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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning, I made it. Yesterday was my first AF day, although I laid in bed for hours because I could not sleep, was anxious, irritable, my head hurts this fine morning, but I made it. Missing my morning drink right now, I also have an inspection at work today so hopefully I can remain on my game without a drink, it's all I can think about right now.


      Newbies Nest

      :thanks: To everyone who remembered me (Lolab, K9, Lifechange, Lav, Turn, Belle, Canadian Gal and everyone else!). It sure is good to be back in the old Nest and I'm so relieved to see you all here too! As for those that I do not know yet, I look forward to this journey with you and keep up the good work. Birds of a feather must stick together to help each other out!

      As for me, it's Day 2, and yes, I did have a grand sleep last night. 8 hours and I haven't done that since the last time I was sober (December). Feels great and makes a huge difference. Did some reading last night and had a cup of sleepytime tea which usually does the trick for me to fall asleep quickly. Was a bit worried that I would have trouble dozing off due to sobriety and not passing out due to a bottle of cabernet, but alas, I fell asleep right away. Although I woke up 2x during the night, I was able to fall right back asleep and I hugged myself for waking up sober.

      Is Capn' Greg still around? Haven't seen a post in the last few days and I remember he was a reqular last time I was active on here. If you're out there, a big hello to you. I hope you're sailing some calm waters right now

      Belle, that is fantastic on 40 days and again, Unwasted, awesome job on 100. You guys are so inspiring!

      Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'm off to the gym and then over to my mother's house to help her with her computer. I'm back to work tomorrow so need to get stuff done at the house before my 5 day work week starts back up!

      Have a super day everyone!:h
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Newbies Nest

        great on getting through the first day Miklo!! i'm not so good on giving advice, but i do know in the first days when al was always on my mind, i made a little chart that i kept in my pocket and i checked off the hours. somehow i knew i could make it through one hour--i also allowed myself to indulge in anything!! that didn't involve al or drugs. i think it really does help to EAT--especially things that don't go with al.
        sending big strength vibes your way. hang in there another day!!


          Newbies Nest

          funny, Blondie!! i'm surprised each evening that i can fall asleep sober. i'ts so nice--now i actually lay down and look forward to the few minutes before i fall asleep, to reflect upon the day--then doze off into lala land. and i'm SOOO thankful each morning to wake up and realize that i didn't let myself down.


            Newbies Nest

            Hello All,

            Just checking in to say Hello. Blonde AF nice to see you back!

            For those of you who haven't tried them I've been using the Hypnosis CD's again and I have to agree with Lav that they are great. They're relaxing and calming and best of all I hope they're changing my thoughts about AL subliminally! I even played the subliminal sleep CD and my husband actually said he liked it as it was very soothing!

            Sleeping AF is great anyway, but the CD's are really an added bonus. I highly recommend them.

            Hope everyone has a wonderful AF day!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Lifechange and Mylife!

              Lifechange, I totally agree about the sleep part...I love reflecting on the day and part of my before sleep ritual as I drift off to never never land is to list all of the things I am grateful for. Of course, my sobriety and MWO are always on that list! And waking up sober is the best thing ever!

              MyLife, you have peeked my interest in the CD' it like soothing music or is there talking on them? I may have to order some soon. I just never thought it would be my thing but I do like peaceful new age music with nature sounds, etc., and I'm wondering if it is similar? Would be curious of yours and others input on that. I know Lav really likes them too.

              Sun just came out here again today, another unusually mild day in New England. Birds are even chirping like it is Spring and yesterday we even opened a window for some fresh air in the house. Can't believe this winter!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                Hello to all!

                So glad to see how well everyone is doing. Blonde - I think I may have posted on another thread that I use Relaxation and Meditation CD's every night. They are not from MWO, I rented them from the Library. They are very soothing and send me off into a deep sleep every night. It's very relaxing to be "talked" to sleep. Money was an issue for me, so I decided to try some from the Library first, and I love them.

                Ginger - When I was reading Jason Vale's book, I put a cover on it...sad how we feel so ashamed to be reading something that's so helpful...but that's the society we live in. It's fine to get falling down drunk, but you have to hide NOT drinking. Oy.

                Welcome to Miklo, David and other newbies. This place is great, so I hope you stay a while and share your stories!

                I am off at noon today (furlough). I have a nice roast in the crock pot and will make some of my "famous" mashed potatoes (cream cheese is the secret ingredient) and take dinner over to my parents house. My dad broke his ankle last Friday and is now facing the next 8 weeks in a huge "boot". He's very active, so this is not going to be fun for him (or my

                I hope everyone has a great day!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wow...there is a lot of chirping going on in the nest today! It does feel like spring on my twig.

                  Just wanted to pop in to say hello to and old (well, not "old" but you know what i mean), before I try to tackle a to do list that is probably growing as I type this.

                  Wishing everyone well and AF today!

                  Alcohol does me no favors.

