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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Apologies for clogging up the place but I'm just cross-posting some stuff from Restarts re where I'm at and in case any of this rambling sparks anything in anyone else!


    I'm very frustrated that I seem to be going around in circles and am not sure how to break the cycle.

    But, it does to show the way our minds play tricks on us and find reasons not to quit. I'd been so worried about Thailand (going for a month-long working holiday and, yes, definitely going) in part as I'll be spending most of the time with a friend who's a big heavy drinker AND going away for a weekend when I think there will be a lot of drinking. I was worried she'd react badly to my not drinking as she's been quite pooh-poohing of it in the past in that way that people who are in denial about their own drinking problems can be.

    So, I tentatively broached the subject with her and she wrote back that she'd put on quite a bit of weight lately and been drinking and would quite like a detox/non drinking/exercise buddy! Well! Goes to show all that fear was in my own head and was probably more my booze brain trying to put off really quitting. If I could actually not drink there I'd not only be doing myself a big favour but possibly be inspiring her too, which would be great, as last time I was there I was worried about her drinking but didn't feel I could discuss it with her as she seemed defensive about it.

    So, now i just really need to work on ME and getting ME into the right quit mindset. Day 3 now. Here we go..

    Also, it's been a year today since I had a cigarette! Whoo hoo! Quite the milestone for an ex 20+ year heavy smoker who long thought she could never go a week, month, let alone a year... It took me 11 months of on-off with that to really quit. I see the same thing happening with drinking - just not sure what will be the final switch.


    I was reflecting tonight on the 11 months of on-off 'quitting' I had before I finally ditched the fags. During that time I never went more than 20 days without 'slipping' but here I am.. a year later.

    If I could go back to the start of those 11 months with what I know now, what would I tell myself?

    Just launch yourself and don't look back
    It will get easier the longer you go BUT
    You have to cut it off altogether or you'll never get free
    The stop-start is simply torture. Stop doing it to yourself

    Hello? Parallels much?

    With smoking, the misery of it just eventually outweighed the perceived 'pleasure' of it. It still didn't make it easy to quit - not by any means - but I'd had enough and I wanted to be free far more than I wanted to smoke. The same is not, clearly, entirely true of this for me with drinking yet as there's still too much perceived pleasure in it for me - despite the fact there's also often a lot of misery and even my short stints AF have shown me how good that can feel given time. (And I'm sure far more than I know given more time.) So, what, I want to wait until I'm TRULY miserable - perhaps like Jenniech's friend - before I pack it in? Now wouldn't that be rather stupid?

    Another thing that really helped me quit smoking was a shift in attitude... learning to see all the positives in not smoking and be grateful for not smoking rather than constantly feeling deprived of my little friend.

    Hello? More parallels to mull over.

    I'm going to keep meditating - figuratively I mean - on the idea of not drinking in Thailand being a huge positive, rather than a deprivation, and hope I can get there. In the meantime, one small goal at a time. The rest of the week, 10 days, two weeks, then I fly away...


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Missed the chance to say hello today ~ super busy day for me

      Honey, I hope you are staying strong & kicking those AL thoughts to the curb!
      AL doesn't solve our problems or make us feel better in any real & lasting way.

      Hello & welcome back LilyE.
      Congrats on your 1 year smoke free anni
      That was a tough one for me too but so glad I stuck to my guns. Looking at my 3 year anni in exactly 1 month. Shifting attitudes is a big deal & the key to success in breaking these addictions of ours. No deprivation thinking ~ only attitudes of gratitude, right?

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Lavande;1300269 wrote: Good evening Nesters,

        Missed the chance to say hello today ~ super busy day for me

        Honey, I hope you are staying strong & kicking those AL thoughts to the curb!
        AL doesn't solve our problems or make us feel better in any real & lasting way.

        Hello & welcome back LilyE.
        Congrats on your 1 year smoke free anni
        That was a tough one for me too but so glad I stuck to my guns. Looking at my 3 year anni in exactly 1 month. Shifting attitudes is a big deal & the key to success in breaking these addictions of ours. No deprivation thinking ~ only attitudes of gratitude, right?

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest.
        Thanks Lav!

        Yep, totally agree. For me, anyway, I think that's the only way I'm going to beat it. But I'm still finding that bit harder even than with cigs. As I said, with cigs the misery had started to outweigh the happiness.

        Not quite at that 'rock bottom' with Alcohol but I do think with alcohol our mind plays even bigger tricks on us. We all know smoking is bad - hell, even smokers congratulate you for quitting smoking and tell you how much they want to quit too. With alcohol we tend to overemphasis the good and minimise the bad plus we have the whole world telling us how cool/sexy/fun/social etc it is to drink and giving us shit when we don't.

        Therefore, I think that mind shift is a much bigger challenge, especially for those of us who haven't hit that 'rock bottom' - which, IMHO, we shouldn't have to to accept alch is a destructive force in our lives. We all know that - or we wouldn't be here.

