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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    CanadianGirl thanks for kind words I walked to local restaurant and had a huge roast dinner with juice no wine and walked home craving gone
    but it was a tough one thanks for the support

    mrsg its so awful to have the cravings and espcially at stressful times stay strong

    Byrdlady thank you so much for your last post recently the little monster AL has been whispering in my ear "you can moderate no prob" "maybe just try it" "life is boring withhout me" you just helped me get my strength back!!!!

    Jane27 well done re Vegas x


    Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

    Grateful for MWO :thanks:


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdie - thanks for that post!

      I put it in my "posts to read when I'm feeling weak" file.

      Hang tough everyone she is so right! Have a great Sunday all!


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Sausage. I'm in bed now - phew! It was such a hard day today! I think (hope) I'm over the worst though. How are you doing?


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Willow and all other Newbies. I'm doing OK just now, ate tea quite early (a lot of my problems / cravings I've identified are due to low blood sugar and if I eat earlier it does help.) Willow - you have to stay strong - am I right in thinking you've only ever done 8 days AF before? If so work towards day 9 for now and then onwards and upwards from there can do it!

          I've just been looking through my old diaries and the longest AF stretch I've ever managed was 257 days between 2008 and 2009. I am so mad for giving up and trying to moderate - I was pursuaded to have one glass of champagne at my next door neighbours 18th birthday party and it was all down hill from there. Moderation never works for me. Have had several shorter AF stretches over the past few years and I always fail by thinking i can moderate and I can't and then it takes me months / yrs to get back on the waggon again.

          Why do I keep doing this to myself?!?

          Keep going everyone, we can get there

          Sausage x
          Day 3 ***


            Newbies Nest

            What a busy nest this is this weekend! Weekends are a blur of activity at my house, so I don't have much time to read and post, but still try to stop in.

            MrsG, I hope things work out for you and you get the job. You have been going through a very rough patch and have stayed strong. Wish you the best.

            Jane, hope you feel better soon. So proud of the way you handled Vegas.

            Willow...I have young-ish kids and a hubby that works late all the time. I too feel like a single parent most of the time, and used AL to try to get thru the evenings. What a disaster that was. I do find that now without the AL, my kids are better behaved! (or am I just a better parent AF?)

            Byrdie, you are a National Treasure. I wish we could bottle you and put you at the entrance of all liquor stores. OK, that was just weird, but I hope you know what I mean.

            Yesterday I found myself hiding in the laundry room again sneaking...of all things...Girl Scout Thin Mints. When I found myself doing that I god what am I doing??? Old habits die hard, I guess. At least it wasn't AL!

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Newbies Nest


              Really took on board your comment just now about using AL to get through the evenings alone with the children (that's whats been happening with me as my husband is only here at weekends) - Inspired by your comment that without AL the kids are better behaved (or you are a better parent AF?!)

              Whatever the reason, - your AF, things are better....does it matter?! This post was very inspiring to me.

              Thank you


                Newbies Nest

                Found my way here

                Its Day 5 today, and I went and had blood taken for the tests.

                Will know results in a few days, I have decided as long as anything is "fixable" I will be happy with that.

                Still waiting for a solid sleep and my poor hubbie copped a telling off, as he would not use the spare bed last night.

                Hes funny in that if I tell him I am having a bad time, but "battle on" he thinks it means that I must be feeling better.

                This weekend was VERY hard as it was the first weekend in a very long time (Fri-Sun night) without one night, maybe two going to bed drunk

                The evil voice had little to say - it can't really "argue" much on antabuse

                But I had not realised that so much of my weekend routine was geared towards drinking!

                Also I think my mood is varying wildly at the moment.

                This is fascinating because the only mood I used to have on a Monday morning was a bad one.

                Anyway, todays goals - work, "date night" and hopefully sleep. eace:
                :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for the encouragement....I did not know that day 3 was so difficult for so many. I really thought it was just me. Apparently, when AL starts to infiltrate my thoughts on day three I am going to have to have a strong plan! Will keep looking at the tools and books to change thinking....I will have a definite battle with the al on that day (see you just went 2 days without don't really have a problem. You can just have one glass...)

                  Funny about kids behaving better when your not drinking....soooo true! I would start with wine in the evening, and they would be off the they just knew that they could get away with so much more because all mom cares about it drinking her wine. Funny, the thing that I started to alleviate stress has created more stress and anxiety in my life than I could have ever imagined....


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 3 for me too, and yes it does take a strong plan to get through. I am sending my support to everyone tempted or struggling in their early days, as well as further down the AF yellow brick road.

                    Welcome Mulligan, and you are so right about our drinking to lessen the stress just causing more... I used to dread these Sunday nights not knowing if I would sleep and be ready for Monday and now with more time AF in the past months, it is not nearly so bad. I actually am looking forward to getting back to my routine work, dinner, sleep.. no AL! Glad to hear your kids are behaving so well, especially now in these early AF days.. hope they keep it up for you!

