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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters! I see some are struggling today! Alcohol...cunning...baffling..and powerful...the words ring so true from the AA big book. Getting out of heads is maybe the hardest thing to do. Today I am struggling with that as well. I feel better physcially but not mentally which is why this trying road of recovery is what is. A rollercoaster ride of up and downs. I will on Sunday post my story and bump it here so you all get to know where i am coming from. Do what ever you have to tonight if your early on in your sobriety to stay whatever it takes. Our next drunk could be our last!!! I am here for you guys....i am struggling as well tonight but i am hitting a AA meeting and going to what I have to do to stay sober!! My thoughts with all of you!!!:h
    Started living again 2/7/2015


      Newbies Nest

      Hey FD and Nesters - I went to my first AA meeting tonight. I don't have time to post right now, but it was pretty wonderful, which I didn't anticipate. I'll post more tomorrow.

      Best to you all - stay strong! :lilheart:


        Newbies Nest

        It's good to come here & post your feelings!
        There is almost always someone around. I hope your AA meeting does the trick for you tonight.
        No matter what's going in ~ drinking won't make it better.

        Stay strong
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hello All,

          Just stopping by to wish everyone an AF night in the nest. I went for a walk this evening and saw lots of people sitting out on terraces etc. sipping glasses of wine. I felt a little bad, but I didn't really crave. I just wish Al wasn't such a big part of our society and I think that's why I felt bad. Left out of the mainstream or something. However, I know it wouldn't work for me - if I was out there with them I would be eyeing the bottle wondering when it would be apropriate to "top off" my glass...noticing the amount of wine that someone poured in my glass and wishing it was more...I wouldn't be enjoying the conversation as my whole focus would be on the wine. I really believe that some day I'll be joining events like that without alcohol and I won't only feel not deprived, but I will feel really HAPPY to be rid of the alcohol beast once and for all.

          For now we just need to hang in there and work on racking up the sober days! We can do this. Have a great AF Saturday evening everyone!


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Incredibly, I'm sitting here all by myself with my decaf green tea & really enjoying a PBS special on the music of the 70's
            I keep jumping up off the sofa, turning the sound way up & dancing :H :H
            I probably look like a nut case but who cares? :H Certainly better than those days of passing out in an AL fog!!!

            Hello & welcome Dogwood Blossom!
            Glad you found us, please settle in while you get your bearings. I found MWO doing a Google search for help to stop drinking ~ like most of us. It's a good program & it works if that's what you really want. Make the commitment, make a good plan & we're here for support

            Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              jane - they went all thru the soul music stuff...
              Now it's a B-52's concert - hillarious :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters

                Willow - You sound like you are going strong despite the nasty AL callings.

                Minstar - Congrats on 100 days! I hope you can stick this out too. After 100 days we start to relax... and we shouldn’t!! It was a long road and we have so many processes going in our bodies that will return to an anxious #0 if we pick up that first drink! And our little kids that enjoys sober mommy these days...

                DWB - Welcome! Post and let us know how you feel and what you are thinking.

                I spent some time yesterday reading other threads. The depro thing that Mohun talks about from month 3 -6 is definitely something that I struggle with these days. I noticed that not everyone has that feeling. I had some fleeting AL thoughts yesterday after my ex talked about taking the kids full time.
                What helped in the end was to know that it would turn in about 9 week’s time. Then I will be 6 months AF and the depro will lift. I am so thankful for this site and the information. Mohun's post reveals that he caved two times in this period due to feeling low. It was good to know yesterday that IT WILL PASS.

                And yeah! - The craving lasted less than an hour! How would I be feeling today if I had the usual 2Liters of wine???

                This depro feeling really had me sleeping a lot and not studying... Yesterday when I was struggling I sat here and told myself that I have to sit for the rest of the day and at least try. I finally truly started to study and now I feel like I am winning.

                I don't want to discourage anyone. NOT everyone has this feeling. I used to be a little depro as a child, spent the last 15 years numbing it and now strongly dislike feeling it. If it doesn't lift after 9 weeks I'll go and see my doctor. That is my deal!

                Have a good Sunday!

                I'll try some music Lav - sounded like you had fun!
                12-20-2012 AF
                Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all

                  Just a brief check in as I've lots planned for today ( this wasn't possible after a heavy Sat night!).

                  Day 10 for me today - never got this far in years. Phsical effects of withdrawal should now be over," just" a case of playing the mental mind games now.

                  I am already feeling better physically although I know it will be several months for the body to reap the full benefits of going AF.

                  Thank you for helping me get his far. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and I'll be back later.
                  Keep going everyone.

                  Take care

                  Sausage x
                  Day 10 **********


                    Newbies Nest

                    a quick hello from me, too.
                    Hello everyone!!
                    i've been away for a few days, so i need to take some time (prob. the next 4 hours!!!) catching up on/with all of you.
                    spring has shown her face a bit early here. i don't actually believe she's here to stay. just a nice preview.
                    a wonderful sober sunday--


                      Newbies Nest

                      Unwasted, do you know what number your post re: relapsing is?
                      would love to read it.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hiya Nesters,

                        What a crappy Sunday. I feel so angry, tired and depressed all at the same time. I stayed up too late last night talking to my Canadian friends (because of the time difference) and only got about 6 hours of sleep. I've had a full work day today and am still not finished. My skin looks like shit as I am fortunate enough to be almost 30 and still get It may have to do with the chocolate I eat everyday or the fact that I wear make-up for 12-14 hours a day. I need the make-up to cover up the acne, but because of the make up it creates more acne. A vicious cycle. Hubs and Little Soldier are at the movies watching MI4 right now and then will go to eat Brazilian BBQ. I really wish I could go with them, but I have to work. In the past that wouldn't have bothered me because I would think to myself "No problem. After work, you will get your 10 beers and make your own fun tonight." But after work tonight, what do I have to look forward to? Cleaning, taking a shower, and going to bed only to get up tomorrow and do it all over again.

                        I know I will feel better when I get enough sleep. I am feeling very stretched and worn out. It's just that sometimes, I would like to have some fun too. I hope I didn't ruin anyone's Sunday morning. If I don't vent this, I will bottle it up inside and one day explode. That's not good for anyone. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekends.
                        "When you know better, you do better"

                        AF- February 16, 2012
                        Goal 1- 3 days al free
                        Goal 2- 7 days al free
                        Goal 3- 1 month al free
                        Goal 4- 3 months al free


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters
                          Thanks Willow, Jane and Steady Hands for your messages. I am also concerned that I will become complacent now I have hit 100days. Whats the next target?? Two hundred days and then a year. I guess milestones help me more than I thought. No cravings or thoughts of alcohol at the moment and none over this weekend. Just have to make sure my mind doesn't lax too much

                          Hope you are all doing well and enjoying a AL free Sunday! I'll write (and read) more later on. I do think reading more and more when I am weak is a big help. And yes, Steady! You are right- sober mummies are the best. I even thought this morning as I came downstairs "how the heck did I do this when drinking" it is hard work sober and rested. I must have put my body through hell"

                          Does anyone know the benefits to the body after 100 or so AL free. Perhaps another log to my fire to keep burning out AL in my life.

                          Stay happy and AL free Nesters



                            Newbies Nest

                            canadian gal;1273949 wrote: Hiya Nesters,

                            What a crappy Sunday. I feel so angry, tired and depressed all at the same time. I stayed up too late last night talking to my Canadian friends (because of the time difference) and only got about 6 hours of sleep. I've had a full work day today and am still not finished. My skin looks like shit as I am fortunate enough to be almost 30 and still get It may have to do with the chocolate I eat everyday or the fact that I wear make-up for 12-14 hours a day. I need the make-up to cover up the acne, but because of the make up it creates more acne. A vicious cycle. Hubs and Little Soldier are at the movies watching MI4 right now and then will go to eat Brazilian BBQ. I really wish I could go with them, but I have to work. In the past that wouldn't have bothered me because I would think to myself "No problem. After work, you will get your 10 beers and make your own fun tonight." But after work tonight, what do I have to look forward to? Cleaning, taking a shower, and going to bed only to get up tomorrow and do it all over again.