        I'm starting to wonder if that shift requires digging in ones heels, taking a leap of faith, and getting a good spell of AF time together to get that clarity - as Unwasted and Guitarista have wisely suggested to me recently.

        So, yeah, let's keep posting the positives of sobriety and negatives of drinking hey?

        Kiha Kaha all. ('Be Strong')



          Newbies Nest

          Hey guess what? I went out after work with close co-workers. I was nervous but I knew I wasn't going to drink. When the girl took our orders, everyone ordered a fancy drink. (you know, tough week at work and all) and I ordered a Skinny Bitch hold the vodka. Lmao. So the bartender says "you mean just seltzer and lime?" I said "you got it buddy". Everybody laughed. I think they either think I'm pregnant or extreme dieting for an event this summer but I don't care. I had fun and I didn't need to drink. We laughed so hard.

          I know if I would have had a drink, I would have had 2. Then when we said goodbye, I would have stopped at the liquor store and bought a bottle of wine. Then I would come home and drink it. My husband would not be surprised and my son would smell alcohol on my breath.

          And I was sober to take some emergency calls from work. Huge reinforcer!

          I couldn't wait to come here and tell you guys.

          Love you all. I feel calm this time around. I feel thankful that I don't have to drink, instead of sad that I can't drink. I still have cravings, of course, but sometimes I also have a craving to say something mean or spend tons of money. Doesn't mean I have to actually do it!
          Day 1 again 11/5/19
          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

          One day at a time.


            Newbies Nest

            YAY Nursie, well done, that is totally awesome. How long has it been now?

            I felt JUST the same last night. Knew I would have had one or two out with them then HAD to buy a bottle at the store on the way home, drank it all, then woke up late feeling hungover, down, mad at myself.

            Tonight might be harder. Going out to trivia at a pub with friends who like to drink. Friday night is always a tricky one for me. Get that end of the week 'I deserve a drink' feeling/craving and seems sooo easy to justify. But *really* gonna try to stick to soda water and lime and just say I have a lot to do on Saturday, true, so don't want the hangover.

            Just want to say, really grateful for you all here posting and sharing. I really need and appreciate the support and encouragement at the moment.



              Newbies Nest

              Hey nursie, I ordered a virgin screw driver when I was in Las Vegas, not knowing that a screw driver is only vodka and orange juice. That women looked at me like I was nuts and my hubby and friends still laugh about it. Good Job being strong.

              One hour on the elliptical and one hour of hot yoga. No alcohol in my body, it's a good day.:thumbs::happy:
              Day 1:4/4/2014


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone
                Didn't check in yesterday but did read.
                Nursie I loved that list, going to write one for myself - I too fantasise about how good a glass or 2 or 3 ....of wine would be - I need to fast forward to what would happen a few steps further down the line. You did SO well last night, youve done it once now, you can do it again.
                Lav you are so right when you say it's a mind set thing being grateful that you don't have to drink rather than feeling deprived.
                Honey you are doing SO well - hope you stayed strong last night. It will get easier as the days add up, I promise. I'm on 8 weeks, 57 days today.
                Lilly and Mimi keep going, you are doing well.
                Hi to everyone else.
                As I was a daily drinker I am so scared of having that one drink, know where it would lead - to drinking every single day again. Don't know how some people (with a problem) say they only drink every 4 days or so - to me even that would be impossible !
                Thanks for being here everybody - without this site I know what I have achieved would not be possible, can't believe it's nearly 2 months AF !
                Back later - have a super sober Friday x


                  Newbies Nest

                  SAUSAGE;1300314 wrote: Hi everyone
                  Didn't check in yesterday but did read.
                  Nursie I loved that list, going to write one for myself - I too fantasise about how good a glass or 2 or 3 ....of wine would be - I need to fast forward to what would happen a few steps further down the line. You did SO well last night, youve done it once now, you can do it again.
                  Lav you are so right when you say it's a mind set thing being grateful that you don't have to drink rather than feeling deprived.
                  Honey you are doing SO well - hope you stayed strong last night. It will get easier as the days add up, I promise. I'm on 8 weeks, 57 days today.
                  Lilly and Mimi keep going, you are doing well.
                  Hi to everyone else.
                  As I was a daily drinker I am so scared of having that one drink, know where it would lead - to drinking every single day again. Don't know how some people (with a problem) say they only drink every 4 days or so - to me even that would be impossible !
                  Thanks for being here everybody - without this site I know what I have achieved would not be possible, can't believe it's nearly 2 months AF !
                  Back later - have a super sober Friday x
                  WOW awesome Sausage! I've never managed to get past 3 ish weeks. 30 days would still be a milestone. Can you inspire me/us? How do you feel better after 8 weeks off? What's changed?

                  GOOD on you!

