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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesties!

    It's busy around this place, I like it! Byrdie, I've wondered about Lav's name too but never thought to ask...and I do remember that big blue blinking guy! I like the chicken too, she can be our "mascot" for the nest!

    I haven't had a chance to catch up on the last few pages here but I wanted to say Welcome Back to Greg, I remember reading your posts a while ago and they always inspired me, so stick around!!

    Have you guys seen Unwasted's picture...she's one hot lady!

    LG - Sorry to hear you locked your keys in the car...I know whenever I get angry and start stompin' around I usually end up doing something like that too. LOL I hope you got to blow off some steam, and hopefully nobody got seriously injured. LOL

    Pocket - Way to go on day keep it will get easier!

    LazyMom Glad you're enjoying Spring's almost over here, they go back to school on Monday...but Summer vacation will be here before we know it!

    Blonde, Lolab, Lav, Byrdie, UW, and everyone else...have a great day. I'm off to catch up on some threads.

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      LibraryGirl;1292024 wrote: Hello everyone! Beautiful Thursday morning here in the south. Expecting temps in the mid 70s F

      Locked the keys in my new van on Tues night when I left the house in a huff, thinking I'd drive around and blow off some steam...did that, and then promptly parked (at home), locked the door with my hand and left keys in the ignition!:upset: So, I've been driving my old Honda for two days. I miss my vannnnnnnnnn. Thankfully, I called a dealership that sells these vans and they're going to make me another key for only 10.00!! Woot woot!!:wd::wd:

      Hope everyone is having a fantabulous dayyyyy~!!!!!
      LG the only time in my life that I've locked my keys in the car was a similar situation; pissed off and stomping around the house. At least you didn't leave the car running!


        Newbies Nest

        Fly - That's so STOMPING usually backfires on me too!

        I forgot to mention something in my post earlier. Yesterday I got several texts from my ex-boyfriend (fiance, actually). This is the guy that my daughter talks about with her Counselor. I told him to LEAVE US ALONE. He really hurt us and I'm not allowing him to do that anymore. He has been married for 6 years, yet he still wants to "be" with me. Well guess what...he doesn't get to say stuff like that anymore. He lost that right when he left us without a goodbye. My daughter hates him and I won't let him do any more damage. She saw that he had texted me and tears sprang to her eyes. That's when I said THAT'S IT...and I told him in no uncertain terms to get the eff out of our lives. You hurt my kid and my claws come out!! Arrrgh. Okay...done ranting!!! Thanks for listening.
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          Coming back for another stab if that's ok.

          Definitely changed my old pattern but still venture to the dark side. Pissing myself off! I guess I'm coming to the realisation (doh) that moderation and I don't work so well together.

          Do you still hand out butt velcro around here?
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            K9Lover;1292084 wrote: Fly - That's so STOMPING usually backfires on me too!

            I forgot to mention something in my post earlier. Yesterday I got several texts from my ex-boyfriend (fiance, actually). This is the guy that my daughter talks about with her Counselor. I told him to LEAVE US ALONE. He really hurt us and I'm not allowing him to do that anymore. He has been married for 6 years, yet he still wants to "be" with me. Well guess what...he doesn't get to say stuff like that anymore. He lost that right when he left us without a goodbye. My daughter hates him and I won't let him do any more damage. She saw that he had texted me and tears sprang to her eyes. That's when I said THAT'S IT...and I told him in no uncertain terms to get the eff out of our lives. You hurt my kid and my claws come out!! Arrrgh. Okay...done ranting!!! Thanks for listening.
            WTF? He's married and he's texting you crap like that? What an asshole!


              Newbies Nest

              FreeFly;1292087 wrote: Coming back for another stab if that's ok.

              Definitely changed my old pattern but still venture to the dark side. Pissing myself off! I guess I'm coming to the realisation (doh) that moderation and I don't work so well together.

              Do you still hand out butt velcro around here?
              Aww FreeFly, would you expect moderation to work with a heroin addict? Alcohol, although widely celebrated by society, is a drug. Period. If a heroin user said he didn't have a problem because he only used once or twice a day and only after 5pm, would you think he had a problem? It's really no different, people only think it's different because of what we've been preached to about alcohol since birth.

              I'm glad that you're back.


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome back FreeFly!

                There's plenty of butt velcro available, but I would suggest Super Glue for a while. STICK around and keep posting.

                I know that moderation will NEVER work for me, it's all or nothing for me...and ALL stopped working a long time ago.

                Step into the light and avoid the dark side at all costs. We're here for you!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  [QUOTE=FlyAway;1292103]Aww FreeFly, would you expect moderation to work with a heroin addict? Alcohol, although widely celebrated by society, is a drug. Period. If a heroin user said he didn't have a problem because he only used once or twice a day and only after 5pm, would you think he had a problem? It's really no different, people only think it's different because of what we've been preached to about alcohol since birth.

