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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Goodnight all! I finished day 5 Bring on day 6 now!!!!
    AF since - 5/24/09
    edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


      Newbies Nest

      Goodnight Choppers mom! Sleep well and thankyou -


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nestlings - hope you don't mind an Oldbie flying in for a visit. I just want to say what a lovely thread this is. Congratulations to all of you.


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks tawnyfrog for the visit and the encouragement!

          I am only on day 1 AF and already I'm annoyed that I started this on a Friday. I so wish I didn't get to this. Its hard and now I know that my husband is going to be a little late home tonight my mind is telling me to quickly go to the bottle shop before it gets dark.

          This is really sad/bad but last week I came down in the morning to see that my last glass was half full and I felt pleased with myself that I didn't finish it - like I had made a good decision.....

          Well donee mom 2 ajt - Congrats on day 5.... Any tips?


            Newbies Nest

            I forgot to mention that when I saw my half-filled glass of wine , there was an empty bottle on the sink and an opened one in the fridge!


              Newbies Nest

              lavendar blue - try to get out and do something that doesn't involve drinking until your husband gets home. Bookstore, window shopping, a walk, etc. Does he know about/support your decision to quit?

              Good Luck - after you make it through the day you will be so proud of yourself!:welcome:

              Today is going to be day 6. The weather is great here and my mom is coming over and we are going for a walk. She goes for really long ones (2-3 hours) so it should be some good exercise!

              I promised my daughters manicures and pedicures tonight (which I will do for them). We alternate watching Disney for 1/2 hour and my choice for 1/2 hour so it is a lot of fun. I told them we will be doing it without mom having wine and my younger one said it will be a lot more fun then b/c I won't "fall asleep" so soon!!!

              Hope everyone has a GREAT AF Friday!
              AF since - 5/24/09
              edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome akaMonique and justinc! :welcome::welcome: So glad to have you in the nest! Aka, I don?t follow the program exactly, but I do take the L-glut for cravings and GABA for mood. I listened to the CDs at the start and found them helpful, but haven?t listened in a while.

                Lav blue, Good for you on taking on day 1 on a Friday! Hardest day of the week for many. But what an accomplishent and one you can be very proud of. Did you know there is a thread in the General Discussions section that is called ?The Next Day Thread?? It was started by someone ?down under? for all the folks in that opposite time zone.

                Mom2 way to go! Day 5 down. Awesome!:goodjob:

                Chops, I admire you for being in school. At this point in my life I have the time, but not the motivation, I guess. Can you tell us what you are studying? I guess you and I both will be with our grandsons soon. Matt is going to be here from June 2-9. I can?t wait! His mother will be visiting mostly with her family, nearby, but has said she would possible stay a night or two here, too. Yay! If she doesn?t stay the night though, we will still have time during the days to visit with Matt.

                Lilbit, Congrats on the coveted #2000 post award! You are most deserving of it! You may be new, but you are very generous in your support for others along your journey! Glad to have you in the nest.

                Xshadow, good to see you. I hope you can get on and post more often. Maybe you should get a laptop and wireless at your home so you can log on from the garage?! And, OH, YES! Summer will be a challenge! But we can do it.

                Sea, I am thinking of you. These times are so tough. I heard on the TV that jobs in education and health care were the least affected by the current economy, so at least there?s that small bit of good news. I?ll keep sending positive vibes for you in your job search.

                I am on Day 14 it is evening and I'm upstairs - having not been able to stand that 'everyone coming home in the evening - tired and hungry and having to make dinner in a tiny kitchen whilst everyone is prowling around - thing'.
                Startafresh, quitting is an emotional roller coaster. I can totally relate to your story. Over the weekend, I was having a visit from my dear daughter and her husband. It should have been one of the happy times. And, it was, but yet, on the inside, I was feeling very down, very edgy and withdrawn and I?m quite certain it was all alc-related. This trying to quit is not easy, especially at first. But I am certain it does get better! That?s what the long-timers say. Hang in!

                Sianax, I am so proud of you for getting through the meet up with your ex! Way to go! Now you have something to crow about! LOL!
                Hi, SD! Today is your first day of summer break?! You lucky duck! I don?t finish until 6/10! Sheesh! We are having to make up days due to inclement weather. We went over the 5 alotted.

                Hi, KTAB, Lilmea and all else to come.

                PR, can you believe it? 2000 posts! You should be proud. How many posts accrued on your first Newbies Nest thread? Thank you for this safe and comforting spot!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Nesters
                  It is so good to have my laptop back. Yeah, funny how SD is not around just when the sole winner of the powerball is announce in South Dakota. lol. SD, remember me. love the Packers and the Twins, unemployed, terrible poverty, Help
                  Coffee is on. Still got you DP, even if you are rich today SD.
                  Hoping the Agency will call me to work today. Not loving this sitting by the phone.
                  Not much on the agenda; grocery shopping, perhaps an AA meeting; still trying to coordinate the whole dentist thing. Red Sox beat the Twins; Bring on Toronto. Have a great day all.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh Lavendar, my heart goes out to you. I was regretting making my day one a Tuesday as that meant day four (my toughest day!) would be a Friday!! I think the point is it doesn't matter when you start there are always going to be tough times and being aware of that is half the battle. I sympathise with the wine in the glass... there have been times these past months when I would find my unfinished glass of wine from the night before (and yes it wouldn't be the half-finished from the first bottle but the second or so) and then drink it anyway... thus setting me on a day of bad decisions usually ending in yet more wine. Absolutely well done for resisting the lure of that glass - that is actually a big accomplishment and very very well done.

