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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Terrific Tuesday, anyone?

    Hello, birdies. Just a quick fly-by this morning. So very tired for some reason...could it be all the physical labor I did over the weekend? Pulled carpet from several rooms, and the stuck on pad. Had to scrape that off the hardwood floors--previous owners must have had a dog with a bladder problem. Toms of staples to pull, roll it up and carry it to the curb. Then I decided to see what the room woul "look like if it were bigger" so I took a sledge hammer to it. WARNING--the room is bigger and the house is a mess and do not do this without renting a dumpster! And a tetanus shot. Gloves and a face mask might be good also. I must be possessed.

    Overall, it was quite therapeutic, though, which was good because yesterday at work was hellish. Confrontation with mini-me boss from hell, but I maintained my suave and cool demeanor---until the drive home. It was then that I realized that during the weekend I had not taken my Antabuse and that---well--I was sore and hurt and scratched up and angry and could probably have just "a little drink" to calm my nerves. :teeter: Talk about internal conflict.

    happy to say I sped right home and grabbed that little pill and swallowed it before I could change my mind and take a drink. WARNING- it is not appropriate or safe to close your eyes while driving 55 past each liquor store.

    ANYWAY--got through the night and I see that many of us are :goodjob: this horrid battle, so I am going to spend the day grateful for your love and support, wishing you continued strength and success and joy, and hoping we all fly to the nest safe and sound tonight.

    FINAL NOTE- when your right arm and hand are totally numb and tingly, do not call people and tell them you may be having a heart attack or stroke. Apparently, it is the left side that does that and your physical issues may be a result of flinging a sledge hammer around all weekend. :H


      Newbies Nest

      Hey, all! Yet another day full of possibilities is ahead! Yesterday was a bit of a challenge, but I made it through AF anyway! The challenges included a full day of work, then after work, a phone call to the Mom of my son's friend that recently drowned in a snorkelling accident. Heartbreaking. And then a strenuous trip to the vet with our old farm dog, Kela. She is lame on her back leg. The vet diagnosed severe arthritis, which is what we suspected. She is 11 years old and a big baby when it comes to going anywhere in the car. And she is not good around other animals, so we had to bring her in through the back entrance. Then, of course, we had to lift her nearly 80 lb. body in and out of the jeep and up and down off the vet's table, etc. You get the picture. Anyway, we got her some pain med, so I hope she is feeling better today. Love those dogs!

      I was exhausted last night, but happily AF.

      Welcome izzy! :welcome: I do hope you stick around and let us get to know you.

      Hey, have a great day all!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        :welcome: Izzy!! It's a great place to be!!

        Sea--no talking about the Twins it is...we'll save our sports talk for football season no wait...or is that Dill...there's a bunch of us that love football isn't there???

        UNG--LOL!! Your quick fly by had me totally crackin up!! I love the disclaimers added in red!!:H And I sure hope you aren't renting!! That away to let go of any pent of anger, huh...maybe I should knock down a wall or two!! LOL!!! I love it!! At home therapy!

        Dill-sorry to hear about your rought day yesterday!! But way to go on going through it AF!! That's wonderful!! You are such a strong person!! I really think for me as summer nears, this AF thing is going to get extremely hard..just to be honest...I am really going to have to watch myself....and keep on top of my topa and l-glut!! I think I may order some more Kudzu just to be safe too!! You're doing great, Dill!!!
        Well I better get to work...made it through last night AF...well rested this morning!!! Feelin good!!
        Have a Terrific Tuesday!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Newbies Nest

          Good Afternoon Nesters! Quick check in for me. Our power has been out at the office all day and just came back on. I am so behind now :upset:

          Dill, I am sorry that you had such a rough day. I am very proud of you for getting through it AF :l I hope your dog is feeling better. My dog has severe arthritis too so I know what you went through.

          SD, I am doing great! Thanks for asking. How are things coming along for the move? Did you have a good weekend? Mine was the best!!! Beautiful weather and a great day out with my son and grandson.

          UNG, you crack me up :H I will take warning not to use a sledge hammer or drive with my eyes closed passed liquor stores. If I get pain in right arm, I always have to tell myself that it's not a heart attack or it would be my left arm. The things we have to remember!

          Sea, how are you doing today? Are things going well with the renter?

          Izzy, :welcome:! Hope to see you around the next more.

          PR and G, I hope all is well for you!

          Hi Lil! Hope your hands are feeling better

          I better get back to work now. Have a great afternoon/evening everyone!!! :l


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Gang
            Just got Emylee's laptop, as she is off to work. I cannot wait to get mine back.
            Yes, SD, I am the football freak. lol
            So proud of you dill. It is very difficult to watch our beloved pets suffer. I hope your dog is feeling better.
            Off to watch the Red Sox. Have a great night all.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Newbies Nest


              Goodnight my precious ones.....hope your day was a good one......
              Me & G


                Newbies Nest

                UNG, you totally crack me up! Thanks for all the important warnings. The one I will post on my dashboard for later today:
                WARNING- it is not appropriate or safe to close your eyes while driving 55 past each liquor store.
                SD, I too will have a hard time with AF in the summer time. It's like starting over, almost, with the different seasons! Just when you get the hang of how to stay AF in the winter, boom! It's spring! That brings a new set of challenges. Summer will, too. We'll have to hang tough!