                  Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Jane, you have my undying admiration. I think withstanding Vegas sober is a herculean feat this early on in the process. I didn't read back - hope you were able to maintain. And Jane, when we're at critical mass, it has to be about us!!:l

                    Quick drive by for me today - sending everyone peace and strength and thanks for my 100 days well wishes.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Guys.

                      Blonde - Yes, the meditation CD's are like K9 says - they "talk" you to sleep in a soothing way. The only difference probably with the MWO CD's is there are suggestions about NOT drinking in them. Which I think can only help! The subliminal sleep CD sounds like running water in a stream or something. The whole thing puts me in a coma sleep (LOL) and I like the idea that my subconcious mind is learning not to want Alcohol supposedly. Who knows!

                      Jane - you poor thing! I hate LV. I used to have to go there for work conferences every year. I just can't stand it - even when I AM drinking. I would always try to get away and see the hoover Dam or something. The Cirque de Soleil shows are also great if you can get in to see them. Glad you made it through!!

                      Have a great day all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jane - laughing at your sense of humor (glad it's still intact!). Sorry you are having such a bad time out there - definitely not on my bucket list of places to go though.

                        BlondeAF - welcome back! Glad to see you here.

                        K9 - you really struck a chord - I can remember the day not so long ago when I went to the mall and bought Alan Carr's book the easy way to quit drinking (or something like that). Felt like everyone was watching and of course couldn't even imagine what the clerk thought. Brought the book home - and used another jacket to cover the old one up. After I got done reading it, I dropped it in the drop box at my local library. Crazy - huh? I'm almost 50 years old and still felt like a little kid every time I went into the liquor store as well. What must these people think? I just knew they must all think I was an alcoholic and sadly, it was true.

                        Not anymore though - WOHOO! 60 days is coming up soon and while I'm not obsessed with numbers anymore, I hope to just keep adding the days until I don't remember what it was like to come home from work and down that first glass of wine for the evening (that led to many more - believe me).

                        Welcome to all the newbies! Gosh - this is a busy place! The more the merrier I say.

                        UW - sorry it's belated but GOOD JOB on 100 days! You go girl!

                        Hellooo to mylife, lifechange, belle, lav, byrdie, sure I missed some but you guys are all in my thoughts - have a great night everyone!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Jane! You are the one!!! So proud of you for sticking to your guns...when you are sitting at that table and they ask you what you want to drink...just imagine all our avatars in miniature on the table in front of you....pulling for you and cheering you on. Remember, Lav's chickens will peck you to death if you cave!!! You eat those candy bars and don't look back! Well done, sista!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Jane, you rock! What were those $15 candy bars like? Anything special? So awesome of you to stay AF in Vegas. I've never been there, and really not jonesing to go there either. Good for you toughing it out. Have a safe sober trip home.

                            About the sweets...since my quit, not only are the Krispy Kremes not safe in my house for more than 1 daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies. Hubby ordered quite a few extras "to take into work". Not a good plan. Too many cookies around the house that aren't going to work with him. But hey...better than AL. With all the sweets I have been going after these past 4 months, I am surprised I am not gaining weight, and maybe even lost a pound or 2. I wonder if I am taking in fewer calories than I was with AL???

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nestlings!

                              Belle, I tallied up the calories in an 8 oz glass of red wine: 200 calories at 25 calories an ounce (this is a full regular sized wine glass by the way....most calorie counts are for 6 ounces but I measured how much I was putting into a glass when I filled it to the rim and it was about 8 ounces). Seeing that I was drinking at least 4 full glasses a night, that is 800 calories on wine alone! Since I have been going to the gym for the last few weeks, I have been working out on the stair master, treadmill, bike, rowing machine, etc., etc., and all of these devices tell me how many calories I burn based on my weight and time on the machine. Well, let me tell you that even after an hour of cardio at 500 calories, I still didn't burn off the 800 just on drinking a normal night of wine consumption. So, my guess is that your weight loss is due getting rid of those empty booze calories, even if you have been eating some sweets!

                              I think I am even more motivated now to stop drinking since I have been working out so hard at the gym. I don't have any weight to loose but just want to get more toned and rid of the wine belly, which I already notice disappearing after just 2 days! Can't wait to see the changes after a month!

                              Jolie!!!! I am so happy to see you on here! I remember you fondly from when I first joined MWO back in Jan of LAST year and always enjoyed your posts. I, too, was coming home and downing that first glass of wine, only to finish the bottle in one night. Even when we try to mod, it's a pattern that creeps up to us real fast, isn't it? Glad to hear you are doing well and congrats on your sobriety date! I'm back in the early days of Day 2 and feeling very positive!

                              Hi to everyone checking in tonight...make it a safe and wonderful evening! Also, thanks for everyone who gave me input on the hypno CD's!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                PS, Jane, that is so great that you have been in Vegas all week and have remained AF...I am inspired! Keep up the good work and get another chocolate bar if you have to!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

