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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just wanted to say a quick :thanks: to everyone for helping me toot my horn yesterday. I didn?t share the news with anyone in my offline world so it?s nice to have someone to celebrate with!

    Hope your energy level is better today FinallyDone. You?ve made a great start so far!

    Nursie -- I agree with Lav about the hypo cd?s. I think they are worth a try. It might be just the thing to get you through those rough patches? And as far as men taking initiative to get things done -- that's one of my big frustrations too. I?m surrounded with my 2 boys, my husband and a very pushy male cat. No one ever thinks to pick anything up, put anything away, or do anything except eat without a hundred reminders from me. Even obvious things like a skateboard left at the top of the stairs or rotting banana peels stinking up the bedrooms go unnoticed until I come along. I don't get it!

    Hi Lifechange. At first it doesn?t seem like it, but the months go by just as fast without alcohol -- only difference is they are so much more pleasant! Enjoy those cookies today!

    AF since 9/20/2011


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesties!

      Lifechange, I am sending you strength, and FinallyDone, keep hanging in there...we all get "down" sometimes but don't let it lead you back to the poison. Stay strong!

      Nursie - I listen to Relaxation CD's at bedtime, they're not the hypno CD's but they are very calming and I am always asleep before they finish. I rent them from the library.

      My daughter had her first counseling session yesterday and it seems to have went well. She goes back in 2 weeks for the next one. My daughter wants me to tell her dad that she's seeing a therapist, for some reason she is embarrassed to tell him herself. Anyway, I think it's going to work out. And if it goes past the 5 free sessions, her father is going to have to help pay for it!

      I am off at noon today, it's my furlough-no-pay half day. I plan on getting a little nap in

      Not much to report here...I realized that Sunday will be day 90 for me....but no celebrating until day 120...that will be a milestone for me!!!

      You all take care and stay strong!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        Another glorious day without alcohol!! I will not drink today.
        I'm happy to have accomplished so much today in the gardens. We unloaded the compost bin and I spread the nice rich compost on the flower and veggie garden soil. Then, had a nice lunch and a good chat on the deck in the sunshine.
        Sounds like everyone is doing great! Stay focused and positive.


          Newbies Nest

          Another glorious day without alcohol!! I will not drink today.
          I'm happy to have accomplished so much today in the gardens. We unloaded the compost bin and I spread the nice rich compost on the flower and veggie garden soil. Then, had a nice lunch and a good chat on the deck in the sunshine.
          Sounds like everyone is doing great! Stay focused and positive and have a great rest of your day.


            Newbies Nest

            so far so good.! day one is almost done. and i am so thankful to have such support here.
            even though i read it in thoughtful posts all the time, i was scared to open up again. i've been pushing that first day for weeks. so my long term goal is a good 30 days to clear my mind and see what it feels like.
            my more manageable, short time goal is one more day.
            hugs to you all. i ate about 10 cookies today, and enjoyed every bite. they were small.
            until tomorrow--


              Newbies Nest

              Congrats on 30 days Blonde, and shout out to everyone else racking AF days. :goodjob:

              I stayed home sick today because of insomnia, is it affecting many of you? I've been AF 27 days and last night reminded me of the Sunday nights where I couldn't sleep after weekend of AL. I feel guilty and tired, any advice to make sure I sleep tonight?? I haven't slept much Sun and Mon night and then almost nothing last night. As you can tell, I'm a little anxious about sleep now, still really helps to come here.

              Thanks MWO


                Newbies Nest

                Today, I had trouble sleeping with or without AL for a lot of years. For me it was due to stress, hormonal changes, stress & did I mention stress?
                I am sleeping much better these days (not perfect) with getting some meditation in, some herbal sleep stuff, exercise & of course no AL
                Look into some Melatonin, it does help as long as you don't mind some bizarre dreams.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  I have had some success with Melatonin for sleep, but I don't take it regularly, or anything lol. I never took anything regularly but a drink, haha.:H I think the vivid dreams/nightmares also come from extreme tiredness and lack of REM sleep too. When you finally do sleep, you go straight into REM and dream like crazy, or at least I do.

                  Congrats to Wicked on 6 months AF! That's so awesome. I wanna be you when I grow up.

                  Happy Wednesday evening to all the rest of you Nesties! Have a safe and sober one, and I look forward to "seeing" you tomorrow.

