Terrific Tuesday, anyone?
Hello, birdies. Just a quick fly-by this morning. So very tired for some reason...could it be all the physical labor I did over the weekend? Pulled carpet from several rooms, and the stuck on pad. Had to scrape that off the hardwood floors--previous owners must have had a dog with a bladder problem. Toms of staples to pull, roll it up and carry it to the curb. Then I decided to see what the room woul "look like if it were bigger" so I took a sledge hammer to it. WARNING--the room is bigger and the house is a mess and do not do this without renting a dumpster! And a tetanus shot. Gloves and a face mask might be good also. I must be possessed.
Overall, it was quite therapeutic, though, which was good because yesterday at work was hellish. Confrontation with mini-me boss from hell, but I maintained my suave and cool demeanor---until the drive home. It was then that I realized that during the weekend I had not taken my Antabuse and that---well--I was sore and hurt and scratched up and angry and could probably have just "a little drink" to calm my nerves. :teeter: Talk about internal conflict.
happy to say I sped right home and grabbed that little pill and swallowed it before I could change my mind and take a drink. WARNING- it is not appropriate or safe to close your eyes while driving 55 past each liquor store.
ANYWAY--got through the night and I see that many of us are :goodjob: this horrid battle, so I am going to spend the day grateful for your love and support, wishing you continued strength and success and joy, and hoping we all fly to the nest safe and sound tonight.
FINAL NOTE- when your right arm and hand are totally numb and tingly, do not call people and tell them you may be having a heart attack or stroke. Apparently, it is the left side that does that and your physical issues may be a result of flinging a sledge hammer around all weekend. :H