Good Morning everyone...It's 8:15 a.m. here...this is Day 3 for me and feeling great at the moment!!!
Willow...keep going strong you are my inspiration! Maybe you should try to stop yourself and take a hot shower and just do something for yourself even if it's for 30 min. I think you need some rest time and then make a plan for your day. As far as sleeping my friend gave me the best sleeping's all herbs and I tried it last night and tonight. Although, it didn't work that great the first night only b/c it was my first night AF...eek...but I tried it again and I slept right through a thunderstorm and felt great and proud this morning. Its 1 100mg pill of Valerian (warning it stinks), 1 3mg of Melatonin, and 1 450mg of 5-HTP. You can them them at your local Walgreens or CVS whatever drugstore or health food store. Also herb tea that has Kava Kava in it. I am not a doctor by any means this is just a suggestion. After your rest on ward and's ok to have a good cry and then heads up...think positive...positive...positive...for every negative thought replace it with a positive!