Hi KTAB, Karens, Rolypoly, sdlovespackers, choppersmom, LilBit and dill and Peanut (if you're out there).
I'm starting day two of the program -- topamax, book and supplements. Just ordered the tapes.
I pray with all my heart that MWO will be my answer. I'm just not the AA type and after 15 years of drinking too much "wine" I have many fences to mend with my husband and 25+-year-old daughter. Only hope it's not too late. They have a lot of hard feeling because they've wanted me to quit for more than a year, and I haven't done so. Also seeing a Physiatrist. He's incredibly expensive, so I'm going to cut back to two time a month.
I left my dream job last fall and haven't been able to find anything since. Miss feeling challenged, want to work, need the money and yet, I feel like I need to get a bit stronger first. My self-esteem is pretty low. Sorry to go on so long. These thread and the posting feel really good to me.
Last night, I mentioned that I was concerned about taking my first dose of topamax. I took 50 ml before bed and didn't sleep all night long. Today my legs hurt, I had a dull headache and I was sick to my stomach. I also ran into a woman at the grocery store with my cart. Apologized profusely, but she wasn't amused. I didn't see her. My husband was with me and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
I'd like to look into Provigil; however, my Physiatrist exact words were "we wouldn't be taking Provigil, next week he would add Naltrexone to the mix. I'm pretty frustrated with the guy. After more than six years taking Adderall for adult ADD, he insisted that I stop taking it. Now, I'm on this lovely topamax, no ADD meds, no Provigil (according to him) and need to function at a high level (if I can stay awake), because I'm writing my thesis. He and I will likely have a frank discussion when I see him next week. Arrogant drs. who are more concerned about addiction than a patients quality of life rub me the wrong way.
Someone asked what I thought of acupuncture. It would very well for relaxation; also believe that it helped heal my liver function some. My acupuncturist is a great person, just need to wait until I am employed again before I continue going.
Hope each of you get a good night sleep. It's tough to function without sleep. Oh, I figured out why topamax helps with cravings; I was too sick want to drink today.
Love my new friends. Thanks so much for listening.