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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks mom2ajt and I do actually feel quite proud of myself - which does kind of make a change because before whenever I might have managed to do something totally AF I kind of played it down to myself and then "rewarded" myself with a drink for it another day... not a good pattern that's for sure. Today, however I do feel different and that I have accomplished something important for myself yesterday

    Well done for getting through Day 4 - that day has always been my sticking point so congratulations for conquering that one! Enjoy the workout and have a great Day 5


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning all! Just a quick check in. It's wonderful to read all the positive posts and successes! SD, I'm definitely in for June. I'm determined to beat this thing this time!

      Have a great day everyone!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        choppersmom;622970 wrote: P/S to Lavande...grandchildren are so worth sobriety! My grandson is coming to visit me in a week. His first trip since a baby (now 16 almost 17 months old). It's only a 4 hour drive from where I live, but seems an eternity. I hope you got to babysit, and you are a superb grandma!
        Enjoy your grandson! I bet he is walking and getting into all sorts of stuff at that age. Better put up the valuables!!!!! How long is he staying?
        AF since - 5/24/09
        edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Everyone! Well, I am rested up from my rough day. My son lost his job yesterday and sent good old mom here into a panic. I remained sober and confident to help him. This may actually be a blessing in disguise for him. However, it is still scary with this economy and being so young and just starting out in life. I just have to keep telling myself there is a reason for everything!

          Mom2, great job on Day 5!!!! Keep up the great work. :goodjob: My grandson is only going to be here for one night, but I am still so excited! I have visited him and he is walking all over. He's pretty good about not touching things, but he has his moments :H

          Sianax, I am so proud of you too. Way to go and pat yourself on the back!!!! :goodjob:

          Lilbit, what day are you on now? You must be getting close to 30?

          I Dill, SD, LaVande, PR, G and all others to come. Have a great Thursday!


            Newbies Nest

            Choppers, your grandson must be a bundle of fun! It's such an amusing -- albeit exhausting -- age when the little ones get the hang of walking and totter through the house. Batten down the hatches.

            I'm on Day 25 AF now. Woohoo! Feels great, and I'm up for a second 30-day stint in June.

            Sia, good for you. Ah, the emotionally charged encounters with the unpredictable ex! You just set a really great precedent for yourself in breaking that "rewarding" thought pattern. That seems to be a "biggie" for a lot of us, including myself.

            Have a good one, fellow newbies!
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Newbies Nest

              Hello you all, it is great to hear how you are getting on, day 2ers, day 5ers, total newbies and the rest.

              I am on Day 14 it is evening and I'm upstairs - having not been able to stand that 'everyone coming home in the evening - tired and hungry and having to make dinner in a tiny kitchen whilst everyone is prowling around - thing'. My strategy in such times is to retire upstairs with my box of smoothies (so I don't have to cook - actually that's not strictly true, because usuallly I get the tea ready and leave it on the stove before they arrive...) - come on here and let them get on with it... Not a perfect strategy I admit, but sometimes the best I can do.

              This evening though I'm also angry. And feel like downing a bottle of wine, but won't. I've spent most of the day doing my work, and also my accounts, but the household accounts and papers too, so a lot of boring stuff, sorting out papers and rubbish. Had an argument with DH because there was some rubbish upstairs that someone had just dumped there (him) and I was just so fed up of sorting rubbish! He's just called me a nasty b...tch, (in front of babes) - refused to apologise - so I've said if it takes the next couple of weeks I'm not going to speak to him until he does.

              Not the best way of dealing with this I know and I feel very upset and lonely. I have lots of failings I know, but my other half can be quite nasty when he wants to. I really don't feel strong enough to deal with this right now.


                Newbies Nest

                I suppose my underlying anger seems to concern how much I feel my personality, my work and my own happiness has gone under somehow in all the housework and the family. So maybe the way forward is to bring these things to the foreground once again. I don't know how. Does anyone understand this?
                best to yous


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just to say, my other half has just come in and apologised for being so rude, so things are a bit better. Any feedback from yous about other stuff gratefully received.
                  thanks so much for being


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Day Nesters
                    Just got my laptop back. Whoo Hoo!!!
                    Was fully expecting SD to be here with my verbal slapdown as the Twins beat us the last two nights. One more game this afternoon and we are rid of them.
                    No job assignments from the agency yet and I am going completely broke. I can at least send my resume out now online, now that I have my laptop back.
                    Cold, rainy, dreary day here.
                    Hope all are well. Congrats on all of your AF time!!
                    Good luck with your marathon shifts PR. G can hang out with my daughter's cat Lilith.
                    I will check in later.:l
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello all it's hard to find time jump in here .Lot's of over time at work takes my time during the week .Looks like everyones realy steped up to the window and are doing a great job .I think this sit is just what i need .So this weekend i need to step up and pull off a no drinking weekend .A few post's back someone said summers here and it'll make it tough .Oh ya i can side with that .Thats when in my head i think i'm at my best , out in the garage doing body work on one of my cars and busting out in a haze what i think is a good day and a big acomplishment .I know this cant be true cause the following days i'll say differently .Enough about me thou .We all can pull together .I can see it in the posts you guys write .Keep up the good work .Day by day the next will be the best .


                        Newbies Nest

                        Starts, I hear you, BIG TIME, Honey! Let it FLY! You've probably held your anger in and glazed over it with AL for a long time, and you need to let it go. The chips will fall where they may, but at least you will be looking at things honestly. And, good for you for sticking to your guns about the b_tch comment! Way to go!
                        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thankyou Sianax - I really appreciated your fast and warm welcome. Thanks also to choppersmom, KTAB and sd lovespackers and to any one that I may have missed.
                          For weeks and weeks I tried to show myself that I could stop at two drinks - even three. I couldn't believe that a grown woman could not be in control. I know now that I cannot and that I have a problem. I see my doctor on Monday (I have already tried revia) and threw them away because they made me feel sick. Thanks to you all I am encouraged to start again. I am hoping this will be my first AF day. Wish me luck!


                            Newbies Nest


                            Well, it went virtually unnoticed, but post #2000 was Lilbit.....congrats my dear....your gift is in the mail. Chopper, thank you for your very kind words....they are appreciated by me (and G) so much......for those who didn't see, take a quick peek at post #1989 (couple pages back) as I reflected a little last night.
                            Goodnight my precious ones,
                            Papa R......and G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks, Papa R and G! I hadn't even noticed myself, but the #2000 post from me is probably the law of averages since i am the crazy, maniacal, post-o-holic on my first 30 days AF! Thanks for putting up with me.

                              Good night to you and the nesters!
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                                Newbies Nest

                                Quick fly-in for the night. I have studying and assignments to do.

                                PR and G, as always, thank you for the tuck in. I am so thankful for your reflections last night.

                                Lilbit, congrats on being #2000! Keep posting like mad, I like every bit of it!

                                Hello and goodnight to Dill, Sea, Lavender blue, Siaxax, Xshadow, Mom2, LaVande and Starta. Have a great one!

                                SD, I hope you are now on summer break. I was wondering, was it you who won that HUGE powerball jackpot in SD? If so, did you know that I am your 3rd cousin's best friend a few times removed? :H:H:H Hope you are doing well.

                                Good night all :l

