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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Happy March & Thursday to everyone

    Concerning RJ - I believe she figured out what we all have that it's just easier to remain abstinent. Taking the option of drinking completely off the table frees up a lot of mind space

    Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      You know something else that is helping me? Anyone a Twlight fan? I'm a huge fan and I keep thinking of the restraint those vampires had to show every day to live around humans. Bit of a weird one but hey, if it works .....!


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Totally Terrific Thursday Nestlings! feathers detect a new bird has flown in by the name of FINALLYDONE! Great name! Best of luck to you. I would suggest getting off any anti-depressents as soon as you can and just go the natural way with supplements. I would never take prescription drugs longterm if I didn't absolutely have to. I once was rushed to the emergency room due to a panic attack a few years ago (was drinking heavily then and also lots of coffee too, which the combination set it off I believe. Was also under a lot of stress with a failing business at my heels). Anyway, it was amazing to me how quick the doc was to try to get me to take a prescription with me for Atavan. I said no thanks. I took one just to get me through that day but that was it. It didn't do anything for me other than make me exhausted. Life is to interesting to spend drink or under the influence of any prescription drugs. Better to deal with it on your own. That's my opinion but I come from the world of natural health as I manage a health food store, so go figure! Anyway, welcome aboard my fellow American! How's your weather out in MN? We are getting snow for the first time here in New England (on the coast, anyway). Can you believe it!? This winter has been a cakewalk!

        SPEAKING OF CAKE...I have something very special in the Gluten Free variety for our very own saucy Sausage who has just made it a week and I am so proud! You go girl and kick AL out on the street where it belongs! Come on over to the abbers site and have a piece of cake. You deserve it and so does everyone else here making his/her goals, even if it is just to get through Day 1!

        ALLSWELL-Congrats on getting back on track last month. I see you have been sober since 1-9! Yahooo! You are inspiring to us all. Keep it up! I love your quote: Alchohol out-End of Story! Now you get to write a new beginning!

        Jane27-Wow, over 50 days...good for you! Thanks for being so supportive to us all!

        Mands, keep racking up those days! We are neck in neck as I'm at 9 days today and can't wait for double digits tomorrow. One this is for drinking for me today as I want that day 10 so bad! WILLOW: 9 days today for you also...well done!!!

        WINEWRANGER-Love the name and congrats on 60 days, wow. I made it 60 days last year and man, did I feel great! Things really became much clearer to me and I even thought about writing a book on sobriety. Too bad I caved when we went on a vacation to Jamaica last March and it has been more of a struggle ever since, with some AF time speckled in between the summer and once again in the fall. Here to stick it out this time! I am really seeing AL as the unneccessary, damaging poison that it is, once and for all!
        Love your name WW, by the way.

        CG (CANADIAN GAL!)-Yes, tomorrow is 10 days, whooohooo! And you at 15!!! Pave the way girlfriend and I shall ride in your wake! Good going!

        STEADY! Good to keep seeing you here! You are doing great!

        Sausage, I also have some housework to get done. Let's take the money we saved on AL and hire a maid and go have a yummy lunch somewhere to celebrate our sobriety, shall we?

        Nursie-I bleach my teeth (well I guess the term is Whiten!), a few times a year...maybe 3. Not sure if that is over doing it as I'm always afraid of damaging the enamel on them when I do it. I have had great success with the ORIGINAL CREST WHITESTRIPS...the ones that hurt and that you have to use 2x a day for 14 days. It was their first kit. I have tried the Advanced Seal and some of their quicker and more expensive kits but never got the shiney, bright results that I do with the original kit for whatever reason. I will be doing it in June before we go on our cruise so I can flash my glowing smile before the

        K9-once you start the exercise, you will really notice a difference. You're doing fabulous anyway though!

        Ok, off to the abbers sight to see my homies over there. Have a great day everyone and remember to remember.
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Newbies Nest

          You know, it does a nest mom proud to see her Proteges taking the reigns...and saying the words that help and nudging onward and upwards to go just one more day! Well done to all of us for kicking AL out of the nest for good! A fine welcome to Finallydone. You won't find many of us here who didn't try and try before we finally 'got it'. Being here is not only comforting, but we will also kick you in the keester when we see that 'Stinkin thinkin' creeping back in. For ALL of us here, AL has been nothing but a bad dream, and you can't imagine how good life is when you finally accept that you don't need AL. We have lots of success here!! I am so happy to see you posting how you are feeling...because when the going gets tough...after you think you've got this thing figured out, you can go back and read your own words..and see the living hell that AL has put you thru. That's the power of this site. I'm so proud of everyone's progress.
          With all the healthy starts everyone is making, I decided to make one of my own!
          Today I was going to cut out coffee...I think the caffeine can't be good for me....but dang...already caved on that. Sonofa.....MindPeace to everyone today. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesties, and an especially big welcome to all the new newbies that are here!:welcome:

            Congrats to all of you in your early days doing so well! The first week is indeed the most difficult, and kudos to you all that have recently made that 7 day milestone. You should start feeling better and more confident in your quit. Keep up the good work!

            I've got to run off and check on my parents today, as things don't sound so well with them and have to see for myself. It is about a 1hr drive (mostly on the DC beltway...not fun) and I have to return before the kiddos come home from school. In the past, returning from the parents' house has been a big straight to the vodka in the laundry room. So, as this will be a test.

