Just wanted to say a quick :thanks: to everyone for helping me toot my horn yesterday. I didn?t share the news with anyone in my offline world so it?s nice to have someone to celebrate with!
Hope your energy level is better today FinallyDone. You?ve made a great start so far!
Nursie -- I agree with Lav about the hypo cd?s. I think they are worth a try. It might be just the thing to get you through those rough patches? And as far as men taking initiative to get things done -- that's one of my big frustrations too. I?m surrounded with my 2 boys, my husband and a very pushy male cat. No one ever thinks to pick anything up, put anything away, or do anything except eat without a hundred reminders from me. Even obvious things like a skateboard left at the top of the stairs or rotting banana peels stinking up the bedrooms go unnoticed until I come along. I don't get it!

Hi Lifechange. At first it doesn?t seem like it, but the months go by just as fast without alcohol -- only difference is they are so much more pleasant! Enjoy those cookies today!