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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    K9, your post made me laugh...about buying makeup that you already have...I went to the store yesterday and was looking at button shirts...I found one I really like. Why? Because I have bought the same shirt 50 times already! Why do I buy the same things over and over??? I need to branch out. Oy. B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Did I mention I love you guys...I think your my new best friends!!!

      You guys are doing so well...I will be back on at 4 because thats when I want to give up...Everyone stay strong...I think I am now addicted to this site because I keep looking at it every half
      Honeysoup :heart:


        Newbies Nest

        Honey, that's an addiction you're allowed! LOL! Well done, keep going.

        Well, the kids are in bed and I'm through the witching hour and out the other side. Phew!


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdie - I hear ya' on the shirts...I am drawn to the same thing over and over...I guess that means I really know what I like?? LOL But yes, I have gone so far as to order something "new" off of eBay only to realize I already have one (or three) when it arrives. I'll second that "oy".

          Honey, we love you too, and I check this site all day long as well...I NEED to know what my peeps are doing!

          Willow, Congrats on getting the young 'uns in bed and making it through the witching hour. You can check off another successful day! I use a calendar and put a little heart sticker on every day...I love seeing a whole month of hearts (little things make me happy). Keep up your good work and enjoy your evening!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            That's a cute idea K9 - maybe I'll draw a smiley face on the calendar or something, if I use stickers my nosey DD will be asking a thousand questions why. How to explain that to a 4.5 year old?!

            I wonder if the cravings are related to sugar still? I felt so much better after I had that big glass of coke! DH will be home soon with a bag full of crisps, sweets and juice to keep me happy :0) I haven't lost any weight from quitting but that's ok, I'll work on that at the gym!


              Newbies Nest

              Willow - Just tell your DD that "Mommy is so happy today I felt like putting on a sticker, isn't it pretty?" ...of course then she'll want to steal your stickers! LOL

              My daughter knows exactly what they mean (of course she's 14 and I've shared a lot with her)...sometimes she catches me looking at my calendar and she'll come hug me and say "You're doing good Mom!" Now that's happiness!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest

                That's so sweet! She still lives with you? Did she see you in some right states when you were drinking? Do you think it's affected her? Sorry to ask so many questions, clearly my DD takes after me lol.


                  Newbies Nest

                  I also have kids...DD 3 years old and a momma girl....DS...12...momma's boy (my husband adopted him)....and a DSD....14...who I love like my own...I know I have said and done stupid things in front of them but, the thing about kids is they forgive easy and family is family....good and the bad...Luckily we are a strong team. BUT blended family's are SO hard. I think that has given in to my problem as well....Tough!!!! Stuff!!!

                  On another note...I just got back from lunch and I can feel myself struggling a bit right now. I really want to stop after work to pick up some's so hard to justify it. I am spending so much time at work thinking about not drinking that I am stressing myself out to want to drink. I HATE YOU AL!!!
                  Honeysoup :heart:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Honey, I highly recommend that you get hold of Jason Vale's Kick the Drink ... Easily book. Several people on here said about it and I recently bought a copy. I really think its why I'm clocking up AF days more easily now, what he says in it just makes total sense. I was struggling a little earlier so I read some more of it and it really helped keep me on track.

                    Keep talking and we'll get you through. The great thing about this site is that there's people from all over the world here so there's pretty much always someone around 24/7!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Willow,
                      Yep my daughter lives with me (she's 14) and oh boy has she seen some things...I feel shame and regret over that, but onwards and upwards. I have been VERY honest with her about this struggle. One night I will never forget is when I was out walking my dogs (drunk) and left my cell phone home. I was apparently gone for like 2 hours and she was frantic! She was putting on her shoes to come look for me (at 11pm on a school night). She also wrote me a letter telling me how she cries all the time because she thinks I'm going to die, and how she hates the smell of beer and cigarettes. That was my bottom. Not 2 DUI's, not thousands of dollars wasted...but seeing my baby with tears streaming down her face. So yes, she knows too much probably, but she is totally on my side, helping me when I feel weak and constantly telling me how good I'm doing. I will never, ever go back to what I was...I always say that I quit for her, but I'm staying sober for ME. We BOTH deserve better!!!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Howdy Nesters,

                        Wow do I feel old here, I have a son that's in the Air Force and just turned 25. No grandkids yet but he has hinted of proposing to his GF, so we will see.

                        So far I'm enjoying an AF Thursday and that makes day 5 for me, hope everyone has a good evening.

                        Oh, almost forgot. I watched "When a Man Loves a Woman" last night. Forgot how pretty Meg Ryan used to be back in the day. It was also funny to notice the older of the 2 daughters played in "Napoleon Dynamite" and the HBO series "Big Love". That is one of those movies my wife watched and I must have said "I'll Pass" because I don't remember seeing it.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Kaisen, there are tons of movies I've been told I saw, but I don't remember them. I remember seeing that Meg Ryan flick many years made me cringe then...I can't imagine what it would do now...I hid bottles and empties, and had a stash on me everywhere I went. When my drunk hours became more than my sober ones...well, I knew I was in trouble. It is amazing what we are willing to overlook to keep our addictions alive. I've been sober a little over a year, and it scares the hell out of me that the nightmare could start all over again tomorrow if I choose to drink. That's why my policy is Zero Tolerance (I stole that from one of Unwasted's posts). Congratulations on Day 5!! We'll be handing over your 30 day hat in no time. Thank you for your posts, we are glad you're here! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you Byrdlady and wow that’s awesome, a year is when they say you actually begin to live life on its new terms. I've read the PAWS and heard stories from people that have made that 1 year mark and they say that's where things really fall into place.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Today is day 10 for me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey guys...Well I am pretty proud of myself...It's 7:30 and AF....made it to the gym...dinner done...and now settling in to my chair with a diet coke...ya for me AF!

                                And Yeah to all of you...
                                Honeysoup :heart:

