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    Newbies Nest

    Looks like Nursie's not online anymore. Nursie - I will be thinking of you all night and all weekend. Please let us know how you are. I am sending you strength and love my friend.

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      K9 I went to help Nursie, but she had already left.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Newbies Nest

        HAPPY 30 DAYS, LG!! :yay: Are you tired of hearing it yet?

        Sausage-- tomorrow's a big milestone for you, too! I hope it's a great weekend!

        Willow... I'm on day 5 as well! I wish I could say the urge to drink has totally left me, but I've had a few moments that I had to get through today. It does, however, seem easier than my last couple of attempts. Being sick for a day helped, I'm sure, but I am seriously using my tools right now. I've had to use the HALT technique (hunger, today, I think was the cause of one craving), urge surf, read the forum, and slam coconut water like crazy. I seriously love coconut water. Being in this early stage of recovery kind of reminds me of being pregnant. I am developing weird fixations on foods, drinks, and vitamins. But I was super healthy back then, so it's all good! Anyway, keep on going! We can have our 30 day party together!

        Nursie, if you're reading, I just want you to know I'm sending my good thoughts to you! No matter what, let us know how you're doing. :l


          Newbies Nest

          Thank you Pocket! I never get tired of congrats! And congrats to you on day 5!:goodjob:

          Cravings haven't left me either. I wish I'd never had a drink in my life, or a ciggie...Then I wouldn't know what I was missing. And be better for it!

          Have a great Friday night, I'm off to the Moviesssssss~~~~~!!!!

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Hoped everyone is tucked in for a safe night

            Nursie, I'm sorry to hear about your decision tonight. AL never resolves a problem, just moves you further away from your true self. Hope you decide to hop right back into the nest & resume the battle. We will be here holding your spot!

            Wishing everyone a good night.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Day 1 again
              Day 1:4/4/2014


                Newbies Nest

                Hope you're ok Nursie hon x

                Welcome back Mimi! X


                  Newbies Nest

                  CG, what did you see? The Hunger Games? Was it good?

                  Let's see what today brings - its the weekend, the sun's gonna shine and DH is working today so I'm alone with the kids - it usually spells disaster. But no more. I never have to feel like that ever again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh Nursie, sorry I missed you last night ( you are on a different time zone to me) hope you are ok? Settle back into the nest, don't be like me - I took so long to come back. Stay strong and keep going. It's at times like these when I sometimes feel counting days is a hindrance because when something like this happens it makes you feel like you are starting all over aagin and yet realistically another way of looking it , is what % of this yr has been sober for you? - The majority, so you are making huge progress so keep going.

                    Willow, how's the Jason book going and have you watched the film I suggested yet? Bet you are glad you don't have to face a day with the kids alone hungover!

                    CG have you seen Hunger Games - what did u think, you or anyone else who has seen it.

                    Jane you are sounding strong and positive today, keep going.

                    Hi to everyone else. Well it's my day 30 today! One whole month without alcohol! In a way it has gone quickly. Thanks for all your support guys , I wouldn't have done it without you.

                    Sausage x
                    Day 30


                      Newbies Nest

                      I saw the Hunger Games last night. It was great! I read the books, and the first movie only covered the first book (just!), so there will be two more at least (or more if the author writes more, lol). They had to leave out a lot it seemed to me, but they touched on all the highlights in the book.

                      Slept just a few hours, it seems like, last night. BF's got me up and getting ready to go work at the flea market.:H It's been raining all night and morning, so I hope people do come out to shop. There are some covered tables and an indoor area as well as outdoor tables...

                      Hope everyone is having a good Sat.

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters,

                        Rain here too LG! I'm very happy for you & Sausage today!

                        Need to get busy planning my own celebration on Monday - 3 years AF :yay:
                        So glad to have gotten AL out of my life when I did. Life is good!

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday. Keep yourselves busy & your thoughts positive

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well done Sausage and LG too of course. 30 days - wow!

                          Sausage, the book is cool. I STILL haven't watched the damn film! TBH, I'm feeling pretty strong right now so I'm thinking I'll keep it in my 'bag of tricks' for a day when I'm not feeling so good. Gotta happen sooner or later I'm sure.

                          In the park right now, it's a gorgeous day. We've had a picnic, DD is playing with a friend from school and DS is asleep in the buggy. I'm just chilling in the sun with a novel. I would not be doing this with a hangover!

                          Back later guys, hope all's well with everyone x


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy 30 days, Sausage!!! :wd: It's a great accomplishment! And awesome that it's on a Saturday. I don't know your weekly schedule, but a weekend day seems like a great day to celebrate your progress.

