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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning my feathered friends!

    Everyone sounds so happy and positive in the nest today, and yes I can definitely feel the love :h If anyone ever wonders if it's really worth it to get sober, they should take a look around the Nest the past few days...the proof is right here! I'm coming up on 100 days my lil' ol' self, but no celebratin' until I hit THAT will be unchartered territory! I have a Doctors appointment on Friday, a sort of follow up, and I will happily tell her that (by then) I will be on day 95!

    Nothing new here to report except that I had a "drinking" dream last night. I dreamt I was moving into this HUGE house way out in the middle of nowhere, and was starting a new job, but I didn't have to work until Tuesday, and being that it was only Sunday I figured I could drink that night then nurse my hangover on Monday before work. Yep, sounds exactly like the messed up logic I used to use! Thankfully it was just a dream, but it left a bad "taste" and I shuddered at the memories.

    Hopefully everyone has a great day...stay strong and keep racking up those numbers!!!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      Now with a little AF time under my belt, I have been so much more comfortable around just one or two people at a time. It just seems so much more meaningful to focus all the wonderful attention our brains are capable of on individuals we choose to be with, rather than a crowded room.
      From Pinecone

      Pinecone, I hope you are enjoying your time off. I wanted to add a comment to the above. Just this morning I was discussing something that was on Yahoo or some other, weird news reporting site like that. It was a "report" regarding how social interaction is very important to the long term happiness of people. The person I was discussing this with is, as I am, a self-confessed loner. I don't really mean loner, but very comfortable in their own skin. He is one of the most personable persons I know and a very good listener. I would always prefer to be in the company of just a few, rather than a whole crowd. And the more sober I become, the better I like my own company very much too. I find this kind of report irresponsible. Maybe they were targeting a whole different issue though. Don't know/don't care? The point is this kind of reporting can makes us feel different because we sometimes like being alone or don't prefer large crowds. I think the person I was chatting with felt a little guilty too for being so comfortable being alone and feeling uncomfortable in large group settings. I personally think it says something about a person who enjoys his or her own company, or the ability to listen and have an exchange of ideas with just a few.

      Just two cents.

      Hi K9 -- X-posted. You sound amazing. I hate those dreams, but they are becoming less and less. They always made me feel awful for at least a few hours after waking up. I hope you don't feel that way. Have a wonderful day. We will definitely celebrate 120 Days for you soon!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Windy -
        We were typing away at the same time. LOL

        Yes, I hate the drinking dreams, but like you said, they are pretty few and far between now. My whole dream didn't make sense. I was moving into some freaking mansion out in the country and my daughter was only about 3, and the people that moved out left all their clothes in there. Wacky dream. LOL

        I also wanted to comment on what you said too, I am a "loner" as well. I love social interactions with people, but I am perfectly fine "in my own skin" took me a while to get there....but I can sit in a quiet room, either reading or just alone with my thoughts and be at peace. It's a good feeling

        Take care all!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          I am starting out....again...I am so sick of relying on me wanting to get home from work so I can slurp up my beautiful glass(es) of wine. That's all I think about. Sure my house is cleaned, I go to work everyday, my husband, kids, and dogs are all taking care of and then I nestle in and be indulgent with my TV shows. Then before I know it I wake up from my bed forgetting on how I got there and what I had for dinner. I also, keep gaining weight because I don't want dinner and then when I am good and toasty I'm ready for a full plate and then bed. I struggle to remember what I ate. I am just disgusted with my self. I want to be happy and fun without alcohol. Why do I let this beast control me???

          Day ONE - 03/27/2012

          Any advise is appreciated!
          Honeysoup :heart:


            Newbies Nest

            You know K9 and Windy - I'm the same. I'm perfectly sociable, friendly etc but I don't have to constantly be around people - actually I find it quite irritating to constantly be with people! I wonder if that's why we are the way we are? Just that 'kind' of person? Interesting ...

            Honey, welcome! I'm pretty new myself, well, joined here in November but have been on and off since then. On day 9 today though and no drinking going on here. This is usually as far as I get and then cave but not today!


