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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy spring break finallydone
    Keep yourself as busy as possible ~ you'll be OK.

    Hello & welcome to tomahawk!
    Please make yourself comfortable in the nest - we're here to help one another

    Family get togethers can be blessings but usually they're more like neurotic nightmares :H
    I am at the point where I just don't see any of my brothers anymore & it's just as well. The one I would like to see lives on the west coast so it's a long time between visits. I think it's better if I remain on my own....
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      tomahawkkid;1279126 wrote: Hello, newbie here, all tentative and awkward 'n all that. Feel like cr@p so instead of starting out on miserable note I'll try and stay with the positives...wherever I've hidden them.
      Welcome Tomahawkkid! This may turn out to be the best decision you ever made!!! Looking forward to getting to know you......
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Newbies Nest

        Welcome Tomahawk!!! I'm a newbie, too - I think I turned up on this site - by complete (and wonderful) accident - only last Wednesday. So, not even a week - and I can't tell you what a difference it has made in my life already! Just getting the head turned around, bit by bit (or as another poster mentioned -- 1% a day) makes the world start looking better. Stay with us!

        Finally Done: Good luck to you this week - enjoy the rest and be strong.

        Lolab: My spouse (who can set me off in a wink) is actually a pretty decent sort and seldom, seldom picks an arguement. But - funny thing - the times he's been the first one around here to provoke things......when .he's been waaaay in the wrong, or felt crappy about himself... it would take him several days to own up. (Whilst I stewed and re-examined things endlessly in the meantime). After 46 years, I wonder why young'ns are in such a damned rush to get married...or how anyone STAYS married.

        And Byrd - Same thing - my spouse has SAID it might be 'impolite' to note someone's weight loss. I think it's a 'guy' thing??

        Canadian Girl - Good luck with making progress with the skin has enough other aggravations.

        Day Four is history! My son called fairly early this morning (8:40 and I was still abed, not wanting to leave another great night's rest). He had a grandson cutie to report and after, I reflected on how glad I was that I was able to concentrate on our conversation and NOT on how crappy i felt!!

        I'm also a newbie at yoga - about 8 weeks - and during class this morning, I was reflecting on the small changes I can see happening with me there.....That i 'get' things a little quicker easier; that some movement is easier. And it made me think about our journeys here --- so many other things we do is a baby-step by baby-step process and yet, somehow, with this challenge we are so down on ourselves for any little slip (even if it's mental). My goodness! AL has been such a biiiiig part of each of our lives (forgive my assumptions here and speaking inclusively) - and yet we have this notion that it should be so quick and easy to change the thinking and behaviors of what - for some of us - is decades.

        I've always struggled when I've heard the 'one day at a time' concept. Like even that was too big to take on. Since last week, it suddenly makes sense. No, I don't want to give up the idea of ever again being able to sit in some cozy bar and enjoy a martini (though maybe I have to). BUT - it's not on my agenda right now. Scratch that thought. Worry about it later. And get through to another good-tomorrow-morning. That's it. All I have to do.

        Tell me, what is it you plan to do
        with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver


          Newbies Nest

          CollieMom;1279236 wrote:

          I've always struggled when I've heard the 'one day at a time' concept. Like even that was too big to take on. Since last week, it suddenly makes sense. No, I don't want to give up the idea of ever again being able to sit in some cozy bar and enjoy a martini (though maybe I have to). BUT - it's not on my agenda right now. Scratch that thought. Worry about it later. And get through to another good-tomorrow-morning. That's it. All I have to do.

          Just love that last paragraph CollieMom especially the

          All you have to do is get through to another "good- tomorrow- morning"

          Never seen anyone word it like that, but it sums it up exactly right.

          Am on day 18 and was feeling a bit weak and then I logged of just now and read that, and I know I won't drink tonight

          Because I want another good tomorrow morning .


            Newbies Nest

            Good for you Sausage!

            One never knows how just a thought that you take the time to type out may be the helping hand that another needs. :h


              Newbies Nest

              tomahawkkid;1279126 wrote: Hello, newbie here, all tentative and awkward 'n all that. Feel like cr@p so instead of starting out on miserable note I'll try and stay with the positives...wherever I've hidden them.
              Welcome tomahakkid! You have found a great place! :welcome:
              Started living again 2/7/2015


                Newbies Nest

                SAUSAGE;1279245 wrote: Just love that last paragraph CollieMom especially the

                All you have to do is get through to another "good- tomorrow- morning"

                Never seen anyone word it like that, but it sums it up exactly right.

                Am on day 18 and was feeling a bit weak and then I logged of just now and read that, and I know I won't drink tonight

                Because I want another good tomorrow morning .
                Wait to go Sausage!!! :goodjob: and those are great words to live by!
                Started living again 2/7/2015


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lavande;1279177 wrote: Happy spring break finallydone
                  Keep yourself as busy as possible ~ you'll be OK.