                            I know I will feel better when I get enough sleep. I am feeling very stretched and worn out. It's just that sometimes, I would like to have some fun too. I hope I didn't ruin anyone's Sunday morning. If I don't vent this, I will bottle it up inside and one day explode. That's not good for anyone. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekends.
                            I get acne too, really gets me down. I get it all along my jawline - its not too bad at the minute as I've been using some great skin care products from Lush (don't know if you know them, they're a British company). I'm also thinking that once my body properly detoxes, it'll get much better anyway. I hope!

                            Hope you're ok today and you manage a good night's sleep, it'll help so much.

                            Hello to everyone else too. Just come back from taking the kids swimming, DH came too for the first time in years, so I also managed to swim 10 lengths myself. Whacking down rain here so home for the rest of the day - I plan to have naps with the kids, watch DVDs and read with them too - just a nice chilled Sunday!

                            Be back later x


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello Nesters,

                              I just wanted to chime in this morning for two reasons. One: To let you all know that I am still alcohol free at a little over 5 months. I still consider myself a newbie because I am discovering that this is going to be a long process. I am in it for the long haul.

                              And Two: This is in response to Steady and Minstar -- First I must admit I have been in a depressed state of mind myself. (Maybe melancholy is a better way to describe it.) I would say it is more of a reflective state in time for me. I have really been thinking about my past, family and my future. Being sober has, for the first time in a long time, given me the ability to really think about my life and where I want to be. Understanding that the depression (for lack of better word) may just be your mind, body and soul getting ready to give you what you really want and need. It is a great time for planning and reflection. You are still in the early stages of your new life. So, take it easy and take it slow and just let it materialize. This may sound corney -- but just listen to your inner voice and what does it want for you? The time will come when you will want to kick some butt and get on with your life, but for now just take it easy.

                              Knowing that I can achieve 100 days plus sobriety has given me the confidence to really start the process to become the person I was meant to be. This is an incredible benefit for me, because I couldn't think clearly at all while I was drinking, let alone, act on my thoughts for change. I feel like I can now, but I must be patient. I need to make some changes and giving up booze has allowed me to start that process. I have been reading tons. And, actually I am just on my final days of a 7-day cleanse. I am slowing becoming happy and ridding my body of toxins. Yes....Even after giving up AL, I had to admit there was still some crappy residuals left in my Temple. That is something I wanted to do. What do you want to do? My suggestion would be to take baby steps and really think about what is important to you. I think we must keep changing or we will become stagnant and complacent.

                              Also, I am one of those people who did not loose any weight after becoming sober and that was extremely disappointing to me, so I guess there is always something we expected to get that did not happen, like the acne for Canadian Gal. But hang in there and really become determined to change that. Get a plan and just say "I can do this". You can do anything if you can stay sober!!

                              By the way Minstar -- Congratulations of 100 days. It is the start of a very good thing. What is the next target???? Good question! For me: it is ACCEPTANCE of the fact that this is a lifetime change, but it is always one day at a time. My next goal has been set for one year sobriety. I need a long time to think this through. Have you decided what yours may be?

                              Canadian Gal -- Hang in there please. It does seem sometimes that it is hard to have fun without alcohol; especially when everyone else is partaking. But when it is not "party time" you are the one having the most fun, because you are the one in control not AL. And that is most of the time; just not all of the time. We cannot have it all.

                              That's my rant for the day.

                              All the best to everyone.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone, CG I hope today is more relaxed and not as stressful. Thanks Windy for a very meaningful post.
                                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