                  Now that you put it like that.... If I can get my brain to think of it just as you say, perhaps I have a chance. Thanks Flyaway.

                  And K9 - hi there. Noticed you racked up 100 days whilst I was absent. Well done you! Yep, butt velcro didn't work for me - think I'll take your advice and go for the super glue.

                  Preparing my tool kit this evening. I have everything I need - supps, hypnos, Jason Vale (bought last time I was around these parts but not read it all yet!), a new resolve and, of course, you guys. A tad worried I've chosen Easter holidays to make such a resolve but I guess it's no different to any other day.
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Newbies Nest

                    FlyAway;1292095 wrote: WTF? He's married and he's texting you crap like that? What an asshole!
                    Yes, he has been doing this his whole marriage. The day after he married her he called me crying saying he made the biggest mistake of his life. Fast forward 6 years and many, many texts and calls and visits later, he still thinks we are going to be together. I feel sorry for his wife, he's spent his whole marriage pining for someone else. She even knows about me. He has shown up at my door many times over the years and she knew all about it. That pretty much sums up HER self-esteem, what she has allowed him to do, and continue doing. She threatened suicide when he said divorce. It's just a mess that I want no part of!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      K9, your ex is an asshole - that's all I going to say!!!!!
                      Protect yourself & your daughter at all costs!

                      Mimi, glad you are back for day 2!

                      FreeFly, glad you are back too! Moderation is a myth IMHO.
                      Roberta Jewell couldn't make it work for her & ended up AF. There is absolutely nothing wrong & everything right living a sober life

                      There is no great mystery behind my name :H
                      I borrowed it from a shower/bath gel product I used to buy from Yves Rocher :H
                      Loved the stuff, very calming. I grow lots of lavender in my backyard too.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        [quote]FreeFly;1292154 wrote:
                        Originally posted by FlyAway View Post
                        Aww FreeFly, would you expect moderation to work with a heroin addict? Alcohol, although widely celebrated by society, is a drug. Period. If a heroin user said he didn't have a problem because he only used once or twice a day and only after 5pm, would you think he had a problem? It's really no different, people only think it's different because of what we've been preached to about alcohol since birth.

                        Now that you put it like that.... If I can get my brain to think of it just as you say, perhaps I have a chance. Thanks Flyaway.

                        And K9 - hi there. Noticed you racked up 100 days whilst I was absent. Well done you! Yep, butt velcro didn't work for me - think I'll take your advice and go for the super glue.

                        Preparing my tool kit this evening. I have everything I need - supps, hypnos, Jason Vale (bought last time I was around these parts but not read it all yet!), a new resolve and, of course, you guys. A tad worried I've chosen Easter holidays to make such a resolve but I guess it's no different to any other day.
                        Yay! I'm so happy to hear that you have the Jason Vale book! That stuff I said about heroin is pure Jason Vale! It really does change the way you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ha, yeah I thought that when I read your post Flyaway - very JV! Hurrah!

                          Bit of a drama here tonight - we live in a maisonette which is like a split level apartment I guess for those who don't know. There's water leaking through our bedroom ceiling - not badly but enough. I went around the back to speak to the people above and no-one home. What's the odds they've gone away for Easter weekend hmmmm?! Plus the housing association we need to talk to will be closed, probably until Tuesday I imagine. So bloody annoyed HOWEVER - pleased that I'm staying relatively calm. In the past I would've gone straight to the shop for wine but in the great words of Jason Vale, it wouldn't solve the problem. So I'm here with my tea - albeit knackered as I have the kids downstairs. I'm a bit wary of having them sleep upstairs in case the ceiling collapses in or something so they're on an air bed in the lounge.

                          Hope everyone's ok? I plan on consuming my weight in tea, chocolate and cakes this evening! Better than drinking right?!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Yes it is Willow! :-). I was drinking 1,000 calories so I figure that's a mountain of food. :-)
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Quick check in fro me here on day 42, lots happening on here today.
                              Well not a lot to add here, taken the kids out, had my hair cut, done some baking.
                              Had no cravings at all this evening which was good. mr Sausage has already told me he intends to have a drink on Sunday ( he has given up Al for Lent) hopefully this won't affect me too much.
                              Willow - bit worried about that water on the ceiling. Think you've done the right thing moving the kids. Do let us know what happens, hopefully it won't turn into something serious.
                              Well off to bed shortly - have a safe night in the nest all.
                              Sausage x


                                Newbies Nest

                                Willow - Good job on not letting it send you to the'd be hungover and still have water coming through the ceiling! There's been so much talk about Jason Vale's book lately that I think I'll pull out my copy and at least re-read all the points I highlighted. I hope everything works out with the ceiling!!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