                            Lav-- 3 YEARS! Wow! If you get a party hat for 30 days, what the heck do you get for 3 years? I'm excited for you!

                            To everyone starting day 1 today or yesterday... get through the day and be gentle with yourselves. Sending hugs. :h

                            LG-- So you braved the crowds! I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I never enjoy a film based on a book as much as the book because of all the glossing over, but that's the way it goes. And I was totally mistaken about when my girlfriend was going to the film. She was supposed to go Thursday at midnight (there was an opening where she lives) but skipped it and is going tonight.

                            Speaking of the girlfriend (and the G/R/S brothers, as Byrd says) I had a very difficult conversation last night. I had not told my girlfriend about my last slip. Now, I have specifically asked her to be someone I need to be accountable to. And we have talked and talked about how it upsets her a lot more when I lie about my drinking than when I mess up. I mean, she doesn't like it when I slip, but she has recovering alcoholics in her family and is very understanding about the challenging road of recovery. Lying, though, is a big deal.

                            And lying is one of the biggest reasons I hate AL. I am really a pretty honest person, almost to a fault, but when the booze hits me I am a huge liar. I can be obviously wasted and swear I haven't had a drop to drink. Or that I "took some cold meds." Oh, yeah. Right.

                            I hadn't told her about my last slip (which she considers a form of lying) because I have been really, really struggling for just seven blessed days and I did not want her to be disappointed in me. I've messed up a lot lately and I'm tired of feeling guilty and feeling like I've failed. Plus, we have had some other, minor, friction. And that was entirely my fault as well. So I didn't want to add my drinking again into the mix. But all week I have stressed and feeling guilty about it-- how am I going to share my excitement with her if the dates are a week off? She is sending me a present for my 30, and if I got it a week early I would feel like shit.

                            So, I told her. And she was hurt that I waited so long. And it sucked. She initially snapped at me and told me that clearly I did not feel accountable to her so I should find someone else to fill that role. I tearfully explained that I DO feel accountable to her, but I am a work in progress and this time it took me a minute to gather the nerve. And that I feel accountable here, to you folks, too. And my counselor. So it's not her burden alone. She calmed down, and the rest of the conversation went really well, but I still feel bad. I'm lucky to have such a great girl.

                            It's hard to be in a long-distance relationship. Hopefully she will be here full-time in the fall. In some ways I am glad we have this time apart while I am trying to get my act together, but in other ways... obviously I miss her. We send cards and letters on a very regular basis, we send themed care packages, we skype and talk on the phone daily, but I miss her being close to me and I miss her help and support. The distance also makes it super easy to not tell her if I screw up and drink. Ugh.

                            I'm sorry to write a novel here! I really just needed to get that off my chest. I am going to get some work done at home today, and make it safely and soberly to day seven! Hope you all are having a great day!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sausage and LG...big CONGRATS on 30 days! Whooo-Hooo! :wd::wd:

                              Nursie, you can get right back up on that horse. If you drank 1 day out of 75...that is not too bad. Just don't keep the drinking going. It is so easy to, why not since I already slipped. But truth is, the longer you wait to pick up where you left off, the harder it is. I am so sorry you are going through such crappy stuff. Life sucks sometimes, but we all know AL can only make things worse.

                              Jane, I know you will come back. I think you are just "regrouping" now for a final attack on AL. Sometimes we have to gather ourselves and get in the right place to fight. You have the "right stuff" to do just that.

                              That AL is a wily bastard. He tried to get me last night when I was celebrating 10 weeks. My stomach was upset and I heard his voice telling me "you know that a shot of vodka always settles your stomach...always!" . I had to say STFU many times to that voice. I had to try everything else I could to settle my the end, ginger, sipping some coke and eating a little something seemed to make things better.

                              Today is my daughter's birthday, and there will be a bit of celebrating with my brother in town. I did some doozies of drinking during her birthday parties in the past and NEVER want to do that again. Thankfully, she was mostly too young to remember those. Tomorrow is her party with friends and I know I will think (and maybe want) a drink afterwards. Those kid parties drive me over the edge. But I will be Damned if i am going to let that AL bastard in. Sorry, you are no longer welcome here.

                              Alcohol does me no favors.

                              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well Done Sausage!! (that never gets old!) It is my privilidge to issue you your 30 day hat!!:man: I never saw-sudge a star!!! I'm so proud of you! But don't get cocky...this is where the thoughts start to wonder...don't let them in..guard your quit with all you've got!! You don't want to get burnt! eheheh. So happy for you....Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

