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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow Peanut,

    I'm so impressed. Pretty sure I couldn't run around the block. Congratulations!



      Newbies Nest

      Rosebud, I like your pic. Always had a soft spot for dolphins.

      Choppers, it's like Mark Twain once said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." Whenever we have a sunny heat wave, it's usually followed by a period of cool fogginess. Still waiting for it to clear. Making chili.

      Way to go, Peanut!
      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        Newbies Nest


        Lilbit, spent most of my life in the Bay Area.....very familiar with the weather there. Live in Arizona now and would kill for that morning layer of fog......Chopper, thanks for givin the love to G.....but you know how I am about my little can join us.....but I can't give him away for a whole day....well, goodnight to all my little ones. May the week ahead bring you joy and peace............Papa R....and G


          Newbies Nest

          not doing too well

          Hi everyone

          Ive been reading round the different threads & its so hard to know where is the best place to post my thoughts , so I decided the newbies nest sounded kinda like the right place ...

          well I joined up about 2 weeks ago along with supps. mwo book & cds... felt really chuffed with myself & managed 2 lots of 4 days AF ( something I havent done in a long time ).

          BUT then had a bottle of wine last wednesday ,sincerely intending it to be a temporary blip...sadly didnt manage it & have been back to a bottle a night ( or more ) since then . I feel such a complete prat..especially when i read your posts & hear how strong so many of you have been .

          The trouble is when things get you down ( problems with my eldest daughter, feelings of self loathing every time I see myself in a full length mirror, !! etc,, ) ,they tend to disappear for a while inside that bottle.. then the next day I am so disgruntled with myself that I self perpetuate things .

          Right....... I can do this & I have to try again. Tomorrow I am going to restart the 4 days AF & if possible try to continue beyond that .

          I have race for life coming up in 7 weeks ( a 5k charity run), am grossly overweight (could that be something to do with xs AL consumption?? !!!!) & consequently pretty unfit .

          My plan , go AF , start a 6 week training plan to at least be able to run some of the way .

          Please wish me luck ... really sorry to have moaned on & been so self pitying ...but thankyou all so much for being there & posting .

          Keep going , you are all such an inspiration.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Bubble - I know how you feel about the self-perpetuating cycle. Just try to remember how bad you do feel after having that bottle of wine before you have it. Easier said than done I know.

            Good luck with the training program. I am sure it will help to have something positive to reflect on!
            AF since - 5/24/09
            edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning! I am starting day 2 today. So happy about getting through a family BBQ yesterday AF! Today is a holiday BBQ at the lake with hubby's family. I WILL get through that AF as well

              Off to do my workout now. I always find that if I start my day on a healthy note than I am more motivated to continue it that way!
              AF since - 5/24/09
              edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning, nesters! I hope you are enjoying this long Memorial Day weekend. I have been enjoying a visit from my daughter and son-in-law. It's so wonderful to have some time with them. I really wish they lived much closer so we could visit more often. That's not likely to happen unless we move, as they are both employed and very tied to the area where they live, and SIL's family lives there. sigh. We can't move at this point in our lives as I am still working full time and can't retire for 3 more years. I guess visiting will have to do for the time being!

                Lavande, are you using any meds to quit the cigs? I have heard good things about Chantix. I find it interesting that you and LilBit find the cigs harder to quite than alc. What reading I have done on the subject says that that the opposite is more the norm. I?ve read that alc is much harder to quit. Perhaps some of the level of difficulty of quittiing of these substances is related to the intensity of their use prior to quitting.

                Sea, did you have a good time at the Rock101 Skyshow? That sounded like a fun event.

                Welcome, mom2ajt! :welcome:I certainly do wish you luck and strength! My problem is wine, too. But, you CAN do this! I agree with you that it is indeed time to address the problem when it starts spilling over onto other family members and affecting those relationships. That?s what got me really motivate, too. However, I knew I needed to and wanted to get control before it spilled over. I just couldn?t seem to manage it.

                LilBit, It?s nice to have a duck in the nest! We have a very diverse bird population here!:H

                Hey Chops! How?s it going out there in Oregon? It?s nice, but overcast here in Ohio today.

                Hey, Rosebud! Hang in there. Work with your doc to get the meds right, or, switch docs!

                Pnut, You sound like you are working up the motivation for another AF stretch. I?m doing the same. Maybe we can work together again?

