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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Up too early myself! My 3 year old grandson stayed overnight & he's turned into an early riser, oh well.

    Nursie, amazing that you were able to contact Joani Gammil. Sure hope something develops for you & your family.

    Greetings to Willow, allswell, Unwasted & everyone.4Have a great AF Saturday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Afternoon everyone. Early morning for you too Lav? What have you got planned today with him?

      Been busy so far - took the kids to town early, went to Starbucks for coffee (juice for them obviously!) then a bit of supermarket shopping. I can actually look at the wine aisle today and feel nothing - progress?! Then came home and have cleaned like a demon. Kids bathed and looking tidy - for now LOL. Parents should be here in an hour. I think that's what made the last couple of days hard - I've been stressing about their visit. I love my folks but only see them a few times a year as they live about 5-6 hours drive away back in Cornwall. When we go there or they come here, it's pretty full on. I'm not used to much adult company so I find it quite hard after a day or so. Thankfully they are sleeping at a local hotel so at least I only have to manage the days with them. Ha ha, I'm so mean!

      Hope everyone's having a good weekend. Back tonight x


        Newbies Nest

        Why not a choco malt latte for the kids?:H:H As if you need them to be more wired, huh? LOL

        Good morning Nesties! It's kinda dreary here and has been raining. Supposed to go back to the flea market today, and I hope the rain is over. Bf won't hear of not going, lol. I just want to go back to bed.:upset:

        38 days here and holding.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          Newbies Nest

          Ok - I'm warning you.

          PF is back in the nest. I'm gathering up supplies, courage, and plans. I start my 30 days tomorrow. I'd already promised a GF that we had earlier in the week Girls Night Out tonight when I decided this morning it's time to do this.

          So - today - I gather up my supplements, my stuff, and get everything ready - and tomorrow - I grab the butt velcro and we try this again.
          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
          AF - August 20, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            All the best to everyone of you on the journey of life. Stay strong


              Newbies Nest

              That's good news PF! Take it easy tonight if you can. I'll be here with bells on, and we can support each other, ok?!


              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Newbies Nest

                PF...let me be the first to pass you a good chunk of butt Velcro. Apply it firmly first thing tomorrow morning!

                Welcome to all the new arrivals that have settled into the nest since my last posting. HoneySoup (love that name) and DesertLady...hope you are comfy and finding your way around.

                Willow & SL...nice to see you making it through your witching hours. It will get easier, just like others have said. Sausage, 36 days is great and you seem so determined. LibraryGirl, you are doing great also! And K9, it is always nice to see your smiling face here. 95 days and a trip to the sound unstoppable...I'm so happy for you.

                I've not been around as much as I'd like to because truthfully...I am getting so much done now that I am not miserable and hungover! We moved into this house almost 2 years ago and there are still boxes that need to be unpacked!!! I'm on a tear to get things clean and in order and have scheduled things to do every day to see that happen. For me, keeping things organized and having a schedule keeps me sane and away from AL. Chaos drives me to drink. Having a meal plan each week also helps immensely. I found that when 4-5pm came and I did not know what was for dinner, I would panic and go straight to the laundry (vodka) room. These things have worked for me and have gotten me to 11 weeks AF.

                That said...and being honest with myself and all of you...I cannot say that I will never drink again. Even though I can run through my mind all the misery and downside of drinking, I cannot be sure I will never drink again. All I know is that I will not drink today. Is this the way it started out for you long time abstainers? How long does it take before "one day at a time" becomes "forever". Or does it ever?

                Enough musing for now, have to get off my butt and get things going today. You all are such a great bunch and if it wasn't for this place, I hate to think of where I would be right now.

                Lastly a big shout out for Lav, Byrdie, Unwasted and Lola who work so hard to make this place a home for so many.:thanks:

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all - cold wet windy dark here and first day of srping break, packing to go to coast! Should have gone in January when it was warm and sunny!!
                  Day 13 today - Bryds hump day - we will do it won't we Willow.
                  Willow, I have been in USA 23 years this year, yes I miss home, my family and friends are back in the UK, but there is a lot that the USA and California has to offer - it is more reasonable to live here and less restrictions....but I do miss family and friends...
                  Hi PF, welcome back....
                  Have a great AF Saturday all...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Newbies Nest

                    ah Willow, I hope you're enjoying your visit. Being sober through it will be so worth it! :-)

                    Library Girl - you're doing great at 38 days - it's cold and cloudy here. yuck. So Scottishlass, is the 13th day proving to be a turning point this time? I hope it warms up for you.

                    well, well, well...if it isn't my old friend are ya?!?! Has your hair grown out? :-) I've wondered about you lots and am glad to see you back.