                    I'm hoping your husband is sympathetic and that you feel you can talk to him about your decision. I do understand how difficult that can be - I felt like I was letting my boyfriend down by even admitting I had a problem never mind that I was taking steps to deal with it! I have since talked to him and he has been a great support. Take your time, and know that you have already achieved so much by coming here, reaching out to us at this forum and especially by having the awareness and willpower to leave that glass alone. Well done once more, hang in there and know we are all here for you.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning one & all,

                      Just checking in, looks like everyone is busy & moving forward, that's a good thing

                      I've been doing double duty this past week or so. In addition to keeping up my AF status I am now 10 days NF!! Wow, this has been a challenge. It seems I've had little time to do anything else but focus on my two quits. That's OK though, I'm happy with my progress, never knew it was possible.

                      Looking forward to the weather clearing after rain every day this week. Anxious to get out & see how the garden has been growing. Also looking forward to spending more time with my grandson Matt tomorrow. He is 6 months old & has been my biggest motivator so far.

                      Wishing everyone peace & happiness.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Nesters and Happy Friday!!! I am so excited this short week is over. I am looking forward to a beautiful weekend in the sun!

                        Dill, I am working on my Associates Degree in Healthcare Administration. I finish up in March and then I think I may on for my Bachelor's Degree. It's a lot of hard work but I always told myself I would do it. Our grandson's will be visiting about the same time. I only get to see mine on June 6th and June 7th. It's a short time, but worth every hour!

                        Mom2, fantastic on getting through day 5 and now it is day 6! I am so darn proud of you! :goodjob:

                        Lav Blue, wow...starting AF on a Friday. Good for you!!! Be proud. Stay close and join in on the weekend thread and here. We will help you every step of the way.

                        LaVande, you amaze me! NF for 10 days and AF. Boy you are brave. I am still fighting to go NF, but it's getting a little easier with the prices as they are!

                        Sea, thanks for the coffee. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get an assignment or an interview off your resumes. Hang in there :l

                        Hiya Sianax, Lilbit and xshadow! How are you doing?

                        Tawny, thanks for stopping in. Your kind words and thoughtfullness mean a lot to us all

                        SD, where are you? I'm beginning to think you did win the powerball! :H

                        PR, take it easy on your marathon days. G will be well taken care of.

                        Have a great Friday everyone! Take care!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters!

                          Choppers, that's very impressive about your working on your degrees. You go, Gramma!

                          LavBlu, boy will YOU have a story to tell when you succeed at going AF on a Friday!

                          To Lavande and everyone else who is going NF while going AF or modding, I am in humbled awe of you. I quit the cigs many years ago, and remember standing out back in the rain with a BIG nicotine patch on my arm, smoking a 4th of a cig, and thinking, "I must be crazy!" It was SO challenging! So, keep at it. It's worth it. I participate in a competitive sport that I could not do if I had not quit.

                          Sea, I am with you, too. I was laid off for three weeks last month and it was maddening, not knowing what was next or when. Hoping your call comes very soon.

                          Have a great day, everyone, and a great start to your weekend!

                          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone, thank you so much for you recent comments especially Lil Bit and Dill.

                            I thought the stuff about the anger was very insightful and helpful, and the bit about Af free days being a bit of an emotional roller coaster - with sometimes feeling all sorts of things and sometimes down.

                            I didn't get a chance to post again yesterday as was really shattered - somehow great tiredness creeping up on me. Probably catching up on sleep on some level. And today is the same, after busy and emotional visit to grandparents with babes.

                            It was all fine though, and just to say, sorry not to be in a space to respond to you all individually but very much appreciate every one of you. So thank you everyone.

                            I'm upstairs with my box of smoothies...having got through DAY 15 AF.
                            Best to you all


                              Newbies Nest

                              Awwww.....did ya'll miss me?!?!?! :H
                              Sorry to say, I did NOT win the big bucks here in SD but I did win the $100 jackpot at school!!! WHOOO--HOOOOO!!!!! Chops...I would have shared even if we weren't related!!:l
                              Sea--so how did we come out then....2 and 2 with the Red Sox??? Not too bad!!
                     DOES seem like I haven't posted in forever...I don't even know where to begin....I have been reading though....great job on everyone's accomplishments....and to those who are struggling....I feel your pain, I'm with ya....but June 1st is a knockin' and we're comin' an answerin'!!!!
                              The end of the school year is always so I decided to put on an all staff breakfast for my staff, so I was at the school until about 10 on Wednesday decorating the lounge...ugh!!!! son is REALLY sick again...had him to the doctor on Wednesday...and have to take him back again today at 3:00....he's not improving AT ALL!!! Poor thing can't breathe!!!! So....last night I was up all night with him...I'm ready for a break!!!
                              Dill--June 10th????!!! SHeesh!!!! When do you start again??? I would have thought we would have had much worse weather than you guys??? Hang in there!!! You'll get out JUST in time for my move...hahahaha!!!
                              Also...WELCOME to all newbies!!!! I see MOM2 is still goin strong....wonderful!!! I could use a mani and pedi when you're done with your girls!!!! :H
                              Papa R--Big hugs to you and G!!!
                              I better get ready to go to the doctor!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello all to another good start to the weekend .Love reading everones post's .

                                Lav Blue .Dont feel bad about the half glass and one open in the fridge .They both wernt empty thou and it's these small steps i think we all take .Small is big as i see it .I've been their ,yes is does feel good .I've did it and had the same feeling's about it .Somthing that i do know that you can and everyone can do is to even tack on a even better feeling is dump the rest out right away .I know !!! harder said then done . I aint no preacher, but i threw away 12 beers right before the garbage guy came so I couldnt go back out and get them .I felt so good all day .It gives you a better high in knowing your getting in control .Small steps as i see it .And yes i know it's expensive and it seems a waist but thats the reason we keep doing it . Hopfully this is just somthing i can pass on to everyone to give it a try .