            Howdy to all the "regulars" know who you are. Wish I had time to call you out by name, but gotta run. You are all beautiful!:h

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Newbies Nest

              WineWrangler....aren't you a vintner? How the hell-o do you do it? My hat is off to you!! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Evening Nesters!

                Just checking in before bed. I was working earlier and had a massive craving...for chocolate!!!!! So after work, I went to the supermarket and bought a bar of dark. Ate 4 squares when I came home! What is up with the chocolate cravings?

                My favourite cousin is still here and I am so happy that he can't read English (or my hubby for that matter). He asked me "What do you look at everyday?" I said this site was a blog. No more questions asked. I am also really happy that I don't have to "sneak" alcohol while he is here. The last time he was here I was constantly going into the kitchen for "something". It's so much less stressful now. No need to wonder how can I sneak the beer into the house and then how can I sneak drinking it while he is here. Love it!

                I am also listening to a song by Kelly Clarkson "Stronger". It's about a boy, but I like to think of al when I listen to this song. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I know that we are all growing stronger each and everyday!!!

                Sausage- Congrats on day 7!!!! Woo hoo! Even though you have come a long way in 7 days, keep those al thoughts out of your brain! And an early congrats to your hubby! Does he check this site, btw?

                Mands- I noticed you were thinking of modding on another thread. My opinion is to forget about it. I think we have all tried "modding"...and in my attempt I think I drank more than I was before I tried to mod. Just my opinion though. You are doing great so far! Keep racking up those numbers!

                Allswell- How are you doing?

                Willow- Great job on not buying the wine! I know it's hard and oh so tempting. You really did great! And I love twilight too....well the books. I didn't really like the last movie. What did you think of it?

                Blonde- You sound great! Who is the positive one now? An early congrats on double digits!

                Belle- Stay strong today. I am sending you lots of positive energy. Stay out of the laundry room tonight!

                Finallydone- How are you feeling today?

                To all my other wonderful nesters, I hope you have a great one! Stay strong as the weekend approaches. Have a good plan in place! Nighty night!
                "When you know better, you do better"

                AF- February 16, 2012
                Goal 1- 3 days al free
                Goal 2- 7 days al free
                Goal 3- 1 month al free
                Goal 4- 3 months al free


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi nesters

                  Please have a slice of my 1 week celebration cake - take a look at today's AF daily (1March) in monthly abstinence section- cake kindly made for me by BlondeAFAmbition. (Willow - afraid I got confused and answered your question about this eve on this other thread!!).

                  See you all later, despite the wonderful cake I can feel this evening is going to be tough.

                  Sausage x
                  Day 7 *******


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nesters!

                    Glad to see everyone here today! Yes we have a new family member, FINALLY DONE! FD- I hope you are feeling better today. This isn't your first rodeo, so I'm sure you know what to expect the first few days. Sorry to hear of your insomnia, that can be so frustrating! I noticed on my various quits (too many to count) that the first 3 nights sucked sleep-wise, but eventually your body gets accustomed to falling asleep instead of passing out. Hang in there and stay close to us, it does help a lot!

                    Sausage - Congrats on your 1 week! I'll have a nice huge slice of that cake please Stay strong, especially when you feel it becoming more difficult. Re-direct your thoughts and keep yourself busy, whether it's a book or mindless TV, just stay sidetracked and you will get through this. Each time it will get easier, and you'll be so glad you didn't cave.

                    A few of you mentioned teeth whitening, what are you using? I used to use Crest White Strips but I think I over did it because now the enamel on my teeth is not as strong as it used to be, so I haven't used them in a long time. I guess I'm part of the beige teeth club. LOL

                    So glad tomorrow is Friday! I bought a new washer off of Craigslist for $65, my old one broke and the appliance store wanted to charge $50 just to come look at it! Now the task of draining the old one and moving it out and getting the new one in...this is one of those FEW times a husband or boyfriend would come in handy. LOL :H Good thing I have a brother-in-law, a dad, and 6 teenage of them can do it!

                    Hope you all have a good day, I wish I could say HI to each and every one of you, I'm thinking of you but my memory ain't what it used to be!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      CG - I loved the last film! Mind you, Breaking Dawn is my favourite book from the Saga. I can't wait to see the next part!

                      Just fed the kids, will nip in the bath in a minute. Tired and kind of glad I didn't make the gym today cos as the day's gone on, I've started aching so much from yesterday's workout and swim!


                        Newbies Nest

                        CONGRATS on your 7 AF days Sausage
                        Ready for cake :H
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Tonight is a real struggle:no:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Aww Sausage...whats going on? Do you have anything to take your mind off of alcohol? I don't know what time it is there, but maybe you can just turn in early tonight? Take a shower/bath, read a book, go for a walk, watch a movie, vacuum the rug, polish your toenails...anything to distract yourself. I feel for you. Please hang in there :l
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              8pm here just about to eat ( having a ginger beer) am keeping going, will watch something and then try and get an early night. Kids running round upstairs and wont go to bed which doesnt help!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hang in there Sausage!! You don't want to go through a week like this again. And from here on it will get better.

                                Byrdie - I think I am fed up with the coffee myself. Not really fed up, but need to cut down. Since my quit I've been drinking way too much coffee and need a cup in the afternoon to avoid a head ache.... All that sugar and milk can't be good either! But I know, first thing tommorrow morning is to pour down a cup of that sweet hot coffee!!
                                12-20-2012 AF
                                Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.

