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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters! I see alot of us our struggling right now. I know how you feel. These first few days have there ups and downs. After 3 treatments I have learned this yo-yo mind game very well. I woke-up this morning feeling energized...great....great sleep....all ready to take on the day. And than the old mind creeps in....hey just one beer won't hurt....that's when I HAVE TO STOP and get out of my head. Find a my laps up and down the whatever it takes to stay sober...I am alcoholic..I can never mod again..I have tried it...I have a disease and just takes one drink to trigger it. Stay strong everyone today. Sundays are really tough for us ALers. whatever we have to do. Peace and soberiety to you!! Stay with it my friends.
    Started living again 2/7/2015


      Newbies Nest

      lolab;1274017 wrote: I don't know how to post from another thread into this one...but unwasted has reposted Mohun's words a couple of times and it seems relevant this AM for a couple of reasons. #1 minstar, you were asking about benefits after 100 days....clearly things continue to improve for quite some time! And #2 - I thought the reference to mild depression during months 3-6 - might help windy and me - as we're both experiencing that and are i that time window.

      posted by Mohun on that thread:

      Hi. I haven't posted for a while so I thought I would pop in for an update and say thanks to all of the members who helped me be successful.

      I haven't had any alcohol for about 15 months. Not a drop. I quit twice before for about 4 months each time using this site and the encouragement of it's members. Both times previously I went back to drinking thinking I could control it. Of course it ends up controlling me in the end.

      This third time I have been very successful and thought I would pass along some observations.

      There were several milestones along the way I thought were interesting. It took many many months to actually feel "normal". I thought after 30 days AF I would starting to feel "normal" but in hindsight I did not.

      I do know (now) with the amount of alcohol I drank I was masking/creating other problems. From months 3-6 AF I suffered through some mild depression as my body adapted to no more alcohol. Whether that be from physical or mental adjustments or both, I am not sure. This was probably the make or break point for me (failed twice before around this time).

      From 6 months to a year was where I started to see/feel some real changes of returning to "normal".

      Some of the biggest changes include no longer having that feeling of being agitated and aggressive all of the time. I sleep like a rock every night and wake up refreshed. Actually going to bed sober is something I look forward to, a lot. Knowing I will wake up sober is a great feeling.

      For the first part of this journey, I remember waking up expecting to feel hungover and then realizing I wasn't. It's a great feeling.

      I also managed to finally take control of my poor eating habits. I have lost 70 pounds since quitting drinking. Most people are shocked to see the difference from where I was to where I am.

      My family cannot believe how nice and calm I am all of the time now. My stress levels both personally and professionally have dropped dramatically.

      I am posting here today in hopes that others starting on this wonderful journey can see that there are people who are successful at this. Maybe others, like me, will take what they need and move on. Which is why I wanted to come back and say thank you to all of those members who stick around and offer help and advice.

      Anyway, for those just starting, there is a better life if you can stick with it. I know there can be social pressures or work pressures to drink, but you can be successful in life without drinking.

      Good luck to all!
      Hi again! I just was re-reading back threw the thread and this caught my eye. Thank you soo much for this. This is SOOOOOOOOOO true! I always hit that 4 to 6 month wall and just topple over. Reading this has given me alot of inspiration that if I can just get past that wall I can climb over it. Wow....I am feeling inspired now. Thank you for this today. I needed it.
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Newbies Nest

        Come on Nesters

        It's tough today with it being a Sunday especially, but we can make it through the day AF

        "dont quit before the miracles start happening"


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters

          I'm off to bed - just want to thank you all... This nest helped me this weekend!!

          Hope - Your marriage situation sound very familiar to me! I kicked my drinking buddy/hubby out. Don't miss the relationship. It was FRUSTRATING!! I am not advocating divorce, just that I understand to some extent. Mine is just fed up with me always trying to quit. He told me that he will try to stop smoking, but AL? NEVER!!

          Library Girl - I also have family issues with my sisters and avoid them. My mother came along here today and said my little sis wants to have her birthday party at this house. (My mother and stepdad help me with a place to stay till I am done with my studies.) I just said no. I know they do me a favor and that this is not my property, but I can NOT handle a big drinking party in my living space right now!! God knows what they say to one another about me, but for now they can say whatever they want!

          Piper -:l I hope this week brings you peace and a way to feel different about your nest and AL.

          FinallyDone - You sound good and motivated!

          Ok, I am ready for the rest of March!!
          12-20-2012 AF
          Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;1274015 wrote:
            Life does not suddenly become perfect when you quit drinking!!!!
            BUT, whatever life throws at you you will be able to handle in a calmer, thoughtful manner.
            I've mentioned before that my husband of 38 years walked (ran) out of here in a complete emotional breakdown. Nothing happened betwenn us - the argument was all in his head.
            I have never once considered drinking over it - why would I? Would it help me or my situation? Definitely not! That all happened nearly two years ago & I am OK, learning that I can survive on my own without him & without AL. There are still a thousand unanswered questions but I won't find the answers in the bottom of a wine bottle

            If today is a crappy day for you, junt hang in there because tomorrow is a new day!!
            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday!

