Morning guys
Hope everyone is waking up to a wonderfully un-hung day

Busy day for me - working for a couple hours this morning (again) - then my brother, sister and I are getting together with my mom to discuss some issues with her living situation (must sell her house and I think we all know how hard that is these days).
One of the many benefits to being sober - watching movies all the way through and yes, remembering them the next day

Has anyone wondered here after getting some sober time under their belts, about our friends and families and if they may have the same problems with drinking as we do? Nobody knew the real story with me (as I was a total closet drinker) but it's funny, when checking facebook from time to time I've noticed that some of my friends/acquaintenances seem to have a total obsession with alcohol - happy hour, always posting with a drink in their hand. I guess I'm always just wondering if one day someone I know will be reading my posts and figure out it's me:H
Anywho, like Lola, sometimes I just read, read, read and it's just amazing how much inspiration we can get from others here.
UW - I may just pick up the Jason Vale book - I read the Alan Carr book but didn't think I really got an ahah moment from it. I've seen so many others here post about what a great read it is.
Today - ODAT is a good idea. Sometimes I think it takes a couple times for us to "think we can moderate" before we realize that no - we really can't. Set small goals for yourself and I bet before you know it, the weeks will be adding up for you. Glad you are posting about your experience cause it will surely help others here!
:welcome: Sausage - this is definitely the place you want to be!
Hope everyone else has a great day!
Lav - the wind kept me up most of the night! The sun isn't up yet so I'm hoping I don't have to dodge any downed trees on my way into work today:H
Have a great day everyone!