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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Unwasted...thank you for that post. I don't have all the PHD's and such behind my name...but that author must be one of us. He stole my 'Rabbit Hole' AND my NO, HELL NO! Theory!!
    I will say that aftet a year (it was actually around 9 months) that I moved into that last phase of thinking. That this is a lifestyle that I will live with and accept the rest of my life. I no longer hold out the thought that I will outgrow this somehow. It is a lifelong party and I got invited...I must always be vigilant.
    Thank you for taking the time to post that for us, it was very meaningful. Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters!

      Happy Wednesday! Well, I was too tired to log on last night (don't worry, I was still SOBER! What did you think I would sacrifice my way to almost double digit days? HELL NO, as Byrdie would say!)

      Lots happening here and it's ALL GOOD!

      Mands, that is funny that you are your husband both drink do me and my hubby. We like the sleepytime vanilla version. It think it really does help with getting and staying asleep! Much better than passing out. We seem to be on the same stretch of days too...I am on Day 8 today. Although, my hubby isn't quitting with me...he still drinks his beer on most nights, but not too much. Maybe more on the weekends. Doesn't seem to interfere with his life or mine, although it is kind of a bummer to be around someone who is drinking and me teetotaling so I can imagine that the both of you quitting helps you out in staying sober. For me, I just have to remain strong for myself as I am doing it for me.

      Unwasted, thank you for the post. I haven't read all the way through it but I will later today when i have more time. Looks like lots of great info!

      Jolie, I also have those thoughts that a glass of wine might be nice but like you, I know I would finish the whole bottle and then the GRS brothers would be on my back and I don't want those a-holes around (Guilty/Shame/Remorse).

      Willow, sorry your hubby is being difficult but stick to your sober guns and YES, go shoe shopping. Just take Shue and I with you...we know how to scope out the sales!

      Recycling is here right now picking up our bottles...there's a lot less 1.5 Litre wine bottles in this week's bin, let me tell ya! Hubs still has his beer bottles but at least I'm not adding to the pile with my Free Range Reds.

      LibraryGirl, it's OK to get peeved and let out your frustration (in a healthy way!). Good for you for not drinking through it!

      Hi to everyone checking in today! Mylife, Belle, CanadianGal (good for you for not drinking while the hubs was gone!), Lolab, Byrdie, Lav, Steady, Irie, Sausage, Nursie, Mrsg, Jolie, Unwasted, Minstar, Scottish, K9, et all!
      Anyone heard from Prairie Fairy? A few months when I came here daily she seemed to be doing well with the AF life, then was on the verge of loosing her job I believe. Just hoping she is doing well. Also, Greg, if you are out there, come out come out wherever you are!!!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Newbies Nest

        Jane, I think it's a must read article for sure.

        Also, just had to laugh out loud at your comment:

        unholy thoughts of cough syrup
        - Now that is funny!


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning everyone! My boys are finally off to school and I have a minute to spend catching up here. This really is a busy place. Just want to say Hurrah to everyone for doing so well! I can’t believe how quickly time goes by. There are so many people here who are already past the 30 day mark and it seems they just joined in yesterday. I swear this board is the best thing for getting through those first few miserable days/weeks of quitting. It has also helped me sustain my abstinence of over 5 months. Even though I don’t post often, I know that if I did have a slip I would come here and admit it -- and that’s something I just don’t want to do. I think there really is something to being held accountable -- and this place fills that need for me.

          Count me among those who think it’s nobody's business whether or not I drink. I haven’t told anyone that I quit -- even my husband although he knows I have. Incredibly he has also cut way down. He used to be a nightly vodka and beer drinker but now is down to only one or two beers a few nights a week. I guess my quitting has helped him to be healthier as well. I feel so much better about the example we are setting for our kids. I hated them seeing both of us (mostly me) so preoccupied with drinking every evening... Glad that's all in the past.

          Now I’m off to read that article posted by Unwasted…

          Have a lovely day everyone!!!
          AF since 9/20/2011


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everybody!

            Happy Sober Wednesday...and the last day of February. I hope everyone has had success so far this year...I know there have been some ups and downs, but we are only human so that happens...the important part is getting right back up and to never quit quitting!

            Ok I don't know what brought on that little speech. LOL
            I guess I'm boring and don't have much to report, but I just wanted to check in and say a big hello to everyone...newbies and oldbies. lol

            I am on day 65 (I think) and doing good. It's like I've almost "forgotten" about drinking. Not to say that I don't have a moment here and there where I think drinking would be "fun"...but then reality really does set in. I've had so many stupid, embarrassing, shameful things happen while drunk...and I don't ever want to feel that anxiety again. I love waking up in the morning knowing exactly what I did the night before!

            I just finished reading the Interventionist (I think Mylife recommended it to me) was really a good book and I'd recommend it to anyone that is interested. I hope everyone has a great day and stays strong!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone!