                  Hello & welcome to tomahawk!
                  Please make yourself comfortable in the nest - we're here to help one another

                  Family get togethers can be blessings but usually they're more like neurotic nightmares :H
                  I am at the point where I just don't see any of my brothers anymore & it's just as well. The one I would like to see lives on the west coast so it's a long time between visits. I think it's better if I remain on my own....
                  Thank you Lavande! I have been keeping myself busy today! Maybe not busy enough but feeling good and the warm weather is helping with the attitude!
                  Started living again 2/7/2015


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey, all you nesters! I'm back on the saddle and well into day 2. I think a definite trigger for me right now is social, and I should have listened to my gut and just paid my friend for the ticket to the concert. I didn't drink while out, but I did before I went. I am not even in the mood to go out. I would much rather stick to a routine for a while-- I have truly enjoyed being sober and home with my daughter. I like getting work done, cooking, playing with my girl, and going to bed after skyping my girlfriend or watching funny netflix. I really don't think I have room for anything else at this point in my recovery.

                    But it feels really good to know that every time I try, I get further and learn something. This is a process, and I really am doing it.

                    Family dynamics-- jeez. I am an only child of two older parents. Everything I have ever done has been obsessed over. And exaggerated. I have a particularly difficult relationship with my mother, so I try to deal in small doses. I feel for those of you with larger, even more trying families. I know mom makes me want to drink; I can't even imagine what it's like with a whole crew that incites that feeling.

                    Lav... glad you survived!

                    Hope everyone is having a wonderful AF day. I am off to play outside with the daughter!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Just checking in one more time before I call it a day. I am bone tired & should sleep like a log.

                      Glad to see positive reports here today
                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all, just checked to see if my son arrived in Vancouver - his flight has been delayed by half an hour which means he has been in the air 10 hours with half hour to go - didn't think it was that far away......just want to hear he has landed safe and sound.
                        Went to my drama group tonight - great craic! Had to make a platter of creamy fairy cakes last week; cut them out of foam and dressed with cotton wool as cream and fluffy balls as fruit toppings. This was then used for one of the cast to be photographed for a spoof of Calender Girls.

                        Tonight my assignment is to make Superman costumes for our big fluffy animals - our group is taking part in the St Paddys day parade. I have to dress up in one of them and dance through the streets with the group; looking forward to it - defo wouldn't be doing any of this with alcohol on board!!!!
                        End of day 9 for me...
                        Stay strong Nesters, Spring is in the air!!!
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks, Sausage! Means a lot.

                          Daisy - How old is the son that's left your nest? Hope it's a smooth transition for both of you.
                          Your costume effects and the parade sound great! Happy dancing!
                          Tell me, what is it you plan to do
                          with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver


                            Newbies Nest

                            CollieMom;1279349 wrote: Thanks, Sausage! Means a lot.

                            Daisy - How old is the son that's left your nest? Hope it's a smooth transition for both of you.
                            Your costume effects and the parade sound great! Happy dancing!
                            Hi CollieMom, glad to hear you are 'finding your way'. This place has been everything to me since I first came. Life for me is good as long as I stay close to MWO.
                            My son is 20. He moved out a couple of years ago to live with his dad for work reasons - that broke my heart but this is to another country.....I am probably a bit over-protective; he can't stand me fussing but I think it secretly makes him feel secure.
                            He arrived 20 minutes ago so I can go to bed happy now....
                            Do you have any St Patricks Day celebrations near you?
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters

                              Not much to say, but really enjoyed our group's postings. Such a nice, warm place to come after a busy day and read what you all have been up to!!
                              I read a bit last night when the kids was all over the place and I was going a bit mad and now I have to logg off and get this day started. After reading your posts I feel ready...

                              Hope you all have a fantastic day!
                              12-20-2012 AF
                              Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Daisy - 20 is pretty young - you've a right to feel a bit of a heart-tug! Glad he arrived safely. I think you said six months? Bet you'll see lots of changes. We actually do have a St. Pat's parade in the largest small town near me (30 mins away). But I'm originally from Chicago - now that's a St. Paddy's celebration! ( B/t/w, one of our most favorite trips EVER was two weeks spent tootling about Ireland. Loved every moment.)

                                Jane: The dog pic of yours is just too much. I chuckle every time I come across it.
                                (Does anyone know - here and there I've seen posters reference avatar pics that i'm not seeing.....?)

                                Steady - Hope it's a good day for you. I'm with you - on finding this a necessary and so-worthwhile stop.
                                Tell me, what is it you plan to do
                                with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

