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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Greetings you crazy Nestlings!!! Everyone is sounding pretty good today! This is such a supportive group here!!

    Welcome to Juntinc, Xshadow and akaMonique!!

    I am just dropping in for a minute or two - very busy in my lab.
    I have managed the last two nights to keep my wine consumption to half a bottle, tiny sips while I read my book before bed - not AF yet at the mo, but man! that sure feels better than a litre of wine. No hangover, feel more clear in the head - this reminds me of how great I felt in April!!!! Heading for AF June for sure!!!! It's funny (not!) how hard I find that hurdle to just get the first day AF in. I don't know why it is so hard, but once I do it, I know I can continue!!

    Running the ski hill tonight. I had a woodtick stuck to the top of my head after my run saturday evening. GROSS!!!! I was screaming alot, until BF pulled it out. Why on earth I want to risk more of those tonight, I'll never know!
    xoxo peanut


      Newbies Nest

      startafresh;621945 wrote: Hello, just switched from the other thread. I'm a mum too and know exactly what you mean about relaxing when little one has gone to bed. You're often too tired to do anything.

      I'm on DAY 12 AF and quite proud (although that usually comes before a fall, I know).

      I can say depression has got easier to deal with (not so much since I'm not drinking - we know, as people have said, it's a depressant). Still it is a tricky road. One of the trickiest things I've found is reclaiming time for yourself. As a mum I've tended to put my child first and this often leaves me frazzled and tired. I know as a certain extent you have to, but if you have to hold things together you need to look after your self too.

      I've only recently realised on some level that alchohol is not a 'treat' as it does not make me feel better in the long term


      That is what I have to get my head around too. I always kind of looked forward to it like a treat but then would feel like such crap - emotionally more than anything..... seems like a treat
      wouldn't make me feel that way

      Awesome Job on 12 days:goodjob:
      AF since - 5/24/09
      edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


        Newbies Nest

        Just a quick fly by. Still no laptop and Emylee is not letting me use hers. Red Sox beat the Twins last night. Yay!! Playing them again tonight. Skyshow was kinda lame music wise, but fireworks were great. Welcome all newbies. Hopefully my laptop will be here soon. Love you all.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Newbies Nest


          Sea, you crack me up.....I am a sports junkie, but think you've got me beat! Lots of new faces contributing as of late in the nest. Great to see! This cherished spot has grown quite a bit over time....I'll always go out and get more twigs.
          Good night my precious ones.
          Papa R & G


            Newbies Nest

            Done with day 3 - Bring on Day 4!!!!!!! I am feeling great

            AF since - 5/24/09
            edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


              Newbies Nest

              Sea--that wasn't the Twins answering back with a win tonight was it???:H
              Sorry...just friendly ya sweety!!!
              Have a good night nesters!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest

                Hey guys, well I am now on day 2 and feeling rather good Seems like everyone else did well yesterday too and I can say I'm in this for the long haul

                I can so follow what some of you have been saying - I'm a mum too and it did take a while for me to enjoy that "me" time when my son was away at his dad's and certainly in recent months it became difficult to enjoy the "me" time without a bottle or more of wine (which is what prompted me to address that issue here!) Certainly after a working day, running around after my son (who has Aspergers so can be quite a handful), dealing with the inevitable assortment of annoying tasks and especially if I've had to face that dreadful ex of mine then I did find it so easy just to blot it all out at the end of the day!

                But, as so many have said I do like myself better when I am sober and although at the moment I do feel like I have lost one of my "exit" doors to numb out the depression I do - on the whole - feel much better inside and out. I just hope I can keep hold of that feeling when things get a little tough as tonight will be a bit of a challenge (Wednesday is Face-The-Ex-Day) *fingers crossed*

                Good luck for another AF day everyone!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sianax - come visit before &/or after the "face the EX" situation so we can be here for you! You will be so proud of yourself getting through that AF!

                  Have a good day
                  AF since - 5/24/09
                  edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                    Newbies Nest

                    :welcome:Welcome starta, justinc, akaMonique, and xshadow!
                    --so you're on board for the June-af-athon??? I like your name for it Jump In June!! I'm a little worried it's going to be tough!! Really tough....I think drinking and summertime have gone hand in hand for me since I was 13...sad to say!! SD, my goodness you started drinking at an early age! I am so in awe of you taking the actions you are taking to have a full, present and healthy life! Your son is very lucky! We can do June! We absolutley can!:yougo:

                    I have been appreciating the discussion here of wine as a treat or reward not being true anymore. It once was, but that time is long gone for me!:argh:
                    Good luck for another AF day everyone!
                    Sianax, more than 'luck', ....strength! We can't leave it up to luck at this point! I hope your meet up with the ex goes OK. Don't let him ruffle your feathers!:H (That's nest talk!LOL)

                    mom2, You sound good! Day 4 is a difficult day for most, so I'm sending you extra

                    Chops, My daughter and SIL left just last evening. We drove them to the airport for a 6pm flight to New Orleans. We had a great visit and I must say, as a parent, it is wonderful when you see your child find a partner that seems so "right" for them. These two are good for each other and I am grateful my daughter is in this safe and loving relationship! Are you feeling any better?

                    Well, nesters, I better fly! Have a great day, all!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dill - you are so right of course that it is all about strength rather than luck, I just meant that good positive thoughts are with you all from me today

                      And with strength in mind it is going to take a large amount of that for me this evening not to stop by the supermarket on the way home for a bottle of something but *takes a deep breath* I can do it! Thanks for the support mom2, Dill and others, it is good to know that I'm not facing this situation alone.

                      We can all be strong


                        Newbies Nest

                        Sianax, I hope I didn't sound like I was "correcting you"! If so, please accept my apology!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I have just signed in and have been 'hovering' on this site for a few days. I am not sure what to do. I am encouraged by you all and admire all your courage and the lovely encouragement that you give to each other. May I find a soft resting place also?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lavender its wonderful of you to join in and make the bold step from hovering to participating :welcome: and I hope that you continue to feel encouraged by reading and writing in this group

                            I only joined yesterday and indeed only found the group yesterday but I had been aware that my problem needed a little more than my own willpower alone and there is nothing quite like knowing that you have other people out there who understand the problem and that you can help one another through it.


                              Newbies Nest

                              I guys I haven't landed in the nest for a few days now and its great to see so many people in here all together. A big belated welcome aboard to Mom2ajt, Bubblex, Sianax and our latest arrival Lavender. Sorry if I missed anyone out. Must fly.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters!!
                                Dill-My first time drinking was 13...after that wasn't until I was like 16...much like other teens, I suppose...those were my dad's words when he caught us. I think my drinking was pretty 'normal' through high school and college....I think? When it hasn't been 'normal' has been the last 4 years or so I'd say....or at least that's when I noticed I started feeling guilty for my my drinking...or questioning it, you could say.
                                :welcome: Lav!!! Glad you decided to join us!! You'll love it here!!
                                Sia--doesn't Dill have great words of wisdom??? I've always thought so! Best of STRENGTH to you!!
                                Mom2:yougo: You go girl!!
                                To all those yet to come---Half way through the week...yippee!!!!! ONE MORE DAY OF WORK FOR ME!!!!! BRING ON SUMMER BREAK!!!!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


