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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow DWB... Can you imagine your life if you didn't stop 26 years ago??

    I have felt super confident in this journey, but this weekend I felt very fragile. I don’t know what scares me most. How easily I could have drunk or how badly I wanted to numb out!
    I hear often how people quit smoking or drinking for years and then one day… The thought that makes me step away from that fear of falling is that this quit gives me confidence that addiction can be overcome. Slipping again isn’t the worst thing, but not getting sober again is.
    And the knowing that numbing out doesn’t help with the stress, because tomorrow I have to deal with that + the hangover!
    Good for you for not drinking all those years and you can do it again! You are reaching out and engaging with people who are doing it ODAAT and facing the withdrawals in the early days. You can do it!

    I looked at my mom yesterday and thought what would finally make her and my sisters stop?? They have been talking about it for years, but never stops. The family situation is soooo crappy because of what AL made all of us do...

    Pick a day and start DWB - even if you get just one you'll have more guts for the next.
    12-20-2012 AF
    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters!

      Well I must admit that I do feel much better after a good 7 hour sleep. Will also try to get to bed early tonight so I can try to catch up on the sleep I have lost over the past week. Today is day 19 for me. We have another guest coming to stay with us today. I have no idea how long he will stay. So that means more cooking and cleaning for me on top of my work. Oh the wonderful stresses of life. At least I don’t have to deal with any of this hungover because then I know that nothing would get done.

      Byrdie- Thanks so much for your post! It’s so true. I also have UC. I’ve had it for 15 years. For the first 5 years I was on gawd awful meds, but when I went to Uni I could stop taking them. Do you take any meds for it? Thanks for the heads up about Accutane. Guess I wont be taking that.

      Daisy- Welcome back to the nest! Stay close to us!

      Library- It’s so funny how we think we are so smart by sneaking our al and that no one knows, when in fact, every one knows. I’m sure that your family is happy to have your old self back again.

      Piper- I’m sorry you are going through a difficult time. You might as well try AA as it doesn’t hurt. You might find that you really like it. You may even make some new friends there. Let us know how it goes. I also hope that your leg feels better soon.

      FD- You sound great! And you’re so smart about this. Yes, you know you need to push that voice out of your head. Did you post your story yet? I’d love to read it. Stay strong!

      SH- You sound like you are doing good, despite all the stresses of life. I think that you made a great choice by not letting al in the house. Your fam might not like it, but right now, you have to do what you need to do. If something bothers you, then come right out and say it, “This/that doesn’t work for me.” Plain and simple. And yes, who cares what they say!

      Belle- Sorry you had a rough week. I’m glad you realize that al would not help at all in any of these situations. It shows how much you’ve grown! I hope things get better for you!

      Sausage- Great job on getting through the weekend! 10 days done already! It’s gone so fast, don’t you think? Keep racking up those numbers! It’s so weird the way our bodies work..happy one minute, crying the next. Hope you wake up feeling better!

      Hope- Glad you are feeling better. 5 days is great! And yes, I also tell myself it’s my body detoxing. The miracles don’t happen overnight!

      Lav- The party sounded nice!

      DWB- Wow! 21 years is amazing! Like SH said, imagine if you didn’t stop 26 years ago! Well hey, if you racked up 21 years before, you can DEFINITELY do it again! Stick around here. You’ll find lots of love!

      To all my other nesters, I hope you have a great day! Back to work for me!
      "When you know better, you do better"

      AF- February 16, 2012
      Goal 1- 3 days al free
      Goal 2- 7 days al free
      Goal 3- 1 month al free
      Goal 4- 3 months al free