                Chops, I don't get much time in with my grandson because they live in Florida. He will be here for a visit June 2-9! We are really excited! I was wondering what kind of work you do. When the power went off at work, how long was it off?

                Sea, you are such a die-hard fan! That's great. Growing up in Cleveland, I was around many fans like you. That city takes their teams seriously! I am a default Indians fan, as I don't follow baseball, usually. But, you know what? I think some of your enthusiasm is rubbing off on me. I'm going to start following the Indians this summer! I live in Cincinnati Reds territory though, so I'll have to be careful!

                PR, Do you get into baseball?

                Have a wonderful day, nesters!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Nesters!!

                  Dill-I'm not even going to lie....I SUCK at this!!!! I went to my son's soccer game last was 90 degrees!!!! It NEVER gets that hot here...hardly even in July!!! Then I came home and grilled brats and corn on the cob....and yes, CRAVED a cold beer SO bad....and caved!!! Like I said, I SUCK at this!!! I start telling myself things like, why shouldn't I be able to enjoy a beer on a day like this...etc...I'm sure you know the drill??? I just don't know??? I always said I was going to why then do I feel so guilty if I drink??? (well now because I told you guys in the half way thread I wouldn't!!) AH!! Here's to a new day!!

                  Chops--I REALLY need to start packing...I keep telling myself when I take my son to see his dad, I'll start!! Did I ever mention I'm the queen of procrastination?!?! Glad to hear your weekend was great!!

                  Papa R--Good to hear from you!!

                  Sea--I see Boston plays the Twins coming up here pretty soon....heehee!!!
                  Have a great Wednesday to all those yet to come!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nesters! We made it to Wednesday inkele: I am so looking forward to the long weekend!

                    Dill, have fun with your grandson when he visits!!! My grandson lives about 4 hours away from me, but at least it is a day trip away. Do you ever get to Florida? I like that you are a default Indians fan. My son, dad and uncles are die hard Indian fans. I like the Yankees. Always the black sheep for me :H

                    I work in accounts payable for a highway striping company. It is our very busy season right now, so the power going out was not good. It was out for over 12 hours, but most of that was at night. Work time, we lost 4 hours. Transformer blew :upset:

                    SD, if you are the queen of procastination, I am the princess I hate to pack and move. It is the worst! Summertime is a big trigger for me too. I am right there with you and Dill in that regard. On to new training!

                    Sea, how are you doing? I hope you are enjoying the Red Sox. The Yankees are rubbish this year, so I am a bit disappointed. I may have to start cheering for the Red Sox! I cannot wait for football to start!

                    Hiya PR. Hope you and G are in good health and doing well.

                    Lil, I know you are having a hard time typing. I just wanted to say Hi!

                    Have a great day everyone! :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      soft chime--may I come in

                      :new:well tres cool,
                      must admit I've often wondered if the VA had a nice little cozy 'nest' Good food, massage, inspirational reading, withdrawal motivation. Good Physical Therapy (I've some long term injury...hurts) AA NA huh?
                      Lot of respect for them..... Just bit different .. ,.

                      rehab ad, with beautiful picture...."You will be doing all the really hard work. Let us take care of you during this trying time", natural hotsprings, gourmet nutrition, massage
                      This is the loveliest place I've every peeped in:H (i admit it, I laugh at my own puns):h
                      I am putting down tentative little roots in this nest...quite like it here.I found a nice little bit of ribbon...might I weave it in somewhere?
                      maybe overe there...........?

                      Thanks for the invite:l .


                        Newbies Nest

                        Kudzu is covering trees in the forest in the south. Anyone have info on Fresh Tea (dried)?
                        guess I'll have to get off expando behind and check around.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Rolypoly and welcome to the nest :welcome: It is good to see you here. Weave your ribbons all over, nestle in anywhere and enjoy the company and support here in the nest. It is the safest and most comfortable place to be IMHO! Glad to have you


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Rebus,
                            I'm bit new myself (so says my latest wrinkle cream).
                            Date night is one of those places I want to be moderate. Instead of my Fav place (has well used happy hour) we go to a place I have a bet more restraint (it's really grown up) I want to be sorta good...SOOOOOO I have my favorite rocket fuel cocktail, also water.
                            These folks bring food out faster than I can drink..helps.
                            When my guy orders a 2nd I don't but We both know he will pour a bit in mine, so I don't dry up and Die!.

                            Really helps...Ice Cream on the way home......Helps those are my baby moves...kinda shows ya I have teeny way to go.
                            Just making the decision is hard.
                            That rebellious streak that I run into on the site a bit.
                            Big welcome


                              Newbies Nest

                              SD, No need to explain. I quite understand! This isn't easy. You just do what you can. Set your goals and try to meet them.:l

                              Welcome Roly! Nice to have you along.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello fellow Nesters and a big welcome to the new folks. I still do not have my laptop or a dawn job:upset: My money is drying up very quickly.
                                Lil, I hope that you are feeling better
                                Yankees, Indians, sheesh....What am I gonna do with you ladies?lol
                                I must confess that ARod and Jeeter are easy on the eyes.
                                SD-The Topa is not making my Diet Pepsi taste very good. Maybe It won't be bad if I by it in bottles instead of cans. I am not stopping the Topa. No how, no way.
                                I will be around more when I get my laptop back. Hope you all have a great evening. GO RED SOX!!
                                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