                Bubblex, Don?t beat yourself up. It?s not going to help. Just get back on the wagon! It is not easy for any of us, and slips do happen. But the important thing is to keep trying. The more AF time you get under your belt, the stronger you will become. You can do it! (Hey, If I can, you can!!)

                Hey, PR! Hey, KTAB, Hey to all to come!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Dill & mom2ajt

                  You re right , poitive thinking & get back on the wagon....the day here is so glorious now & the kids are out in the paddling pool its hard to be too down!!

                  I,m off to get a good book & lie in the sun & read , interspersed with a bit of gardening ...what more do I need !??

                  Thanks for the advice.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Happy Memorial Day to everyone

                    Just waiting for the kids and the grandson to get here - then the grilling begins. We have a hot, sunny day going here.

                    Bubblex, hang in there. A slip is a slip, it's not the end of anything. Brush yourself off, jump back on the wagon with the rest of us, we'd love to have you. Enjoy your kids and your nice day.

                    All the best,
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning all and I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day. I can't believe that I just woke up...10 AM Pacific Time. I am one lazy bird today :H

                      PR, Ok...I can join G and just share him. He got lots of love yesterday and will get more today. I hope you had a great day yesterday and both of you are staying cool in Arizona.

                      Lilbit, my first thought when you said fog and west coast was that you lived in San Fran. I love that city and need to go back soon to visit.

                      Mom2, great job on getting through the BBQ AF! You will do the same today! Great going!

                      Bubble, we have all had our share of slips and going through the cycle. Onward and upward my friend!

                      Dill, Oregon is great. It is beautiful, sunny and low 70's. Such a nice change from rain. The weather has been this way for almost a week and we still have a few more days of it forecast. I hope Ohio soon gets this wonderful weather we are experiencing!

                      Sea, how was the rock show? I hope you had fun!

                      Hi ya LaVande. Good to see you.

                      Hello to Lil, UNG, and all others to come! Have a great day! :l


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Memorial Day!!!
                        :welcome: to all the new NESTERS!!!! So nice to see so many new faces!!! (or beaks??)

                        I went out to the lake cabin to see my dad so haven't been around a computer....been missing out I see!!!

                        But now I have to run and get my son so I'll have check back in tell about the RE Do!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Newbies Nest


                          Hope everybody in the nest enjoyed the Holiday today.....I appreciate what this day means to all of us and appreciate all of you as well.....have a great night sweet cherubs.
                          Papa R & G


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks for the words of encouragement! I made it through Day 2!!!!:wd: Tomorrow back to the normal non-holiday routine so hopefully things will go smoothly.

                            Good night everyone
                            AF since - 5/24/09
                            edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good LATE evening Nesters!!!!
                              AGAIN :welcome: to all newcomers!!!
                              SEA-Did your Reds WHOOP the TWINS today???
                              LAV--Hope you had fun at your BBQ with the family!!
                              Chop--and YEAH---your FAM/HONEY returns huh!!??
                              Dill--Enjoy your family...cuz come June...Your Mine and Peanuts!!!! :H We are taking June by storm!!!! Seriously...I say...if we kick a** in June...we all meet in like Minneapolis in July at the MOA and shopping spree it up!!!!! AND I'm NOT talking VIA internet...we'd deserve THIS!!!
                              Mom2--You are rockin at this!!! Keep it up!!!
                              To all those to come...have a great week!!!! Where is UNG...hope she didn't hit a support beam!!!
                              SD--G'd night all!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest

                                Opps...the "RE DO".....
                                Ok....much like my son's sports, I must tell by all day Saturday I'm cleaning and packing for this move...totally busting butt all day....four o'clock comes along and Mike calls and tells me he wants to meet for dinner at 7pm. So I quick finish up packing the basement, change clothes, brush my hair and teeth (yeah, I'm that gross on the weekends!)and run to the mall to look for a new pair or jeans, right....I deserve I'm checking out at 5:55 and my phone rings, I don't answer...don't want him to know I'm buying a new pair a jeans for him...he leaves a message....TO CANCEL!!!! BUT.....I heard him out....he lives at the lake and his dock fell in the lake and the wire snapped and legs bent and whatever...I believed him...him and a bunch of neighbors were over there for about 3 hours trying to salvage the dock.....LONG story....really LONG...we ended up going put for Sunday brunch the next day which was just lovely!!! Followed up by the awkward thanks for breakfast hug!!:H Totally "G" rated Re-DO date....yeah ME!!!! AND AF!!!! was 10:30 AM!!!!:H
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