        Newbies Nest

        Just a quick check in before bed.
        DAISY!! I missed you terribly! So glad you are back. Go check out my ranting thread where we kick the shit out of alcohol.
        Finally done, you sound amazing. You have a lot of knowledge and experience and are a wonderful asset to this place already!
        Byrd, you always make me cry and I love you.
        Jane, I ran when drinking too, bit I had to drink coconut water and take activated charcoal just to function. As a nurse, we know how to cure a hangover and that's not a good thing.
        When my friend was here detoxing, I gave her an all in one shake, then all the supps and activated charcoal to absorb the alcohol an hour later. She said she felt like a million bucks. :/ Iade her take 3 hot showers and gave her tons of water with lemon.
        So my race is a Spartan race, obsacle course, fire, mud and barbed wire oh yeah!!! Lol
        Sprinkling sober dust all over the nest tonight and tucking everyone in safe and cozy.
        Love you, I really do.
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Windy -- I?ve missed you too! I still don?t post that often but I have wondered about you. I figured you were still AF, but it?s so nice to hear you say it in person! 5 months is amazing -- and I am still just a few days ahead of you and Lolab. Like both of you I have to say I am also dealing with some kind of low-grade depression or disappointment. Not feeling especially happy -- definitely not feeling social at all. Before I quit my house was always full of friends for lunch or dinner, drinks, barbecues, games or whatever. I haven?t invited anyone over in almost 6 months. I just don?t feel like it. I?m hopeful after reading that post of Mohun?s again that once I get into the next phase of this whole thing the depression will lift or that I will at least figure a way out of it. I?m really looking forward to spring and spending time outside in my garden -- that should help.

          Thank you Lav for pointing out the fact that just because you quit drinking life doesn?t become completely perfect. I wish it did, but why would it? I think facing that fact might be contributing a bit to the letdown I?ve been feeling lately. I love that your neighbors have parties without alcohol. When my in-laws were alive that was the kind of party they used to throw. I was always surprised at how much fun I had without the drinks, even though at the time I dreaded the idea beforehand.

          Hello to CanadianGirl, Belle and Byrdie -- hate to say it, but at 48 I still get acne too. Things could be worse?

          Well, have to get to sleep early tonight. Thanks to everyone for all the posts tonight. Seems like it was a difficult weekend for a lot of people. Surely the upcoming week will be lots better for us all!!!
          AF since 9/20/2011


            Newbies Nest

            Morning Nesters

            Start of Day 11 for me and I feel a lot better after last night tears and emotions ( not sure what about, presumably linked to all this? ) I felt much better today . I don't work Mondays so after taking the kids to school headed to the gym and for a swImi. Feel so much better for this. Housework this pm before its time to pick them up again. Have a good day everyone

            Sausage x


              Newbies Nest

              I hope my fall after 21 years doesn't discourage anyone or run anyone off. My fall is just an example that we have to be aware always that we are one drink away. Can never forget that the outcome, if we choose to drink, won't be that we finally learned control after all those years, but the truth is that it goes really badly really fast.

              Today will be my 3rd day AF. My mind is screaming about all the things coming up where my husband will be away, and I can drink freely instead of hiding in the extra bedroom! I feel better today than I've felt in awhile but as you all know, it will be some time before the fog really lifts. Thank you for all the encouragement.


                Newbies Nest

                Just wanted to pop in the nest and say hello on the start of (a new) Day 1. I admire all of you and reading your words is really helping me along my own path.

                Btw, I totally relate to those thoughts of being alone and able to drink without hiding it. My girlfriend, who currently lives states away, left a little over a week ago after staying a month, and the first thing I did was sabotage my efforts at sobriety. I could drink, and no one would know! Yeah, right. And then yesterday, when I was so anxious and my daughter was at her father's house, those same rationalizations crept up. It's stupid, because you know who will know? Me. And my body will definitely know. And because I am sick to death of being a lying alcoholic, I am committed to telling my entire support system if I screw up. My girlfriend, my counselor, a few close friends, and now you all here at MWO.

                Anyway, thanks again for being such an inspiring community, and I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

                Goal 1- 7 days


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy Monday Nestlings!

                  Saucy! (Sausage) Day 11, You Go Girl and have a wicked good day off my friend!

                  Pocket, We welcome you with open arms and good luck on your new journey. It is full of suprises, more good ones than bad ones I find. Much better than a life drowned in AL.

                  DW Blossom...kudos on 3 days. The first days are killer, as you know. This is my 4th time at seriously quitting and the longest I have ever made it was 70 days, last year. I am in it for the long run this time as I see sobriety as a WAY OF LIFE and not just a temporary fix until my next birthday. The doors it has opened for me in just 13 days of AF life is amazing and the magic will only continue if I let it. I echo the words of a wise member on here...don't quit before miracles start happening. We need to give it a chance and dry out for a long time before we re-assess any AL. For me, it is all or nothing. I can't just have the one or 2 glass of wine. I have to get to three before I get a buzz and then by the time you know it, I am done with the whole bottle. Fast forward to a hangover the next morning and the rest is history. Or herstory as it pertains to this blonde chickie!

