I could turn Vegas into a "wholesome" vacation, but I did! You can too! I hope you are leaving soon though, because it does wear on your nerves!
                      I love this post!!! This is weighing heavily on my mind. We have a short Vegas trip planned. I really want to see and enjoy Vegas alcohol free! I hate thinking of all these upcoming things and how I can stay sober. Argh
                      AF since 2/22/2012


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Needbulls, westies, winewrangler, willow, mandy, miklo, mulligan, davidwill, and hi again almostfamous. :-) Welcome to the nest. This place can work magic if you let it. If you post something like "I did it again - I slipped last night..." You won't get the response "oh, that's ok! Just keep trying" Althought that seems supportive, it isn't helping you to stop it from happening again. You WILL hear Lav saying "so what changes are you making to your PLAN to keep this from happening again?" And Byrdie will tell you the personal hell she went through while trying to moderate....a description so real you won't EVER want to go there. And you'll get all kinds of other people who can identify with you - telling you what worked and what didn't work for them. Yep, if you're willing to put in some effort, you can do it. :-)

                        I was thinking yesterday morning about how when I was drinking daily - every morning I would wake up and after being up for maybe a half hour? I would get into this coughing thing. Coughing up all this loose stuff in my chest. (sorry if TMI) But it wasn't seasonal, and I wasn't "sick" was every day. Nice thing that AL was doing to my insides....

                        And I STILL catch myself backing away from people in public - even though there's no alcohol to smell on me...

                        Hi Blondie. Nice to see you.


                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          I did download the book by Jason Vale....Kick the Drink....Easily on my Kindle.....(then no one will know what I'm reading-still being sneaky. I am allowing myself to be very open about his approach. I have ordered Kudzu. I have set 4 small goals, at the bottom. I going to spend as much time as possible on here, reading others stories of struggle, success, encouragement and advice. I feel very very strong about this now and want to continue the feeling. I can and will conquor AL - I will not let it conquor me........congrates to all those celebrating another day of life AF.
                          Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is hope... today is getting from one to the other.
                          GOAL 1 - 5 days AF
                          GOAL 2 - 10 days AF
                          GOAL 3 - 20 days AF
                          GOAL 4 - 30 days AF
                          GOAL 5 - Set new GOALS


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Hello & welcome to David & Almostfamous!
                            Glad you decided to join us. I got mysef motivated to quit by downloading & reading the MWO book from the Health store. It has lots of info for you

                            ginger, glad to see you setting some goals & preparing to fight! Stick with us

                            Hello to everyone else, wishing a great AF Thursday to one & all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              this is a crazy busy place!!
                              big hugs and congrats to your 100th, Unwasted. you are always such a wonderful source of support for us all.
                              Snap, your goals sound good--i found that after the first week it really became easier to make good decisions. if alcohol comes into my mind i can stop and think about the consequences. do whatever you have to do to ride out those urges this first week. i was skeptical but what everyone is saying is really true.
                              Blondie, i'm also glad you're back!!
                              Lola, i liked the thread you started last november very much. i wish i'd seen it then--may have kept me from falling back then. though honestly, i think i'm one of those who have to do it myself--like you also said, the only way out is through. love it!!

                              i feel like started to stop drinking and then stopped to stop so many times, i started to lose faith that i could ever get it right. i don't know what's different this time. like some others have mentioned, i think i've just had enough. i also don't want to jinx myself so i'm knocking on wood at the same time i'm typing. it's not easy!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                ooops wasn't quite finished.
                                i was thinking of starting a thread revolving around wonderful things that happen each day that wouldn't be possible if we were drinking--i guess it could be called what i'm grateful for.?? one like that must already exist.--i just haven't found it.??
                                i'm so amazed at what i've been missing out on --and on what i didn't trust myself to do.
                                now each and every day something little--or big--happens to show me i'm on the right track.

