Hi Lifechange. The good news: I don't see you running away for huge chunks of time - You've been putting up a pretty solid effort since you came here. I also don't see you negotiating that maybe you really weren't as bad as you thought....So, I really do believe that you will do this. Every single one of us struggled like you are - I was doing the same thing you are - last summer. But I wasn't as consistent about coming back.
the bad news: (and it's not THAT bad!) It's HARD! I have to really think hard - concentrate - to remember what it was like in the beginning....the awful obsession with drinking....feeling that I HAD to buy alcohol...right now. Telling myself that THIS bottle, would last.....wouldn't it be nice to have a bottle around just to have a little here and there? But then pouring some immediately when I got in the door....and it DIDN'T last....and the cycle continued. That first week is all about breaking that cycle. It's hard but you have to do a complete 180 when you're getting obsessed - and LOOK at something else....PICK UP something else....THINK about something else....and keep doing that - it's exhausting in the beginning but you know it doesn't stay that hard. Slowly you start having little moments when you're not thinking about alcohol...and slowly those moments become longer and longer and more and more frequent.
Make sure your plan includes a RIDICULOUS amount of distractions and things to do in those first few days - just to make it through. You've said a few times that you can't seem to get past 2 or 3 days lately....Hang tough! By Monday you'll be there!