                  Starting my 13th day and not feeling "unlucky" in one bit. The sun is shining, Spring is on it's way and so are good things in my day. I wish the same for you all. Bright Blessings from the Blonde.
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nesters :new:,

                    Today i start Day 2 feeling a little better than yesterday. Sleep wasnt too awful though woke up many times sweating and throwing off the covers and then feeling cold and pulling them back on. ugh.

                    I still have that sick feeling about Saturday night with me but i guess that will take time to ease up. Frankly, it helps me at the moment to keep me AF.

                    gotta run and get ready for work. I wish all a sober and peace filled day.



                      Newbies Nest

                      PS, Welcome back Daisy!!!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Hello & welcome Ima & Pocket! Glad you found thenest, a safe place to settle in for a while
                        Be sure to read the MWO book if you haven't already. You can download it right from the Health store jere on the site.

                        DogWood, I'm so sorry to hear your story. It must have been a very difficult time for you.
                        Please know that you are welcome to hang out in the nest as long as you like.:l

                        Great to see everyone this morning & wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning everyone - and hope you're all having a good AF day! I've been reading through your posts and wish I could remember everyone's individual names to respond, but once Iclick on the respond button and the posts disappear, it's a bit of a memory challenge :H.

                          DWB - wow I can't imagine being AF for so long! It's a lesson to us all too not to take even a few days or weeks of sobriety for granted.

                          I'm on Day four and still can't stop thinking about a nice cold glass of wine! It haunts me, particularly around 5-6 pm when I'm preparing the evening meal. It's like a massive inner fight.

                          On the plus side - even after four days, my skin is looking so much better! Spots are all clearing and my eyes look bright instead of puffy. Also, I know lots of people suffer insomnia when they go AF, but I have been sleeping like a log! For the first time in years I'm sleeping right through and waking on my alarm - normally I have to keep getting up to get water and visit the wc - and then can't get back to sleep with my mind racing with guilt and termoil because of my drinking!
                          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                            Newbies Nest

                            :H jane -
                            I recently read a book called "if You Give a Moose a Muffin' to my 3 year old grandson & couldn't believe how boring it was - cute but boring :H

                            Good lunch with your lunch......
                            I had absolutely no respect for my Dad either (for different reasons). Now that's he's been gone for a number of years, if I'm pressed I can come up with one or two memories of him actually being half decent. Mostly I just don't think about him
                            Some people are just not meant to be around other decent people.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning everyone!

                              Happy Monday! Sorry to hear of those of you who are struggling. It happens, we are only human, just try to stay strong and remember the evils of alcohol. I can remember very clearly all the pain, frustration, anxiety and sadness that it caused me, and that definitely overshadows any romantic feelings I may have towards it from time to time!

                              I had a great weekend (busy though), went to see Little Women yesterday then out to a nice dinner. I feel like the weekend flew by and I didn't even have time to squeeze a nap in I got my new washer all hooked up, only to find out my old one only had a clogged hose, so I think it still works. Oh well, I guess it's time to let that one go, it's about 25 years old!

                              I hope everyone can stay strong and remember why we are here. We hate alcohol and the devestating effects is has brought into our lives. Please don't be lulled into thinking that "this time" will be different if we go back to drinking. It won't. In fact it will probably be worse! I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, sober day!

                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I can't believe I didn't post this earlier, my mind is still in a fog sometimes.

                                My nephew (who lives with me) went to a party on Saturday night and I told him "If you drink AT ALL, do NOT drive, stay where you are!" So....he wasn't home on Sunday morning. He got home around 1pm and told me he had about 10 drinks, beer and tequila. I didn't preach at him, or even say much, just that I was glad he didn't drive...but my mind was reeling because I wish, oh how I wish, I could make him understand the true nature of this beast. Right now it's all fun and games to him and his friends...but fast forward 20 years and it isn't so fun anymore. He's not even legally old enough to be drinking anyway, like that matters. I'm hoping to talk to him later, but in a casual way. I wish alcohol wasn't pushed so hard on kids to seem "cool". I don't want to make it a big deal, because the more you make something taboo, the more attractive it seems. I hope he brings it up again...but I'm not sure what I'm going to say.
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

