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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Nice work Library Girl. That means we're on the same time frame. I got *quite* drunk Monday night but haven't touched a drop since. About to go to bed on day 5 that means. Another pub event down (birthday lunch) with only mineral water consumed. One more tomorrow night and I'll have made it through the weekend dry and almost a week.

    Saw a friend who's just come back from Thailand seeing the friends I'm about to go see. She laughed at the idea of my not drinking there - because they all boozed it up big time this past month. That didn't help. Then again, this friend, lovely and supportive as she generally is, just doesn't get this - always says things like 'just drink less' 'but drinking is fabulous in moderation' 'just because you drink one night doesn't mean you have to drink the next' etc.

    I'm beginning to realise that some of the most well meaning friends just don't, and won't, get this and maybe it doesn't matter - I just have to know what's right for me and stick to it and it doesn't really matter if people don't understand. I keep thinking about one of Guitarista's posts about just growing some balls and doing it. Working on it...

    Right it's Saturday night bedtime here down under. Have a lovely day all you Northern Hemisphere peeps.

    L x


      Newbies Nest


      Patricia, happy day 10! Something about hitting double digits is quite satisfying.

      I wish I had more time to read and post right now but I have a busy day ahead of me... Hopefully I will have a minute to check in later today. I hope everyone has a good day! Or night, Lilly!


        Newbies Nest

        i have had such a difficult battle day today. i felt great, no aches and pains, no headache, sunny warm weather. two kids who basically keep themselves occupied. i guess what i normally do on a day like today is open a beer or a glass of wine to clean house. every weekend when i'm alone with the kids i start around 1 or 2pm, with good intentions mostly if the sun is out.
        today i fought. i found Nursie's list so helpful-- i made my own list of what would happen if i had that first drink. it didn't end pretty. and i am not willing to go there. i went running, made sure i wasn't hungry, listened to nice music--- still it occupied my mind until 730pm. now i know ive made it for the day. wishing you all well and extra strength to those of you struggling. it's so hard sometimes but i have to believe it's possible for me.


          Newbies Nest

          Rainy....I made the huge mistake of going off Cymbalta cold turkey. I didn't know what desvatating effects that would have. I WAS suicidal.....ME, of all people! I didn't know what the hell was wrong. My sister was in tears, my husband wringing his wasn't until the withdrawals made my pulse go out of control that I went to the ER and they figured out what was happening. So I tell you that to tell you this....wean off, as Lav suggests....and EVEN then, know you are going to have a tough time. My neice and best friend gradually went off them and had about 3 days of sheer dispair. I am telling you, this is a problem in our world...everyone is on something...I'm here to tell you, getting off them is a bitch.
          Library...I started out with Lexapro, was on that for about 8 months and complained to my dr that I was gaining weight, and my mood was still low, he switched me to Welbutrin...I tried that for a few more months...still nothing, so that's when I went over to Cymbalta and stayed on that. You don't realize what is does to you...I didn't think it was helping at all....but once I came out the other side, I can say for a fact that it DOES do just numbs you out.
          Also, the great effects of a lower BP meds such didn't happen overnight. It was over a space of about 6 months. After about 3 months AF, I went off one BP....then a couple months later my BP was good, so I went off another....then weaned off the last one just to make sure I was ok. Then I noticed that I couldn't see out of my new glasses so I went back to my eye dr for a reevaluation...that was a span from January 2011 until July 2011. All of these things I wasn't expecting... a welcome side effect. So I don't want to create false hope for anyone....but that's what happened in my case. AL WAS the depressant. No AL is the anti depressant. There is no better spirit lifter in the book than to be free of the dam chains that AL had on me. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            :H :H Lilly!
            You don't have to grow balls - just borrow some of my 'Lavan-ittude'
            Keep up the great work!

            Greetings to Pocket & life change. Hope you are both having a good day/evening.

            Hi Byrdie!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Where is everyone?

              Just wanted to jump on to wish everyone a safe night in the nest. We're hunkering down here on the east coast for big storms, lots of rain & wind coming this way! Hope the power stays on but.....
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1301479 wrote: I started out with Lexapro, was on that for about 8 months and complained to my dr that I was gaining weight, and my mood was still low, he switched me to Welbutrin...
                Byrdlady, can I ask, what dose of Lexapro were you on that you were gaining weight? I have gained 5-6 kilos in the last year It could be due to quitting smoking a year ago - and too much boozing, though that ain't new - BUT most of it seems to have been in the last six months... since I've been on Lexapro! I'm only on 10mg a day though so I've wondered if it could really do that at so low a dose?