                  "I like people too much or not at all."
                  Sylvia Plath


                    Newbies Nest

                    Wanted to jump in and say hi. Today is day 5 for me and this is where things start to pick up and I feel better. I have done a ton of reading and research in the past couple of years, learned a lot, now I just need to implement my knowledge. Thinking about going to the men’s support group tomorrow night. I have been a couple times, right down the road from here, and the guys that go are a real kick to listen to as long as you don't mind foul language.

                    Have a good night everyone


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Glad you dropped in Kaizen & congrats on your 5 AF days ~ great work
                      Hope the support group is helpful to you.

                      Hang in there KG, you are doing great as well!

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just flying in to say goodnight and sprinkle some sober dust on the nest...
                        Congrats on 6 months Lifechange!
                        K9- 90 days is huge. I will celebrate for you. Then 120 we will have cake lol.
                        Lav- I'm not torturing myself unnecessarily. Sometimes it is torture. Most of the time it is wonderful. But I speak the truth when I'm having a hard time. If I were drinking, then I would be torturing myself unnecessarily. But I am venting to get the frustration out. That's how I deal and it is helping me to et rid of toxic thoughts. It is a method given to me many years ago by a therapist and it has worked with other issues. I don't go around ranting to the world. Just here, in the comfort of the nest and in my journal.

                        My brother came to help with the yard again. He drank 12 beers while he was here. He was the only one drinking...again. I had no urges, and the rest of the family had to deal with him getting progressively obnoxious. I'm thinking of doing an official intervention. His own consequences, which have been significant, have not flipped the switch for him.
                        To all the nestlings...sweet dreams and see you tomorrow.
                        Day 1 again 11/5/19
                        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                        One day at a time.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nursie, that sucks about your brother. Have you spoken to him about it? 12 beers is a lot!

                          I'm awake - DH left early for work this morning, like 4am so I put the light on to come on here and catch up then DD woke up. Just given her some milk and put her back to bed so I'm really hoping she drops back off! Going to be a long day otherwise for her at school!

                          Day 4, hoping my Jason Vale book arrives today, I'm really looking forward to reading it. Have a great day everyone x


                            Newbies Nest

                            just a quick good morning as i head out the door to work.
                            wishing you all a beautiful "spring" day!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Nursie, someone on here awhile back referred to "vomiting up their emotions" - sometimes you just have to get it all out and then you feel so much better! With me, the more I try to push those thoughts aside, the stronger they get sometimes, so sometimes, I have to entertain the thoughts...let them out, realize they aren't going to get me anywhere and only then, can I let them go.

                              Wicked - I missed your party - let's keep it going all week! Congratulations on 6 months! I will keep looking to you to see what's just around the bend...:-)

                              This summery weather makes me feel so obligated to work outside - I'm getting tired...but the weekend promises some rain - a good excuse for me to sit on my butt....then I'll complain about that...

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all

                                Been plodding along about 60 days into sinclair method.

                                Daily drinking is faltering - had 2 AF days this week and lots of sex that didnt used to happen - and my drinking is not so extreme.

                                But my wife and I have polished off two beautiful bottles of red wine tonight - stress gets blamed, but drinking $40 bottles of wine shouldnt have to be a privlege.

                                We're actually watching Sandra Bullock in 28 days and it reinforces how much I hate about the institutionalised alcohol industry.

                                I checked out the new licenced restaurant I'm involved in building today - our liquor licence was completed today and hopefully will be approved next week and I have a second restaurant underway elsewhere in the city. I am working on developing a winery and restaurant on the outskirts of town and I was onsite this morning with one of the local authorities because we apparently built a road too close to the river that is a boundary of the property. Interesting common theme flowing through my activities.

                                My wife just asked if the people on my mywayout internet group chant slogans and holy AA affirmations like they do on the 48hrs rehab. I told her to have another glass of reserve shiraz. She asked me whether I'd like to have a self depreciating sign hung around my neck to beat out of me any sense of individuality.

                                I turned the show on to try and describe some of my past journey and the reason why I am so opposed to this sort of institutional bullying - If we did these things to our children they would be taken off us, so how come the so-called professionals are justified in using "tough love" abusive practices.

                                They are doing the family group therapy scene in the video where Bullocks sister dumps on her in public totally destroying any self esteem that the heroine may have. Why should any one who is suffering from a disease (or from a lack of self control depending on the approach of the treatment center) cop this treatment - how does that help the person going through forced withdrawal in the clinical situation? How does disrespecting someone encourage any positive behaviours?

                                Its a pretty tragic world out there but people on this site are doing something about their problems and they are maintaining their control. I'm so pleased that I've come across you people and I wish you all the best on your journey


