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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I am not sure I can help with the "advice" sorry - still very new.

    But I can mention that you posted about not knowing why you keep drinking, I don't either!

    I am not sure when I might know, but I am happy that anytime AF is better than drinking.

    Just think the relief your liver is feeling already - its probably cheering you on!
    :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


      Newbies Nest

      canadian gal;1271769 wrote: Welcome Finally Done!

      I could have written that myself! As you know from past experiences, the anxiety and shakes will get better after about 2 days (at least for me). All I can say is ride it out. You probably wont sleep all that great for about 3 days but after that you will start to feel sooooo much better, as you know. After that the mind game begins. That is when we have to fight that voice in our head that says "Just one wont hurt". We all know it will. When that voice starts getting to me, I log on here, read and post. It helps so much!

      Here's to the beginning of your new al free journey! :l
      Hi canadian gal! It's rough right now but i am managing to keep my sanity. Posting here and talking about what i am feeling is helping alot. So ready to end this constant game I play. And you are so's when we feel better is when the real challenge begins. I am drinking alot of water and just took some vitamin b...which might help calm nerves a little more. I have almost done this enough to be qualified to work in a detox facility. Oh well on ward and upward
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Newbies Nest

        Mands;1271771 wrote: I am not sure I can help with the "advice" sorry - still very new.

        But I can mention that you posted about not knowing why you keep drinking, I don't either!

        I am not sure when I might know, but I am happy that anytime AF is better than drinking.

        Just think the relief your liver is feeling already - its probably cheering you on!
        Thank you mands! And nice of you to say hi. Just getting by minute by minute right now. This soon will pass! Ready for a AF life!
        Started living again 2/7/2015


          Newbies Nest

          Hiya Nesters!

          I hope everyone is doing well. Well done to those on day 8! 1 week down...keep racking up those numbers! Day 15 for me...half way to my third goal. Still feeling great and have loads of energy. A thought came to me this morning about why my hubby is so supportive. One of his closest friend's dad was an alcoholic. They staged an intervention. He went to the hospital and, I have no idea how, managed to kill himself. He would have rather died then live an al free life. Guess he didn't have an amazing support group like this one. So thanks to everyone on here for being so wonderful, supportive, honest, loving and understanding. I don't know where I would be without you!

          K9- LOVE your new pic! Are you sure you are in your 40's????? You look great!

          Mands and Lav- Thanks for the tip about the fitness site. I will def check it out!

          Nursie- Save a brownie for me! mmmmmm

          Jane- Great to see that being al free is bringing on a lot more changes ie, healthy diet, whiter teeth (lol). It's a nice feeling eh?

          Blonde- How are you doing? You are almost in double digits! woo hoo!

          To all my other nesters, sausage, sh, willow, uw, lo, mylife, byrdie, library G, et al I hope you have a great day, evening, night!
          "When you know better, you do better"

          AF- February 16, 2012
          Goal 1- 3 days al free
          Goal 2- 7 days al free
          Goal 3- 1 month al free
          Goal 4- 3 months al free


            Newbies Nest

            I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the support and kind words everyone has demonstrated to me soo far. I have been down this stop and start road soo many times I just wonder if I ever will. I guess we all feel that way. But there millions of people are there that are living happy sober lives after being in our shoes. I look forward to learning from everyone who has had alot of sobriety and will post as much as I can. Just knowing there are ppl who care is very theraputic. I am not AA person eventhough I have been to quite a few meetings when I made attempts at sobriety. I may give the online AA meetings a go and see if i can start back at step work and talking to a doctor about getting treated for anxiety. Having a good plan is helping me get some hope back in this poor wore out 36 year old college student Love and peace to all!
            Started living again 2/7/2015


              Newbies Nest

              Big welcome to Finallydone - Every quit brought you closer to the final one. I can see that you really long for sobriety. Sending you strenght for the first few days. You can do it!

              K9 - Girl you look GOOOOOD!!!

              Have a good day Nesters!
              12-20-2012 AF
              Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                Newbies Nest

                Steady Hands;1271801 wrote: Big welcome to Finallydone - Every quit brought you closer to the final one. I can see that you really long for sobriety. Sending you strenght for the first few days. You can do it!

                K9 - Girl you look GOOOOOD!!!

                Have a good day Nesters!
                Hi steady hands! Thank you for the welcome! It will be rough....because me not sleeping when it's almost midnight is bothering me, but I push threw it. Thank you again for the thoughts.
                Started living again 2/7/2015


                  Newbies Nest

                  finallydone, hang in there and get through this first week, sleep or no sleep. After 60 days AF I still have sleep issues, wake up at 4am everyday. I use this time as my mediation time and reading time. You will gain confidence and self esteem by the day.
                  Welcome WW
                  100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                  6 months July 1st


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Finallydone, hope you're hanging in there ok. As someone else said to me, find quotes that stick with you and keep those in mind - mine is Nelz's "Surf the urge". It really is like that, my moods have been up and down like a bloody yo-yo! This is a great site and I come on here whenever things get tricky - just reading others' posts really helps.

                    Day 9 for me! Longest I've been in one stretch since I was pregnant with my son. Slept really well but woke up with a headache again - how is that fair?!!!!!

                    I'm not sure what the plan today is - possibly gym and swim again later as I really think that helped yesterday.

                    Hope everyone has an awesome day, back later x


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey Finallydone,

                      Just keep plowing through knowing you never have to feel this way again if you choose not to. Think of the freedom you'll have when you no longer fear the future. Been there and day by day finding my way out.
                      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone

                        Day 7 for me - by 9.30 pm this evening it will be one week since I last had an alcoholic drink! This is the longest I've gone AF since 2009.

                        Not working today so after dropping the kids at school I went swimming and then did some food shopping In advance of the weekend. Aim to do some housework this pm - I am definitely more motivated to do this since quitting drinking.

                        Hope everyone is having a good day. I sense tonight is going to be tough even though it is my 1 week anniversary so I'll definitely be back later.

                        Sausage x
                        Day 7


                          Newbies Nest

                          Just about to head to bed, but I have a question

                          Where is Roberta Jewell (host of the site)?

                          I am looking for current info and it all seems to stop about 2006-2008

                          does she look through the forums, is she around anywhere?

                          Hope that makes sense!
                          :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


                            Newbies Nest

                            I remember a post from Roberta Jewell about a year or so ago. At that time she mentioned she was abstinent. I think she's pretty hands off when it comes to this site.
                            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                              Newbies Nest


                              I found them, thats interesting she changed her strategy from whats on the website.

                              That would be interesting to know why - especially as all the content reflects the original
                              :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all, just nipping on quickly. I took my son swimming this morning and then we did some (more) food shopping! Just stocking up on juices and everything, seem to be at the supermarket loads at the minute!

                                Funny how it creeps up on you - I was happily going around with my trolley and then I caught sight of a bottle of Pinot - OMG, I wanted it so bad, I'm still thinking about it now. Luckily I had pretty much finished the shopping, so I was able to pay and hotfoot it out of there.

                                I'm feeling tired now and I would love to have a nap but I don't think that's a good thing to do. I need to push through I think and get to the gym and swimming myself, DH is here today so he will look after DS and pick up DD from school. I was thinking of gardening a little with the kids but not sure if it might be a bit of a trigger. Might do it tomorrow morning cos I wouldn't want to drink then.

                                Sausage - hope you're doing ok today hon. What have you got planned for tonight to take your mind off of it? Have you got family around who could look after the kids and you could go out to the cinema or gym or something?

                                Speak later guys x