            Lav, I just loved what you wrote. Especially "I won't find the answers in the bottom of a wine bottle". So, so true, and I am starting to feel like I am internalizing that feeling. It has been a bit of a rough week for me...daughter came home with lice, father has possible congestive heart failure, and is acting like a child and not taking his had surgery and can't get her meds down her either!!! Add to that the usual life stresses, husband, kid issues etc... But finally realizing that no amount of booze will fix any of this, and how being clear headed and able to work through these issues calmly (and without that crappy hungover feeling) makes so much of a difference.

            Byrdie, not to outdo you, but at 53 I still get zits. And when you have to wear your bifocals to find and pop them...that is just Plain Wrong!

   are doing great and sound like you really have your head together.

            Steady...stick to your guns. They can find another place to have their drinking party!

            Sausage, Willow, keep up the good work. You can do it, stay strong and close to the nest! The early days are indeed the toughest, but it is so worth it to see it through.

   sorry you are going through a difficult time. But we know that drinking will not make it better. AL seems like the answer, but will just push us deeper into the hole of anxiety.

            Daisy, good to see you back. Your avatar always makes me smile.

            UW, Library, Jane, canadian, K9, Blonde & anyone I might have missed...nice to see you all here. I don't know where I would be without the great folks like you all on this site.

            Here's to a Sober Sunday and to a sober upcoming week!

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Newbies Nest

              not drinking. going out for a little while and will share a lil more later.


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you all for the welcome back. Only my first day and already great inspirational posts - so glad to hear from you again Byrdie. Need those words of wisdom to keep me on track........
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks, UW, I appreciate the kind words.
                  Daisy...all you need is a couple of good AF days behind you and you will be right as rain. All you gotta do is get thru this day....look forward to your post tomorrow. B
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well day 10 completed, safely in bed now. Didn't have any bad cravings tonight which is a positive I suppose, but I just feel so sad and over emotional, for no specific reason, I was fine til abut 7.30 pm and then these last couple of hrs have been awful - even commercials on the TV reduced me to tears. Presume this is all linked to quitting?

                    Anyway I'm hoping to get to sleep shortly and here's hoping I'll feel a lot more positive in the morning. Hope everyone OK, Good night all, and I'll see you tomorrow.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I hear you sausage on the emotional stuff, I just try and stp myself and tell myself its a load of rubbish and not too long down the line these things that seem so sad and important won't matter at all.
                      I'm irrationally overwhelmed at times and I don't like it
                      I just think its all chemical and when our bodies stablizes we'll be ok
                      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Daisy...welcome back.
                        Steady Hands....It is so tough when my husband drinks. Earlier today I was in a rough, sad mood, but the day luckily improved!! Getting ready for bed and so happy day five is finished!!

                        canadian gal...I have a feeling the acne is a way my body is purging all of the junk. kind of like a detox maybe. At least that's what I'll tell myself. Mind over matter! Maybe the weight gain is also a way my body is trying to regulate itself back to a healthy place.

                        Good night everyone! See you tomorrow.
                        "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
                        March 13, 2012

                        Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
                        Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
                        Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
                        Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
                        Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
                        Goal #6: 6 months
                        Goal #7: 1 year


                          Newbies Nest

                          daisy45;1274202 wrote: Thank you all for the welcome back. Only my first day and already great inspirational posts - so glad to hear from you again Byrdie. Need those words of wisdom to keep me on track........
                          Congrats on day one...we all have our first days. I have had many! We'll get there!
                          Started living again 2/7/2015


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters!

                            The nest was busy today ~ nice

                            I attended the 60th wedding anniversary brunch for my old neighbors today & there was not a drop of AL in sight. Why? Because these two people, married for 60 longs years have never touched a drop in their lives When they throw a party you go knowing there will be no AL & that's kind of nice.

                            Life does get better kids so hang in there, shut up the monkey mind chatter when it starts & keep your eye on the goal

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I found myself in an AA meeting some 26 years ago and I was one of the lucky few that I saw. I was able to find sobriety. I stayed sober for 21 years. I use to fearfully wonder what would cause me to drink again. I had seen a lot of bad things happen to my friends and family and had experienced bad things during all that time but had been able to stay sober.

                              Five years ago my Dad had a stroke and the constant traveling back and forth to the hospital in another city and holding down a job and taking care of my kids, took a bit of a toll and I had thoughts of how nice a glass of wine would be. This is when I was totally thrown. My boys grew up and moved out and on with their lives. I was left with the pressures of caring for an ailing father and now I had an empty nest. I hated it. I didn't know who I was anymore.

                              I started having a glass of wine with lunch when I would be in the city at the hospital with my Dad cause he sure didn't notice when I came back. Long story short..I slid down that slippery slope pretty quickly, and retreated into the privacy of my house with my stash of wine. The past five years have been a blur of hiding my drinking, where to buy my supply so no one would know, how to continue working, etc.

                              It has taken a heavy toll on me physically, but the emotional & mental stress is the worst. The guilt and self loathing are unbarable some days. One night while drinking my wine, surfing the net, and hating myself, I found MWO. I think I'll hang out for awhile, maybe I can find sober me again. I really miss her.


                                Newbies Nest

                                BTW....thank you so much for all the "welcomes."