                    Enjoy your date night Mands, and congrats in advance in getting through 5 days AF! Someone will hopefully sprinkle sleep dust over all of us...

                    mylife; that reminds me I need to keep track of my own posts for getting through weak times... a special folder of my past posts so I can read in my own words my plans. Sometimes it is so hard to see that I am so strong one day and then make such a bad choice the very next day. (ok, sometimes it has been matter of hours I have caved)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Mulligan2,
                      Another book I found helpful that was recommended on another thread is: The Power is Within You by Louise Hay. Also, The Depression Cure by Stephen S. Ilardi. Hope your feeling better.
                      "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Looks like most are winiing the battle & that's just great
                        If you do end having a fall, just hop right back into the nest ~ don't put it iff because it does NOT get any easier.

                        Mrsg, sending you good vibes.

                        Hang in there everyone & have a safe night in the nest.
                        I went to my grandaughter's BD party today, saw a people with wine glasses in their hand & had absolutely no feelings about that. I just simply do not drink any more

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thank you so much westies! I will definitely check them out!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Mulligan and Mrsg! Stay strong on your wine cravings and resist the urge, whatever it takes! Just remember how shitty you will feel in the morning or even after 2 glasses...don't go there. I was also feeling this way last night and fought the strong urge and won and it has been such a victory I can't even explain. Ready for Day 6 tomorrow and almost have 7 days under my belt! You can do it!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              WestiesRock, I love anything by Louise Hay. Love the Heal Your Life book as well. Thanks for suggesting those titles!

                              To those of us in our first week, pat yourselves on your back for sticking it out for the first sober weekend for us in a long while (Sausage, you have proved that you can do it once long term a few years ago, you can do it again! We all can. Last year, I managed to get a few months in AF with the help of MUA. Then went on a trip to the Caribbean and stayed at an all inclusive resort where the drinks were served with breakfast! Let's just say it was all down hill from there). I also wish I had stopped drinking for good and wasn't starting over again BUT I can say that it is a learning experience and now I am stronger and have more will power it seems. Tomorrow will be 6 days and I feel really good about that! Soon we will all be in double digits and then there's no stopping us! Moving onwards and upwards!
                              GSR brothers (Guilt/Shame/Remorse) by Brydie is something I shall keep in the back of my mind. Although I wasn't thinking of them under that title last night when I was waivering whether or not to drink, that's was got me to nix the urge...knowing I would feel GRS today and I was dead set against that! Now I can call them the GRS brothers...perfect!

                              Hi to everyone checking in tonight. I had a very busy day at work and then came straight home to the chicken I had put in the crockpot at 9AM. It was nice to have dinner ready when I came through the door as I knew I would be famished and that might lead me into temptation if you know what I mean. Instead, I had a nice chicken dinner with hubs and now sipping on some sleepy tea. Started reading : Unwasted, My Lush Sobriety last night and I've really been enjoying it. The author is about the same age as me and has had some simliar life situations. Although she was much more of a party girl than even I, and some of the stuff she has pulled off and then kept a career is mind boggling (mixing drugs and booze). I only went for the wine, but lots of it. Anyway, I highly recommend the book. Not only is it a book about sobriety but she is entertaining and fun to read so it's not "too" heavy if you know what I mean.

                              Well, gotta check the other threads I call home and then read more of that book. Have a peaceful night and I hope those of you who have been troubled by lack of sleep with be visited by the sleepy fairy tonight! I have been sleeping like a log but have had a little bit more effort to actuallly fall asleep first since I am not relying on passing out...
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nesters!

                                Glad to hear that you have all made it through the weekend! Last night my last meeting was cancelled, so I actually had about 5 hours to myself...5 hours!!! I didn't know what to do. I watched a movie, took a shower, did a lot of reading on here, and played a game on my phone. Went to bed early and woke up before my alarm went off. What a great way to start a Monday morning! Had I spent that time drinking, I would have been hitting snooze for a good half an hour this morning before dragging myself out of bed. Day 12 for me now and feeling wonderful!

                                To all of you in the beginning, all I can say is that it DOES get easier. The first week is really hard. First of all physically (the first 3 days are the worst) and then the mental game begins. Tell that voice in your head to "F itself" because you will NOT give in. I found that after about a week it gets A LOT easier. Stick with this long enough to see all the positive changes because there are more than you can count!

                                Byrdie- Love, love, love that post! So true in every way! Thanks!

                                MrsG- Sending you all my positive energy! Crossing my fingers for your job!

                                Jane- You are amazing for getting through LV! Sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon.

                                Lav- Glad you enjoyed the birthday party!

                                Blonde- You are doing great! Am I wrong to say that it just after 7 days it seems like your life has done a 180? Doesn't it feel amazing?

                                Stella- Glad you didn't give in. You are doing amazing at 40+ days!

                                Belle- Cookies are better than al!!

                                To all my other nesters, I hope you had great weekends and wake up feeling refreshed this Monday morning. Have a great day! I'm off to work!
                                "When you know better, you do better"

                                AF- February 16, 2012
                                Goal 1- 3 days al free
                                Goal 2- 7 days al free
                                Goal 3- 1 month al free
                                Goal 4- 3 months al free

