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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    And your photo changed while I was typing that! :H:H:H


      Newbies Nest

      LOL...I like to keep you guys guessing! HA

      My daughter not only misses her "real" dad, but my ex boyfriend was with us for 7 years and he was her "dad" I think she feels like she got left twice. The good thing is she is repairing her relationship with her real father, and he is very receptive towards her...he is a good man and loves her very much. BUT, like most men, he needs to be told what to do (i.e. "Please call her more often"). He has a good heart but needs to be reminded of things from time to time.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        I think that's men all over K9, even when you're married! I love your relationship with your DD, you seem so close and I think it's lovely that she's so proud of you. You said something the other day about her and I just thought 'Awwwww!'. She's clearly a very special young lady. And hey - things could have been worse for her. Not to make light of anything, but as you say, at least you've always had a good job and a decent place to live. That counts for a lot.

        Day 17 today folks!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone
          Fantastic job on 100 days K9, you must be very proud, just keep going.
          Congratulations too willow on your 17 days - you sound very committed now.
          Hi to everyone else and thanks to all for the congratulatory messages for my 40 days yesterday.
          Willow, I could really relate to your comment on how you had the sparkling water at lunchtime and felt sad that there should be no more alcohol. I sometimes feel like that and I know it's wrong. I can get myself through each evening usually without too much trouble but I do fantasise about having wine when I'm out or on holiday and I know this is wrong.
          I too keep dipping into the Jason Vale book, and find it very helpful.
          Hope everyone doing ok.
          Sausage x
          Day 41


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Sausage, well done! 40 days is fabulous. Yeah, I guess it just takes a while huh. I can be more objective about AL now if that makes sense - like I'm a separate person looking in on myself? I can talk myself down more easily and I can make certain dinners without it being a problem. Before I was anxious when the kids asked for spaghetti or chilli cos it was a trigger meal - I'm over that now.

            I'm doing ok though - as I said it was weird today so it does sometimes sneak up on me, but that old saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is definitely so true! Even though yes, I've HAD to quit and I have friends who haven't had to and are still drinking with no intentions of giving up thinking they can handle it - who's the stronger one eh?!


              Newbies Nest

              K9, 100 Days!!! :applaud: I'm so proud of you! That's big doings in our world! I hit my 100 days back last April 29, it seems like the whole world celebrated my day with me...even Will and Kate got married that day! eheheh... It was a big deal for me, so I know it is for you. 20 more days, is it, and you will hit a K9 world record!
              I know of the sadness you speak of...when I think about never being able to enjoy a glass of wine with friends...I feel it, too. It's a shame. I try and quickly take stock and say that I have 2 good eyes, and some people don't. I can walk under my own power, and some people can't. I have a nice home and earn a good living...all things that many people don't have. And I almost didn't either, I was about one more big drunk away from losing it all....Yes, it IS a shame I can't drink like a normal person, but so be it. I have other things that people look at me longingly about. Nobody has everything. MindPeace. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                I remember your 100 day mark very well! There WAS a lot of celebrating going on, it seems like everyone came out that day to wish you well. I think there was even a sign on the back of a carriage that said "Byrdie has 100 days today!!"...seemed like there was a bride and groom in that carriage although I'm not sure what they were doing there. I'm sure you felt good seeing the crowds that had gathered for you!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yes, was all about ME that day!!! And today, it's all about YOU! Wish I could send you a cake (you know how I love to bake a cake!) So happy for you!!!!
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey K9 --- I said it before and I'll say it again, and I will keep on saying it BECAUSE it is so huge--

                    CONGRATULATIONS for making it to 100 days. That was my turning point. I think you are so kind and contribute so much here and you always make me want to be a better person.


                      Newbies Nest

                      WOW K9 you have inspired me today...CONGRATS Girlfriend!!!!

                      Honeysoup :heart:


                        Newbies Nest

                        K9, I'm so happy for you! You must be on top of the world right now. Great job on that accomplishment. Others may have cheered you on, but you took every step by yourself. I always enjoy your posts!

                        Windy, I can relate to your experience. I'm a bit shy of 5 months AF, and I have experienced similar things a couple of times. Agree with you that it is disconcerting. My response has been to see it as another facet of that "voice" and give it the same treatment "NO HELL NO!" It's not the same in-your-face outright compulsion like it was at first or before quitting, it seems like a subtle attempt to weasel back into the mind, like subtle advertising. I don't know, just my thoughts...

                        Sausage, I'm sorry I missed your 40 days yesterday! Belated congratulations!
                        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                        AF 11/12/11


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well, the kids are FINALLY in bed! I'm so tired tonight, I got snappy with the kids. Strangely I wouldn't have done if I was drinking cos it would numb me, but man, would I be grouchy tomorrow with a hangover. So I know it's always for the best. I feel a bit sorry for the kids though, seems like they always have a grouchy momma at some point in the day, AF or not!

                          Bit of TV, cammomile tea and snacks, then bed. DH is on a late so won't be home until midnight. Just enjoying the peace and quiet here at last!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Congratulations, K9!

                            100 days! That's a long time and an awesome accompishment :goodjob: I admire you very much, K9 and think you help so many people by your great attitude and your honesy and the genuine way that you care for all of us :l
                            Also, sending wishes for a speedy recovery for your sweet pup!



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome back Starfish

                              K9 - CONGRATS on your 100 AF days :yay:
                              Being honest & communicative with your daughter is the best thing, good for you. Glad that have support from your parents as well.

                              Windy, don't be hard on yourself. This process takes a very long time, there really is no clear cut end. We have to remain mindful forever that one glass is all it takes to derail us! I'm sure it took me at least a good year to really trust myself & believe that I am a non-drinker. We all heal at our own pace, just keep the faith
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Huge day for you K9!! Way to go!!!
                                Started living again 2/7/2015