              I've had a busy day and I'm kind of knackered now! Soft play, optician (ordered new glasses) gym, swimming, picked up kids and home again. Been to the supermarket grocery shopping AND passed two stores on the way home - no wine bought!

              Unwasted - that is a really good post. I've only skimmed through so will read properly later but what I've seen so far makes total sense.

              MinStar - wow, a year old now! Isn't it odd to look back at the year on their first birthday and think how much you've learned and what a journey parenthood is .... bit like this journey we're on now lol.

              Been in the bath already and about to put on fresh clean PJ's - this does seem to be working for me at the minute. Today also DH is cooking, only oven food but at least I don't have to do it which releases me from one of my triggers for the day.

              I met a friend at the soft play and was telling her about quitting drinking. I said I'd never say never again about drinking but that I quite like racking up these AF days. I think this will become my get out clause lol if anyone asks too many questions. She said I could only drink at the weekends and just have one or something but I said I wouldn't stick to it. I didn't tell her about here (actually, I haven't told anyone about here - DH especially would not handle it well!) cos I don't know quite what she would make of it.

              Off to have some dinner now - be back later. Hope everyone's doing ok today x


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all - out to swimming shortly - just had a bowl of gluten free pasta.

                Glad everyone sounds to be doing ok.

                Willow - and anyone else this applies to v careful with well meaning friends Who comment - why dont u just drink at weekends if you have shown u cam go AF during the week?

                These people may mean well but are very very dangerous!! It is people / comments like this that caused me to fail twice , even last time after 8.5 months AF. They almost certainly don't understand the nature of alcoholism - or else they do and want someone else drinking (at least at weekend) so they feel better about themselves.

                For me the most dangerous people / events likely to set off triggers of resuming alcohol are
                High achieving (professional ) people who (as far as I know - on the surface!!) drink within moderation and try and convince you that you can be like them .... And I want to be....... Or do I ?

                Maybe there is a better life without alcohol.

                One of the reasons why I'm scared to tell people i'm trying to quit is not because I'm embarrassed but because I'm worried they'll try and talk me into moderation - and then I' ll I've proven twice before.

                Back later

                Sausage x
                Day 6 ******


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sausage, your post got me to thinking about my triggers...Anything Good... Anything Bad.... Time of Day... work is good.... work is bad...hubs is a dear...hubs is a _ick. Well, you get it. Everything was a trigger there at the end. I am telling you being AF is just simpler and easier...just no decisions and agonizing. It's just not an option.
                  MindPeace to all on this Leap/Hump Day (I'd have celebrated that too!) B
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Reasons I drank: Happy, sad, mad, depressed, excited, bored, lonely, feeling good, feeling bad, the sun was out, it was raining, it was a day ending in "Y", etc., etc.

                    Reasons I don't drink: Because life is so much better without alcohol, it really is.
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Guys -

                      I have to agree with WickedMom - it seems so many just joined and already have 30 days! This is one fast moving and successful nest.

                      K9 - I didn't recommend the interventionist - but thanks for the recommendation I'll read it!

                      And like all of you I could have ANYTHING be my trigger at the end. Really it wasn't even about "trigger" anymore it was more that AL was just a way of life for me, and now I'm changing that. Started a diet today to tackle the weight issue - but sobriety is my first priority!

                      Have a fantastic AF day Nest!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Off to bed now - day 6 completed AF! ( did have 2 glasses ginger beer and a chocolate brownie though!)
                        "see" you all tomorrow

                        Sausage x
                        Day 6 ******
                        This is the longest I've been AF since 2009


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy 1st March all :wow:

                          Its now "officially" Autumn where I live, so the thoughts are turning to cooler days and quiet dark nights.

                          I was on my ownsome for a lot of the night - so cooked up some jars of spiced apple to go with porridge (oatmeal) when it really gets cold!

                          Its Day 8 for me, probably the longest "dry spell" in years.

                          So from here in its all new to me.

                          And after letting myself go nuts on the sugar for 7 days I have also decided to start tracking my eating/exercise.

                          Its little babysteps at the moment - but all good.
                          :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Mands-
                            Congratulations on Day 8! That's so awesome. It will keep getting easier, I promise! I am trying to watch my food intake because when I don't drink I feel like I "deserve" to eat whatever I want...and unfortunately that mindset is catching up to me. You're right though, baby steps for now. Have a great night and hang in there!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone a newbie toughing my first day AF.....Great job to all those fighting it back!
                              Started living again 2/7/2015


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone...are we ready to "LEAP" into March? I am. Looking forward to making March entirely AF!

                                Today, day 8 is coming to a close. I am also by myself as hubby is teaching tonight...wishing they would have called off the class due to the (finally) snowy weather we are having tonight. Baked him some peanut butter cookies for when he comes home tonight...his favorite.

                                I couldn't agree more with K9 that life is so much better without AL.

                                Have a peaceful night everyone.
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