                    Hi azurmyst - - I gotta go back and look. You sound familiar...

                    Belle, we've said so many times about our similarities - and you've touched on more...I've been going a big overboard in the organization department but it just feels so damn good! I'm steadily cruising through my house and getting rid of things and putting things in their place and cleaning....and the whole vodka/laundry room trip to deal with the anxiety of "crap, what are we having for dinner?!?!" that worked REAL well, didn't it? ummmm, no. You are doing so great....and in answer to one of your questions...I do think I know what you mean - and I am pretty sure that when I was 3 months in, I still couldn't imagine "forever"...the thought of it just seemed like too much. Now at 6, I'm not so put off by the thought- it might be possible - however, I don't even really feel any need to think about it. I'm worrying about now - and the near this summer. I have a plan in place to deal with summer because it will be my first one not drinking since I was a kid. Then it will be autumn and holidays - and I can say "ah this is a piece of cake - BTDT...." LOL.

                    But as far as thinking about not drinking when we're retired? I'd like to think that it'll still be happening - but I just can't even concern myself with it right now. I gotta look at the more immediate future - and for that the answer is definitely NO.

                    Gotta run - everybody enjoy your weekend!

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      I am here to tell you that I am completely out of control. Library Girl- awesome job on 38 days

                      PF- I will try and start day one with you and see if we can't get to 30 days together.

                      I don't want to be this person. I have let myself down and those around me as well. What a disappointment.
                      Day 1:4/4/2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        Well Mimi - day 1 is tomorrow - and I know all about letting people down. I am a ROCK STAR at that with two people - the SO and myself. So - as my dear friend says - time to get my poop in a group. Not sure what that means - but is alliterative. And visual. LOL.

                        I've been off buying my supplements, getting the gym schedule, finding my Hypnos, organizing my dosing schedule, getting my herbal teas, pulling out my plans.

                        This time I've told people I'm doing it. I've said I need their support, help, and cheering section when I get things right. I want an accountability circle that reaches beyond this board this time. But importantly - I want people to not offer me wine, to say you are doing great, to say keep it up. I don't want this time to be a struggle of mostly self disgust, anger at myself and the beast, and defiance. I want there to be hope woven in. I fail when there is too much anger. I succeed when I have hope, faith, and can see a positive outcome - what it actually looks like - in my head. I didn't know that last time but I went to see someone and we realized I was using all the wrong coping skills for me.

                        Anyway- I am going to do this differently. With hope, faith, and the knowledge I have to do this for me. because everyone is depending on me - and I owe them my best. I owe me my best.

                        So - tomorrow - I start again.

                        And I am glad to be back.
                        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                        AF - August 20, 2012


                          Newbies Nest

                          And Lola - I kept my hair shorter - just not THAT short. :-). I have missed you. I am going to need your foot in my butt again I think.
                          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                          AF - August 20, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Prairie, I wondered where you'd been! Welcome back and all the best for tomorrow x

                            Yep Lassie, we've done it! Onto Day 14! I don't know if I'd quite call it a magic day 13 (sorry Byrdie!) cos I still craved a little at dinner time but I did get through it.

                            Belle - good to see you back too and good going! Glad you're managing to keep busy - its so satisfying to sort through everything isn't it.

                            Hi to everyone else too! See you tomorrow, hopefully not at 5.30am again ...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Today was day 12... I did the "I can mod" thing. Had a mini bottle of wine. I have a headache & I don't like it. I'm salivating tho. So this it. AF is going to be the only way


                                Newbies Nest

                                Old friends back in the nest toady
                                Greetings to PF, Mimi & Azurmyst! Please stick around, you know the routine here.

                                Belle, feel free to come help me with some clutter, especially in my shop.
                                Willow & SL, congrats to both of you - looking at 2 weeks now - yay!

                                Deposited the unruly toddler back with his parents - their problem now :H
                                Now I can actually get some stuff done myself
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

