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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesties. I plan to have a better evening tonight than last night. After arguing here on the forum, I got into such a negative mood I came home and started fight after fight with my bf. Was arguing on and off until I finally fell asleep. It was a nightmare. I realized today what started it, and I know I came home itching for a fight.:upset:

    Congrats again K9 on your 100 days! You are a star, and I love ya!:h

    Day 2 here, I guess, LOL.:H

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      Newbies Nest

      LG that whole thing was ridiculous. I'm just glad you're here. I think you should put Day 1000 in your signature! :H


        Newbies Nest

        LOL, I guess it is fair to say it's day 2 again. Might be a new start of many. Hope not.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All,

          I am hoping to get through this day AF. It's time I stop playing around with this and get serious. Now if I can just ignore that little voice in my head that says "It's okay to drink" "I can handle it" "just one drink this time" etc....

          :good::happy::thumbs: K9 this is for you. I hope to be at day 100 in 99 days. Thanks for inspiring me
          Day 1:4/4/2014


            Newbies Nest

            Great Day Sober to Nesters Near & Far!!

            Thanks so much for the warm welcome back. I honestly can say that I had forgotten how many great Peeps there are in this little Nest!

            Thanks to FlyAway, Lav, and Ms. Byrdie too!
            Prairie Fairy - OK then, let's get 'er done right this time!
            Clockwatcher - Glad you're still in here swinging!
            Thanks as well to Lola, BlondeA, and Windy too!

            Big shout out to K9 - 100 days is awesome. Way to Go, Girl!

            Which brings me to my next point (nice transition, huh?!)...

            Wasn't long after 100 days that I had the major relapse, which I almost got back out of, but think I only managed around 10 days or so before heading right back down the tubes.
            Lesson: Once you let go of your quit, it's all that much more difficult to get back on track. Not sure why that is, but it definitely is! It took every once of will I could muster to stay away from AL these past 10 days, You would think that after 4 months of being completely AL-Free that you can just hop back on the bus. Think again!

            Anyway, I gotta go do a few chores - 5 AM comes mighty early!

            Stay sober Nesters and see ya tomorrow!
            -Cap'n G


              Newbies Nest

              Learning lessons here is what it's all about Cap'n - glad you got the message
              There is no such thing as just one drink for the large majority of us & the sooner we accept that reality the better off we are. End of lesson :H

              Mimi, hope you are hanging in there, huh?

              Busy day today & I admit to getting a bit tired. So I'll say goodnight & wish everyone a safe night in the nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hey, haven't had a chance to read through the last couple of pages, but I wanted to peek in the nest and say goodnight. Made it through day 1 again, and I'm ready for day 2. I just have to keep reminding myself how good I am going to feel when I get further along.

                Sweet dreams, all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone,

                  Busy place around here!

                  Good for you K9! I know you were wanting to celebrate at 120 days -- but 100 is incredible too -- whether or not you?ve done it before! I always enjoy your cheerful attitude.

                  Hi Windy, Hmmm, I still have drinking dreams and always feel terrible when I wake up. I think it probably is leftover ?stuff? from before. I haven?t really thought about it too much, but I do still feel like a drinker who just isn?t drinking at the moment. I don?t have any plans to start again -- but I don?t feel like a nondrinker. I?m hoping that will come in the not too distant future. Although I feel so much better than I used to, this whole business is tiring and I am really looking forward to a time that I don?t spend so much of my energy thinking about it.

                  Willow -- I think I?ve developed a serious fear of drinking too. Sometimes it feels like it would be the perfect thing -- but I?ve managed to terrify myself silly over even a sip. I guess that?s a good thing after 25+ years of drinking with full abandon. :eeks:

                  Hi Gregorino -- Welcome back! For purely selfish reasons I?ve often hoped you would return! Your posts last fall helped me out so much. I had a pretty good guess at what you were up to. So thanks for coming back and sharing your latest ?lesson?. I?m sorry you had to go through it -- hope it wasn?t too rough. For me, it solidifies the fear of even one little drink just that much more. One of the most helpful things about this site is all of the constant reminders that a single slip can lead to much bigger things.

                  Librarygirl -- glad you haven?t left! This place would not be the same without you!!!! :heart:

                  Greetings to FinallyDone too. I?ve been wondering how you are doing?

                  Well, have to get the kids to bed. They are up late late late!!! It?s their spring break and we are all thoroughly enjoying it. It?s so much more relaxing without homework and after-school activities to deal with. Guess maybe I should change my name to LazyMom!
                  AF since 9/20/2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pocket -- Keep it up and you will feel amazing!
                    AF since 9/20/2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nifty Nesters!

                      Waking up to day 45 today and feeling ALIVE! Now with some high octane coffee and watch out world!

                      Greg, the important thing is that you are back and sounding great. So nice to have you and PF and all the other new and not so new members back on track. We are in this together...birds of a feather!

                      Bright and sunny this morning which helps my energy to get some stuff done around the house before I head back to work tomorrow. BUT, I do get Easter Sunday off (I work in every weekend is tied up at work). Although we are spending Easter dinner from 2PM on at my cousin's place a few towns over (they are big time drinkers so I'm making sure to bring my standby AF seltzer!), at least I will have a Sunday morning off with the hubs which is a rare treat. Hoping for nice weather so we can enjoy a walk on the beach or around the resevoir.

                      Happy day to everyone checking in. Make it a good one, there will be only one like it...EVER!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Congratulations K9 - on 101 days!!!!!!!! :H (sorry I missed you yesterday)

                        Blondie, I like that - regarding today...Make it a good one, there will be only one like it Thanks. enjoy your Easter weekend.

                        Spring Break starts today at 3 PM.....I'll have my buddy home. :h

                        Last year at this time, I was getting right back into it.....only to emerge on Sept 26. I am so thankful for the AF time that I have that has given me the strength and the clarity and the confidence and the EXCITEMENT to keep going!!!!!

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters,

                          Lola, you are much stronger in your commitment this year
                          Enjoy your Spring Break time!

                          Pocket, wishing you a successful day 2!

                          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lav, What does your name mean? I've been meaning to ask you this forever...when you were choosing your name, did you mean to write Lavender, but forgot the 'r'? You used to have a big blue avatar that winked at us...When I think of you, that's the one I remember! Don't get me wrong I love your chickens!! Just curious.
                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello everyone! Beautiful Thursday morning here in the south. Expecting temps in the mid 70s F

                              Locked the keys in my new van on Tues night when I left the house in a huff, thinking I'd drive around and blow off some steam...did that, and then promptly parked (at home), locked the door with my hand and left keys in the ignition!:upset: So, I've been driving my old Honda for two days. I miss my vannnnnnnnnn. Thankfully, I called a dealership that sells these vans and they're going to make me another key for only 10.00!! Woot woot!!:wd::wd:

                              Hope everyone is having a fantabulous dayyyyy~!!!!!

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                Newbies Nest

                                Happy to be on day 2.
                                Day 1:4/4/2014