                I'm also not sure it's helping that much but at least at first it seemed to take the edge off the anxiety, so I worry I won't realise how much it is helping until I go off it. I've been reluctant to go higher due to concerns about hearing about the issues people have had going off it.

                Also, did the weight come off when you switched off it?

                I'm close to my first goal - a weekend AF. Just gotta make it through one more at-a-bar event tonight then home free. Doubt I'll be tempted though as I'm feeling good and clear headed here on Day Six.

                Lilly x


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lavande;1301481 wrote: :H :H Lilly!
                  You don't have to grow balls - just borrow some of my 'Lavan-ittude'
                  Keep up the great work!
                  Ha, thanks Lavande, I shall! And get my own Lil' a Tude too perhaps.

                  I've been wondering where everyone is too? C'mon peeps post. Wanna here how you all are doing.

                  L x


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey, here's a quick idea to get the posts going.... Anyone want to share resources they've found helpful/inspiring besides MWO?

                    I was just reminded how much I liked the Spiritual River site. Books that I've found inspiring or eye-opening include Beat the Booze and Beyond the Influence.

                    While Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking really helped me with that I found the drink equivalent a bit ho-hum, mainly as it's such a repeat of the Smoking book with cigarettes simply replaced with alcohol often. I thought about getting Jason Vale's book but from looking on Amazon it looks like basically Easy Way just reiterated. Any thoughts?


                      Newbies Nest

                      hey everyone - I'm here too! We swam on Friday and now there's a good chance of a snow day on Monday with a winter storm possibly dumping up to 18 inches of heavy wet snow starting tomorrow....If you don't like the weather around here, just wait a few minutes, it'll change!

                      quiet day in the nest huh? Lav what color are you painting? I think I have replaced drinking with painting....since this time last year, I have painted my laundry room, kitchen (cabinets twice), my bedroom, the guest room, the piano, a door, a nightstand, a coat rack and a little cabinet. :H And I have plenty of other things on my list!

                      I hope everyone's staying strong tonight.

                      goodnight. :l

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lily, I read both Carr's and Vale's books and yes - they do convey the same message - but Vale's seems to strike a chord with more around here. I agree - it did with me too - maybe just the style. Either way, I'm glad I read both.

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Now painting a piano is totally unique Lola
                          My paint is just a fresher version of what's on the walls now - neutral. I never cracked open a paint can today ~ there's always tomorrow!

                          I was on Lexapro 10 mg years ago & was initially pleased that it took the edge off of my anxiety BUT the reason I was so anxious to begin with, my husband's bizarre behavior kept getting worse so I began to drink more & more. I ended up more depressed/anxious/drinking & just overall numb - not a good feeling
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi guys. I just got home from my daughter's concert. It was three hours of choral music. I'm really proud of my girl, but good grief the show was long. I really wanted to grab a six pack on my way home, but I didn't. I want to remember tonight as a good night-- my daughter's first performance at a "fancy theater," as she says. So! Al-free Saturday for me!

                            It's interesting to hear about other people's experiences with antidepressants. I was on some form of antidepressant from age 13-20, usually with an anti-anxiety med too. Then I stopped. It's weird, I don't really remember feeling different when I took them. The only exception was when they first put me on Zoloft when I was 13. I had a really scary reaction and got crazy depressed and suicidal. It's the only time in my life I have ever felt like that. Needless to say, they took me off of that and put me on a different type of AD.

                            Lav, I hope you stay safe during the storm!

                            Lilly--nice job making it through! I will think about the most helpful sites/books I'm reading, but tonight I just kind of want to get lost in a book and get to sleep.

                            Night, all!


                              Newbies Nest

                              good morning everyone! and a very good morning it is. even though i decided to drink a latte with a spoon full of chocolate yesterday evening at 730. i had a grand old time watching 5 episodes of the good wife until 2am. and here i am at 730 am. i would love to paint my flat. in fact each day i sit here and look up at the yellowing ceiling. but it's such a huge job!!! i wish i had a piano to paint!
                              i haven't read many books--just the alan carr which i didn't like so much. it did help me a little to change the way i see alcohol. i do envision it as a poison. but somehow poison or not i stilll drank it. i've been reading a good book called zen mind beginners mind by shunrzu suzuki. i can pick it up, open it to any page and get a better idea of the big picture. and i really liked the website Lav mentioned ages ago. about meditation and gratification. i've lost it though.
                              i am ready for today--she says early in the morning. i'm ready to implement my plan. i will spend some time reading the tool box today.
                              will check in later-


                                Newbies Nest

                                i meant gratitude of course, not gratification!! though that's also nice sometimes--xo