                  Just day 4 (again/again) here and tonight's gonna be a challenge but I WILL NOT DRINK



                    Newbies Nest

                    For other's struggling with the Gratitude vs Deprivation thing I've just been rereading this great thread...



                      Newbies Nest

                      Will post more later, in a real rush this am but for those struggling on a Friday night, there isa good item in tool box I think ( monthly abstinence) about " do you deserve a drink on a Friday night" try and check it out, it should change your mindset.


                        Newbies Nest

                        SAUSAGE;1300333 wrote: Will post more later, in a real rush this am but for those struggling on a Friday night, there isa good item in tool box I think ( monthly abstinence) about " do you deserve a drink on a Friday night" try and check it out, it should change your mindset.
                        Thanks mate, I definitely need that right now - being as it's almost 5pm on Friday here so I'm heading off to read that before I go out! Then I'm hopefully going to come back here later tonight and tell you all about how I did not drink out tonight!

                        Congrats on ONE MONTH Sausage!:goodjob:



                          Newbies Nest

                          POO. Searched and searched. Can't find it. If anyone knows where it is please post it. I could use this right now!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Do you deserve a drink?

                            Ah, found it, got thrown off by the Fri eve part. Plays perfectly into the gratitude/deprivation thing we were talking about...

                            Do You "Deserve" a Drink, Today?

                            I can't count the number of times I have seen someone come here and write a post in which s/he says that s/he has relapsed, or "slipped," because s/he had been doing well for a while, and decided that s/he "deserved" a drink.

                            And our alcoholic thinking does this to us. It totally bypasses the memory of the devastation, humiliation, and destruction that alcohol has brought into our lives, and it presents alcohol as a GOOD thing, a prize, a reward, something we want to give ourselves for a job well done.

                            I wrote a post a few days ago, about this way of thinking, but it was kind of buried in another thread. And I saw people talking about "deserving a drink," again today. What I wrote about was about changing our way of thinking from this self-destructive "Deprivation Mode" to a winning, successful, positive "Gratitude Mode." Here it is:

                            I don't think we can begin to truly grow into a successful, lifetime, AF plan until we have managed to make the shift in our thinking from the "Deprivation Mode" to the "Gratitude Mode."

                            In Deprivation Mode, we think alcohol is a good thing that we are being deprived of. We are sad, and grieve the loss of what had felt like a friend to us. We consider it a treat that we never get to give ourselves again. We are envious of others who "get to drink."

                            In Gratitude Mode, we recognize that alcohol is (for us, because of our brain structure, genetics, physiology, etc.) a toxin, a poison, something that nearly destroyed us. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. We recognize that we have the most amazing opportunity to rid ourselves of something that makes us very sick in all those ways. We recognize the craziness of voluntarily damaging our brains, minds, bodies, families, jobs, futures. We are really, really grateful for that opportunity, and we guard it and cultivate it carefully.

                            Most of us start a recovery program in deprivation mode. Some people stay there forever. Those people tend not to be able to create a consistently successful program, or life, of freedom from alcohol and its devastation. Some of us transition into gratitude mode.

                            For most of us, Gratitude Mode does not just happen all by itself. We have to make it happen. If we want to shift into gratitude mode, we learn to cultivate it. We cultivate it by being careful about our thoughts, and about what we notice. If we find ourselves thinking about how wonderful it would be to have a drink, we deliberately shift attention away from this train of thought, and we deliberately choose to think about how good it is to know we will never humiliate ourselves with alcohol again, never again have another horrible hangover, never disappoint our children again with the way we are when we get drunk. We notice alcohol advertising, pay attention to how it makes us feel, and detach from the message by noticing how distorted the message is.

                            That kind of thing is crucial. We literally can BUILD a new way of thinking and feeling about things. And I think that's something to be grateful for, in itself!


                              Newbies Nest

                              i've just spent 3 hours reading through all the posts of the past week.
                              i am so frustrated that i can't pull it together. i keep reading that it's possible to quit and to stay quit if you want it badly enough. i don't know why i don't. i feel like i do and my life is such a complete mess that i know i don't have any other option than to stop drinking. and i can for a day or two -- but haven't been able to go longer than that since feb. i know what i have to do. i feel like such a failure coming here to start again. i don't want to say that i'm trying, i want to say that i'm doing. so today is day 1 which i know i can manage. it's day 2 that will be my problem and i will think about it now and come up with a plan. again. i need a new plan.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Lifechange, make a brand new plan an write it down. Drastic times call for drastic measures. You can do this!

                                And whaddya know? I'm on day 7 today. I'm so excited. Bring on a nice sober relaxing week end. When I was drinking, I didn't enjoy my weekends. I got through them. Bit now I'm looking forward to savoring every lovely minute by relaxing, getting housework done, mowing the grass and spending quality time with my family.

                                Have a great Friday everyone!
                                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                                One day at a time.