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome, Honey! We are glad you are here. If you are serious about quitting the madness, you couldn't have landed in a better spot. We come from all over the world, have different walks of life...but we share one common theme: AL controls us when we drink it. Lav will be by to give you the nuts and bolts of this site, I say just read around here, go back a month or so and get to know us.. we have LOTS of success here. Tell us a bit about yourself, and what did you google/search to find us? We have all been where you are, and we are sick of it. Settle in and talk with us a are about to embark on a very important mission...and we will be there every step of the way...All you gotta do is get thru this day...surely you have that witching time of day. For me it was bad between 5-7. So if you break it all down, out of the course of this day, there are really only 2 hours that will really get your be fore-armed. Grab some goodies from the grocery...things you love to eat. Distract yourself at all costs...engage in something new or turn the tv up too loud. Anything to get you thru those rough spots that will get you thru your Day 1. The voices in your head will be loud and persistant...don't listen to them, no matter what. Stay the course and get thru this day without AL. Check in here as often as you need to. Post. Every post matters...I will guarantee you, there are a dozen people out there doing exactly the same thing...but you are posting and you are their voice. You can do it. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Honey!
                I suggested the Nest to you on another thread but I see you've already found us...great! I can SO relate to your post. I made sure things were taken care of before I settled in for the night with my 12 pack. Same pattern as you...didn't want dinner until about 10pm, then I'd eat whatever and not remember eating it the next day...only the dirty dishes in the sink gave me any clues. I'd stumble to bed and "come to" the next morning not remembering a thing. I'd have to scramble to my phone to see who I called or texted and cringe at what I may or may not have said. I've had hour long phone conversations I don't remember and probably made a fool of myself during. That was finally my final straw, the daily blackouts and the *cringe* factor at not knowing what I did or said. I got tired of being embarrassed and feeling anxiety in the morning. Not to mention what I was doing to my health! Anyway, I didn't mean to write a book here, I just wanted you to know you're not alone in what you're going through. A lot of people here (myself included) thought they could never get off the roller-coaster...but they did! Stick around and let us get to know you!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Well, the kids are in bed and DH is working - I feel fine but decided to watch When A Man Loves A Woman as recommended by Sausage. It's 15 minutes in and I'm already cringing at the behaviour of this alcoholic mother :0/ Jeez, I wonder if I've ever come across this way? Sadly, I reckon so.


                    Newbies Nest

                    I am at work right now and I can hardly wait until I get home to chat. I am still feeling tired and a little hung over from yesterday. I feel bad about myself, and don't like myself. My goal is to be happy and love myself and so far as I am reading these threads I have a little comfort to know it can be done. Thank you all for your support I can't wait to be great friends!
                    Honeysoup :heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone, late check in from me as I have had a long day at work

                      Welcome Honey, you have found a great place to be.

                      Well with all the recent milestones lately celebrated I really do feel that Newbies nest is a great place to hang out, and full of motivational positive energy. Lav's 3 year online party yeaterday was a hugely inspirational for me. When I posted regularly on MWO in 2008/2009 ( my previous sober stretch) the newbies nest wasn't in existence. I really think it has benefited me and many others too and am extremely grateful.

                      Really interested to know your thoughts on that film Willow,

                      Hi to everyone else

                      Sausage x
                      Day 33


                        Newbies Nest

                        sausage, I saw that movie way back when...I should watch it again...

                        I remember not "getting it". I mean I "got" it but I didn't understand her hiding bottles in her drawers and trying to secretly dispose of them - that she couldn't just stop......I drank then...I am quite sure I was a problem drinker then - but the things she did seemed unfathomable to me....

                        it's really very scary and sad to realize that that's exactly where I ended up. I also didn't "Get" the whole enabling husband thing-I thought he was a perfect gem and only doing what was best for her by not ruffling feathers.... Yes, I should watch it again.

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Honeysoup, yes it can be done. You are in the right place. The life you want is yours for the taking, and you have already made a huge step by coming here. Your post really hits home with me. My life was always pretty well "put together" but I had this private hell going on. If you keep taking those steps without looking back, you will never regret it.
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good afternoon Nesters,

                            Hello & welcome Honey
                            I just checked - the nest was actually opened 1 month prior to my joining MWO on Jan. '09. Here we are 1945 pages later, still going strong

                            The best place to get started is by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. I did that & ordered the Hypno CDs at the same time, so glad I did too! I knew I wanted/needed to stop guzzling wine & anything else that was around but need help in changing my thinking. The CDs are designed to do just that & to help you learn to relax without AL.
                            Here's a link to our, use the ideas there to help yuo make your plan. You can start feeling better about yourself immediately & with each & everyday you stay away from AL

                            Hi Pinecone, lola, Byrdie, sausage & everyone!!!!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Lolab - I think I need to watch that movie again too...I remember one scene where she fell out of the shower (through the glass door) and I just thought to myself "Despicable!!"...ummm yeah, fast forward about 5 years and I had quite a "shower scene" broken glass but one large bruise that started at my left pinkie toe and ended at my left shoulder blade....and everything in between was black. I didn't even know until the next morning as I stared in horror.
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Still trying to learn the site, been reading many different areas. I do wish to have a place I could check in daily, like each day I can report being sober, share thoughts, etc. Seems like this thread is a good place to do that, if not please let me know so I don't look soo much neewbish

                                Today is day 3 for me and I had read from a few of you that you had certain lengths of time you had made it, and then slipped. I think K9 you said 120 days would be “uncharted territory”. I will tell you that in 10 years I have not went past 2 1/2 weeks. Uncharted territory for me would be 3 weeks, isn’t that crazy? I quit for 6 weeks around 10 years ago when I got my DUI. I just found out a few months ago when I had to re-new my license that it is totally off of my record now. So now is the time to put AL totally off the record.

                                I look forward to getting to know people here and growing along with others, helping, etc. Just bear with me as I get used to this place and format.

