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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Windy! Really needed to hear that.
    12-20-2012 AF
    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


      Newbies Nest

      God, Windy, I missed you. I've been trying to figure out of something is wrong with me - as I just don't have any desire to really see anyone! I don't really feel down - just like you said - reflective - the past 6 months has brought about lots of changes that I need to really get used to.

      cg - I hope you feel better today....let it out....those ups and downs are gonna happen.:l

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Sober Sunday Nesters!

        Today marks the start of day 12 for me, YAY!!! Feeling really great about everything. Slept well last night, the deep sleep that you can only get from sobriety. 8 hours to boot.

        Windy, good to see you here! 5 months, wow! I, too, am also in it for the long haul. I am really seeing my life as AF forever...I just don't want to drink anymore. Didn't even have cravings last night, which is a great sign since Sat. night was always a big drinking night for me. Not anymore!

        Canadian Gal and Willow: I struggled with adult acne in my 20's and early was hormone cause I got it along the jaw line and around the mouth mostly. I went on accutane, which I do not recommend to you right now because it is so hard on the liver. But, I tried everything else and that was the only thing that worked. You have to get it from your doctor or a derm. You are not supposed to drink while on it but stupidly, I did. I agree with Willow that LUSH has some great products and all natural too boot. Love that store!

        Sausage, I will have to check out DG's link of before and after pics...always looking for inspiration and this place is chock full of it!

        Off to work shortly so must close so I can make my MWO rounds. Good to see everyone is doing well. Unwasted, how was the AA meeting? I hadn't thought about going but I have looked into Women In Sobriety which seems more up my ally. Anyone join there?

        FinallyDone, keep up the good work and WELCOME Dogwood Blossom!!! Glad to have you here! Pull up a twig in the nest and get comfy. Also, Butt Velcro is here (see Lav) to keep us all securely fastened in case of emergencies and turbulance!

        Have a great day all! Sober Sundays ROCK!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Newbies Nest

          and I really think tea tree oil is miraculous.

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            canadian gal...I too am in my 30s and having problems with adult acne for the past month or so. It seems like I am trying to quit drinking right now and everything is horrible in my life. My face is broken out and I don't even want to go out of the house. I have gained about 5lbs b/c I had lowered my dose of wellbutrin. My marriage is in shambles. What a great time to stop drinking.

            But then again...I need to stop to get stronger. I have been drinking to escape the pain of my life for so many years. One thing after another. Now I hate my marriage and hate my life. Right now as I type I am being bombarded by behavioral issues with my child and anger issues with my husband. This sucks. I am 5 days AF and I am determined not to let this screw me up this time. I have to stay sober for me!!!! Everything will be better if I just have a clear head so I can make decisions in a sober state.

            This is my second marriage...should have never married this man in the first place. He has been my drinking partner. He is now fed up with my drinking as well. I am fed up with his too. Luckily he is finally at a point where he is so fed up with mine that he won't even drink either which makes it easier for me! God help me!

            Hang in there everyone!!!
            "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
            March 13, 2012

            Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
            Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
            Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
            Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
            Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
            Goal #6: 6 months
            Goal #7: 1 year


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Nice to see you Windy & congrats on your AF time

              Life does not suddenly become perfect when you quit drinking!!!!
              BUT, whatever life throws at you you will be able to handle in a calmer, thoughtful manner.
              I've mentioned before that my husband of 38 years walked (ran) out of here in a complete emotional breakdown. Nothing happened betwenn us - the argument was all in his head.
              I have never once considered drinking over it - why would I? Would it help me or my situation? Definitely not! That all happened nearly two years ago & I am OK, learning that I can survive on my own without him & without AL. There are still a thousand unanswered questions but I won't find the answers in the bottom of a wine bottle

              If today is a crappy day for you, junt hang in there because tomorrow is a new day!!
              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                I don't know how to post from another thread into this one...but unwasted has reposted Mohun's words a couple of times and it seems relevant this AM for a couple of reasons. #1 minstar, you were asking about benefits after 100 days....clearly things continue to improve for quite some time! And #2 - I thought the reference to mild depression during months 3-6 - might help windy and me - as we're both experiencing that and are i that time window.


                posted by Mohun on that thread:

                Hi. I haven't posted for a while so I thought I would pop in for an update and say thanks to all of the members who helped me be successful.

                I haven't had any alcohol for about 15 months. Not a drop. I quit twice before for about 4 months each time using this site and the encouragement of it's members. Both times previously I went back to drinking thinking I could control it. Of course it ends up controlling me in the end.

                This third time I have been very successful and thought I would pass along some observations.

