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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Bouchard! Nice to see someone closer to my timezone! I love reading all the posts here but sometimes its hard to relate when someone is getting ready for bed and I'm still just starting my day!

    Nursie; I have tried the meds section as well and could not relate (and the posts do get quite riled up). Also, I take Campral which doesn't seem very popular and there's not much info available about it anyway. (And I take Serax for anxiety). I like the positive attitudes and support here and will stick around.
    Congrats on 48 days, I really enjoy your rant thread and will re-read it now that I am starting AF time over. These days are not fun at all but it is nice to have strong examples to follow.

    Sausage; how are you doing in your witching hour? Have you found a good substitute drink for wine? I am trying to cut down on aspartame but love diet orange pop as a distraction... I will try to drink more water for the next few days. It is tough but you can do it. Good luck on our day 2's!

    mylife; good for you for realizing sobriety is your priority... food does give comfort, but you will feel strength from making healthy choices there as well. For me, sometimes I try looking at week of 21 meals (7 days x 3 meals) and it is okay to have bigger portions or treats once in a while if we balance with smaller ones as well. I have huge food issues myself and can relate to being bothered by weight/control over it. For now, no poison!
    One day at a time with everything is good goal, I am following same plan

    My plan today is to get some exercise in, make a nice stir fry for lunch (all the chopping should keep me occupied) My witching hour starts in the afternoon and then I will go out with friends to a movie to get out of my head/and house. I was asked to go to a pub (fundraiser for a dry after grad of all things) last night and said no, but had been tempted. My friend actually said "you could come and keep your mind off your troubles and you don't have to drink" Uh okay, I just won't drink! Jeesh, if that was possible I wouldn't be in this situation would I? So I stayed home and stayed AF and feel good so far this morning. I wouldn't give this up for a couple drinks to appear "normal" or the several others I would have had at home later after my inhibitions were down.

    My further goal is to eat mindfully and not loose myself in the distraction of food. Good luck for AF Saturday everyone!


      Newbies Nest

      I have a question - is no sleep usual in the beginning? At the end of day 4 but really not slept well at all this week. Been busy so should be tired?

      I did 8 days back in November and I can't remember what happened that time!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Willow - yep, I think it's pretty common. Even when I did manage to fall asleep those first few days, it was VERY restless....lots of waking up, and not feeling like it was a very deep sleep. Don't be surprised if it lasts a bit longer, and some on and off difficulties for a few weeks, but soon, you should get a decent night's sleep. And some even rebound into some really great sleep after a few days! That definitely took me a bit longer, but I was a troubled sleeper from way back.

        end of #4! Yea for you! The hardest part is done. :-)

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters! I, like many of you in the first week, have found today pretty difficult but I made it. Man, I had some bad urges before I started my workout at the gym after my 8 hour work day at the store. Usually, Saturday night was a big drinking night for me. I didn't have wine in the house but I started to think to myself while I was changing for my workout in the locker room, "oh, maybe I could just drink on Saturday nights...starting tonight". Then I stopped myself and thought about how much I did not want to wake up at 3AM with dire thirst and pounding head, cause that is what will happen if I bring home a bottle of red. Also, I wanted to check in with you all when I got home and I knew I wouldn't if I started drinking because I would be too ashamed. So, good news, I didn't drink today. Came home and had some diet citrus soda, made dinner and sat down and ate it. I was starving after the gym and feel that the low blood sugar was working against me. So, I am happy that I survived the urge and used what tools I have learned in the past to make it through the night sober. Phew.

          To those struggling tonight, just remember what brought you here in the first place. Remeber the hangovers, the guilt, the despair. It's JUST NOT WORTH IT. We can do this!

          Have a great night all and I'll see ya on Sober Sunday!!!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            Hi Willow,

            Lack of sleep is a big time problem. The good news is at day 4 you should be at the back end of it. I started sleeping much better around day 5 or 6. Just a small price to pay for a great payoff you'll experience shortly going AF.
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters!

              Welcome Bouchard & anyone else if I missed them

              We all need to realize that we are all different...........
              what one person experiences the next won't
              I was totally jealous when I started MWO hearing people talking about being able to sleep, lose weight, etc after quitting AL - NOT ME :H
              I'm still a crappy sleeper (for the most part) but that's life! I have just now gotten rid of the 13 lbs I gained when I quit smoking but still need to lose another 10-15, that's life too
              Bottom line is kids - just hang in there because things will eventually get better for each & every one of us

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Willow,

                My first 3 al free nights, I think I did not sleep at all...or altogether about 2 hours in 3 nights. I couldn't turn off my brain. My fourth night, I slept like a baby and have done so ever since. Since you are at the end of day 4, you should start to sleep much better now.
                "When you know better, you do better"

                AF- February 16, 2012
                Goal 1- 3 days al free
                Goal 2- 7 days al free
                Goal 3- 1 month al free
                Goal 4- 3 months al free


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hiya Nesters!

                  First off, let me say that everyone seems to be doing great! Weekends are tough, but just remember that they are just like any other day. And waking up hangover free and actually getting the chance to enjoy your weekend is a wonderful feeling! As I work 7 days a week, I have no idea what that's like, but I can imagine how much fun you are all having! I am now on day 11...2 more days until Byrdie's magic number. I know I get there and then some!

                  Bouchard- Hi! Welcome to the nest. I hope to hear more from you!

                  My life- Don't worry about the weight. One thing at a time. I have a feeling that you will lose a lot just from not drinking. Give it a month or so and you will notice a lot of positive changes.

                  Lo- I am so happy there is no snow here. Try to stay warm this weekend!

                  Willow- You are doing great! You are probably cranky cause of the lack of sleep. Tonight you should sleep much better. You have gotten through the most difficult time (IMO), which are the first 3 days. You rock!

                  SH- How is studying going?

                  Sausage- There are loads of other drinks that you can drink. You have kids so I am assuming you have juice in the house. Juice with some soda water is great. I really like cran juice and tonic water. It's good for the blood too!

                  Today- You sound good. I think you were wise not to go to the pub. It's such a tempting place especially in the beginning. I stayed away from all pubs and social events for 1-2 months when I quit last year for 4 months. Hope you have a great time with your friends!

                  To all my other nesters, I hope you all have great weekends. Back to work for me.
                  "When you know better, you do better"

                  AF- February 16, 2012
                  Goal 1- 3 days al free
                  Goal 2- 7 days al free
                  Goal 3- 1 month al free
                  Goal 4- 3 months al free


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi guys, thanks for the support. I'm welling up here! I'm tired but it's more a mental/emotional tiredness and just generally feeling worn down. Today is going to be my hardest day - its Sunday and of any day, this is the day I drink. I love to get in the kitchen to make a big roast - wine included of course. If I can get through today, I'll be ok.

                    Taking the kids swimming soon, not sure what we're doing after that. Hopefully going out to some big house and gardens to look around, as we're members of the National Trust. I just need to keep busy and it's a lovely day. I need to persuade my husband to take me out - he's still got work to do, but if he wants me to not drink, he's going to have to suck it up, ha ha!

                    Hope everyone's ok and keep it up guys! X


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning everyone - start of day 3 for me (survived the urges last night ) well done BlondeAFambition surviving that Sat night urge - that's a tough one, I've been there -and failed!! Bet you are glad you stuck it out. Willow - just keep busy today, so busy u don't have time to think about anything else, then if u can get through the Sunday you will feel stronger.
                      I've got a nasty headache this am - now 60hrs AF- not sure if it's related to this or just coincidence . I don't usually get headaches. I was "only" drinking on average about 35 units/week until 2.5 days ago - not sure if that's enough to give me withdrawal headaches but anyway will plod on!!
                      Keep going everyone else, this forum is a great place to be - makes me accountable, certainly wouldn't get this far without it.
                      Have a good AF day everyone x


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Nest!

                        We made it through the weekend AF and that's a good thing!

                        Willow, like many others here I struggled during my first week AF with sleep. Lots of anxiety dreams when I did sleep. After the first week that seems to have vanished. Another thing I started doing is listening to the hypnosis CD's at night. That seems to have really helped. Now I am falling into a really deep sleep at night and sleeping straight through for about 8 hours. It's amazing to me as I never do that. Last night our alarm system went off in the middle of the night (my hubby is out of town). I stumbled out of bed and turned it off, checked the doors and windows and went back to bed. Normally I would have been awake for hours terrified. I just went back to sleep and slept until this morning. Not sure if that's a good thing - LOL - hopefully there was no burglar in the house! But it felt great to wake up refreshed this morning.

                        Blonde - good job on overcoming Sat night cravings. I went to the gym on Friday night for that reason as well. Planning to head there today too.

                        CG - good to hear from you! Glad you're doing well!

                        Sausage - I posted on your thread. Hang in there it will get better!

                        Alls, Lav and all others to come great to hear from you all! Have a great AF day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Glad to see everyone making it through the weekend AF

                          I will be out all day at my grandaughter's 1st BD party - no chance of drinking there
                          Besides, I decided 3 years ago I wanted to be a sober, non-smoking granny & I'm sticking with that :H

                          Have a great AF Sunday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Sober Sunday Nestlings!

                            DAY 5 and I'm feeling Alive! (Sorry to rhyme so early in the!). Seriously, had a great 8 hour sleep even after watching a ghost hunter series with hubs last night...those always tend to freak me out but I can't stop watching them! Off to work in a little bit but wanted to say hi to you all and wish you a great day.

                            Sausage, kudos for making it through Sat night sober, yes, it was a toughie but we DID it! Yay for us and everyone else who is waking up on the bright side of life.

                            I rewarded myself for my accomplishment by buying a new dress online for my cruise later this year. Might as well reward myself along the way, I would have spent more on AL since my quit date of last Tuesday then I did on this dress for sure!

                            Hope you all stay strong and sober, see you later!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Guys glad you all doing well today.

                              dunno whats wrong with me but I could kill soeone for a glass of wine god help anyone who gets in my wrong with me I am so not normally like this I feel like a monster

                              sorry for ranting just dont know what else to do already snapped everyone else's face off today!!!

                              Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                              Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Stella,

                                Sorry you are having a bad day today. Rant away! That's what we are here for. Is there something you can do to take your mind off al? Reading, exercising, cooking, baking, etc. You've come such a long way, you don't want to give into the cravings now. Stay strong today. The weekend is almost over.
                                "When you know better, you do better"

                                AF- February 16, 2012
                                Goal 1- 3 days al free
                                Goal 2- 7 days al free
                                Goal 3- 1 month al free
                                Goal 4- 3 months al free