                There were several milestones along the way I thought were interesting. It took many many months to actually feel "normal". I thought after 30 days AF I would starting to feel "normal" but in hindsight I did not.

                I do know (now) with the amount of alcohol I drank I was masking/creating other problems. From months 3-6 AF I suffered through some mild depression as my body adapted to no more alcohol. Whether that be from physical or mental adjustments or both, I am not sure. This was probably the make or break point for me (failed twice before around this time).

                From 6 months to a year was where I started to see/feel some real changes of returning to "normal".

                Some of the biggest changes include no longer having that feeling of being agitated and aggressive all of the time. I sleep like a rock every night and wake up refreshed. Actually going to bed sober is something I look forward to, a lot. Knowing I will wake up sober is a great feeling.

                For the first part of this journey, I remember waking up expecting to feel hungover and then realizing I wasn't. It's a great feeling.

                I also managed to finally take control of my poor eating habits. I have lost 70 pounds since quitting drinking. Most people are shocked to see the difference from where I was to where I am.

                My family cannot believe how nice and calm I am all of the time now. My stress levels both personally and professionally have dropped dramatically.

                I am posting here today in hopes that others starting on this wonderful journey can see that there are people who are successful at this. Maybe others, like me, will take what they need and move on. Which is why I wanted to come back and say thank you to all of those members who stick around and offer help and advice.

                Anyway, for those just starting, there is a better life if you can stick with it. I know there can be social pressures or work pressures to drink, but you can be successful in life without drinking.

                Good luck to all!

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Nesters,

                  Feeling better now that work is over, I've cleaned and showered. Sorry for the rant earlier. It never crossed my mind that I wanted to drink...just thought that it would be nice to have a day off and go to the movies. Can't remember the last time I went, it was so long ago.

                  Willow and Hope- I also get my acne around the jawline and my mouth. Recently I've gotten a few pimples on my left cheek. Mainland China doesn't have LUSH (I LOVE that store) or the Body Shop. But they have it in Hong Kong. LUSH is even in the subway stations there! The next time I know of someone going there I will ask them to pick me up some stuff. Last year when I quit drinking for 4 months, I was able to stop wearing foundation and my face looked great. So I am going to stop eating chocolate and when my face looks half decent again will attempt to stop wearing foundation. Thanks to all who offered advice!

                  Hope- I have also gained about 5 lbs since quitting. I am thinking it is the chocolate. For now all I can say to you is don't worry about your skin or weight right now. The important thing now is just to stay sober. Tackle one thing at a time. I am really sorry to hear about your husband. Things will get better for you. Drinking has never solved any problems for anyone, but on the contrary, only created them and made other problems worse. Like you said you need to quit to get stronger. And you will get stronger!

                  Windy- Nice to see you again! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your post!

                  Min- Congrats on 100! That is amazing!

                  Jane- How is your weekend?

                  All- Thanks! How are you doing?

                  Lola- Thanks also! Hope you are having a good weekend!

                  Blonde- Hope you have a good day at work! Congrats on day 12!

                  FD- Glad that you are feeling better. Hope you got some well deserved rest this weekend.

                  DWB- Welcome to the nest! Hope to hear more from you!

                  Thanks again everyone. I really do hope you enjoy the rest of your weekends. I am off to bed!
                  "When you know better, you do better"

                  AF- February 16, 2012
                  Goal 1- 3 days al free
                  Goal 2- 7 days al free
                  Goal 3- 1 month al free
                  Goal 4- 3 months al free


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey guys, how's it going? Just woken up from a nap and I feel pretty good. As I've said before, Sundays are my 'hard' day when I'm most likely to drink but today I have no desire for it whatsoever. It's awesome not having to fight it. I'm expecting things to change tomorrow though cos it'll be day 4!

                    CG - I'm glad you feel a bit better now. Next time you send someone on a Lush run, try Aqua Marina face wash and A Breath of Fresh Air toner. I use Herbalism face wash and BB Seaweed face mask too but the Aqua Marina especially has been great cos of the calamine in it.

                    Blonde, you're doing so well! I wish I'd stuck with you and not drank and screwed my total!

                    Hope everyone else making it through ok - see you tonight x


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning everyone! I am 52 and I still get acne! Do not take Accutane at all causes Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's in MOST of the people who take it. Check it out online...I have UC and trust me it is NOT worth it.
                      For the nesters who have been at it a you look around and see others drinking their wine, twirling their hair and laughing....this is a MIRAGE. AL is trying its last gasp to try and get you to romanticize it. EVERYONE is NOT enjoying his/her glass of wine on the front porch and knowing when to stop. For every one person you see drinking there are actually 10 NOT drinking, but we don't see that. I used to think that everyone is drinking except me....a real pity party going on in my head...but if you really look, there are MORE people who don't drink. (Unless you are in a bar) Please don't fall for this. Now is the time to put into place what Lav has pecked into our heads since day 1. Retune our thinking to one of gratitude. BE THANKFUL that you are of a sound mind and body. Be grateful you don't have to use a walkerto get around and that you have both your arms and legs. Focus on other people and not yourself. This is what I do and it helps a fact, it makes ALL the difference. There is ALWAYS going to be someone else who appears to have it all and that's all there is to it. I tell myself to get over it and move on. Try and be of service to someone else. Everything you give away you get back in spades (that includes misery, too, BTW). Be a carriier of good news and good pays really well.
                      The time between 6 months and a year is monumental. It is during this time we lose a lot of people to complacency. In NO case I've ever read...was someone able to go back to drinking and handle it. It ALWAYS resulted in going back and worse. This scares me straight. And I accept that. My attitude from 6 months to the year only got better every day. ALL of my depression is gone. Do I still have down days? Absolutely, that is life. But it is NOT going to drive me back to drinking...the worst place on Earth. Just stick it out...every day gets better. I wouldn't still be here if I weren't living proof. I am not any stronger of will than any of us here....but I hope I am smart enough to know that if my great friends here tried it and failed, I'm no better than they are. It's called an addiction for a good reason. I promise you the sense of peace that comes over time is priceless. I wouldn't trade my quit for all the money in the world. Drinking IS the problem. Don't drink no matter what and no matter who. Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everybody. Just starting on Day 1 today. I can't tell you how relieved I am to be back here - it feels possible again. Will take a good read through the boards as I have been away for so long. Hope you all have a good day and I will pop in later.
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie, I can't explain why exactly, but your posts are the most inspirational and motivating I have ever read. You are a gem, and those of us on this website are beyond blessed to have you here. Thank you for all you do. :lilheart:

                          Hi Daisy - glad you found your way back. :lilheart:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nestiesssss!!!! It's Sunday Funday!:H I'm on day 11 (feels like heaven). The days are adding up. I am thinking of AL less and less.

                            Yesterday I called my sister and told her I had quit AL. I got a little teary, as I seem to get emotional every time I speak about it. She congratulated me and said she was so proud of me. I told her I wasn't ready to make an official announcement to the whole family yet (I have 6 siblings), and she said, well they would be very happy to hear it. She said everyone knew...that I couldn't imagine all the calls she had gotten from my siblings asking if they should do an intervention or something.:upset: As I never drank much in front of any of them I asked, how and what did they think was wrong (drugs, alcohol?), and she said they knew because you just stopped caring and never came around.

                            The truth is, I have family issues that are unresolved. Not major, but I still don't feel like running and spending lots of time with everyone, AL or not.

                            Anyway, I'm rambling and I'm gonna stop.:H :thanks: for listening.

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank you birdie for your post. I am staying nailed to this nest until I beat this thing. I am currently experiencing extreme anxiety and loneliness. While this nest is full and active, my physical nest is empty and it is crushing me. The only relief I get is when I drink. I have been reading and reading and reading here so I get it that it will be good on the other side, it's just so hard for me. Why? All the reasons are really excuses. Going from an only parent to three children for 20 years to an empty house has crushed me. When they left for college we still had our family pet but I had to put him to sleep right after Thanksgiving and I have spiraled ever since. I went for a week of not drinking and gave up. I have a number of concrete excuses to drink and every single one of them is beating me down. I have to rise above this. I did go for a week again at the beginning of this year.

                              Also, I am having physical symptoms -- sciatic leg pain and aching in my lower left leg. I told my psychiatrist about this because she had me on an AD that was causing severe carpal tunnel that went away when I tapered off. Because I am in such a horrible state she is trying another AD but she said the wine could definitely be causing my pain. And yet i won't even give myself a chance.

                              I feel so lonely and broken right now. I am thinking of going to an AA meeting this afternoon. My dr. told me to try 90 meetings in 90 days, but when I think of doing that I think why can't I just beat this myself and save all the trouble? What the hell is wrong with me??? I'll post back later...hugs to all


                                Newbies Nest

                                Piper, you're just addicted like the rest of us. You use alcohol to numb the pain in your life just like the rest of us. Try AA - what do you have to lose? I went to my first meeting yesterday for the friendship and as insurance to stay sober. It's not you, it's addiction.......try some different things, see if anything helps. :lilheart:

