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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters ! It's a fine Sunday here in Oregon. I am loving all of the sunshine we are getting!

    Mom2...congrats on ONE WEEK!!! :goodjob: Keep going girl. I am so proud of you.

    Lav Blue, I am sorry to hear you and the BF got into a tiff. Teenagers can be trying on many relationships. Hang in there and hope back on the wagon. You can do this. Onward and upward my friend!

    Lil, I am happy to see you back. Hope the roadtrip was fabulous. I missed you.

    Dill, how are things in Ohio today? I see the Cavs lost:upset:

    SD, how are you enjoying your time off? Any new dates with the guy planned out? You move pretty soon....YIPPEE!

    Sea, did you get any calls from the agency?

    Hello PR and G. Get some rest after those long days. I get worn out thinking about it.

    Well, must go finish up housework and then go see my son. Hello to any one that I missed. Have a great day all :l


      Newbies Nest

      Hey guys
      Sorry I have not been around. I spent the weekend with my cousins. They know of my problem with AL and help keep me sober. We had a great weekend; playing card, shooting pool, listening to music, watching movies, playing with my cousin's grandchildren. It was all very nice. I am home now watching my Red Sox, hopefully beat Toronto today as they could not manage to the last two games. I increase my Topa yesterday, a little more tired, but no drastic side effects. The agency did call and I am doing a private duty case from 8-4 tomorrow. Whoo Hoo. Hope you are all well.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone,
        It is Sunday night. I am on my 17 day alchohol free. The past two days especially challenging. As I may have mentioned before I get terrible PMT and so was wondering how I would cope with this situation as I've had it the past few days. The low down is: physically I've felt better - when I've been very stressed I've gone down to my allotment and did some work there (some distance away from home).

        I feel quite unhappy though. I have a very low tolerance level of my husband at the moment - he is uncommunicative at the best of times, and I just get really fed up with it sometimes. A neighbour invited us to their child's party this afternoon - I organised it - we went - it was fine - managed to get through it without drinking wine. We then went to DH's family. There were so many unresolved issues with his family I found it very difficult and whereas in the past I might have made an effort at small talk - today and lately I really didn't feel like it. Kind of - I noticed my husband is so uncommunicative - I decided I wasn't going to bother either. And that's generally the way I feel with him I'm afraid. Can't be bothered. Not just that - but resentful too - so often when I'm talking to him he just disappears out of the door for a cigarette. I hate it.

        We were going off to the neighbour's party - it was hot and I asked him to go upstairs and get some leggings or thin trousers from the rail. He came downstairs saying he didn't know what I was talking about. Went upstairs FOUR times in all to find something suitable. By which time I was livid and daughter was crying. I really don't understand why as I was talking plain English.

        Sorry this isn't very postive, I'm still alive and not drinking.
        thanks for listening.


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Dill i didn't know where 'refresh' was and have now found it - I'm learning more everyday!

          Choppersmom - I redeemed my self when we out Sunday and I was able to share a couple of drinks with b/f and made a conscious effort to not continue when we got home. Felt cranky though and went and had a nap so I didn' get myself in trouble . I think subconsciously, a tiff would enabled me to have a drink normally!

          It is my intention to have an AF week so I am back on day 1 once more. Doctor's appointment today!

          Will keep you posted - You are all doing so great and I love hearing your stories. love Lavender Blue x


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everbody! It's been an absolutely gorgeous day here in Ohio! I spent some time outside in the herb garden and brushing my dogs. Also took a nice walk.

            Chops, it was sad about the Cavs, but, .....there's always next year! I'm feeling happy 'bout the Indians though. They beat the New York Yankees today 5-4.

            Hey, Sea! Glad the agency called!

            Starta, I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. I'm having a bit of a rough time, too, but not so much as you. I just long for some time to myself and I can't seem to have any. It's been ages since I have been home alone. I need some alone time once in a while.

            Lav blue, hang in there! Are you going to talk to your doctor about cutting back? Try meds?

            Hey SD, Lil, PR2, mom and everyone to come, have a wonderful and peaceful evening.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Newbies Nest


              Greetings my little birdlings.......laaaazy day today as I was whipped from the past few days at work....slept in, which I badly needed and just hung with G and did household stuff.....yeah lazy day, but that's okay with me......and G. Goodnight friends,
              Pops & G


                Newbies Nest

                Hello everyone, hello especially Dill - hope you get some time to yourself soon.

                On the bright side here, routine things are going very well on reflection. No major disasters. With the pmt thing, just probably nutritional things I need to address,
                have a good day everyone - and hurrah for 18 days AF!


                  Newbies Nest

                  I had a very successful day with my doctor. He has put me onto Revia (naltrax) and referred me to a specialist so that we can work on my slowly acquired addiction!

                  I did not have an AF day I'm sorry to say, no excuses except to say that it was a wierd day talking about myself and things that should be in my control! B/F agreed that I could have one when he came home and so I enjoyed two glasses, and put it away. Darling B/F only had one rum and coke and I'm sure woud have loved another but is obviously trying to encourage me. I must grow up!! And I will.

                  Goodnight friends, love Lavender Blue.


                    Newbies Nest


                    Hi everyone - just joined on here today and, rather like first day in a new job, am totally lost! Not one to be outdone, I'll suss it out sooner or later. Am already wondering how I'll get on this evening when I open the cupboard door and the familiar bottles are absent - in fact I am just on my way to the recycling with an embarrassing amount of 'empties' - doing it while everyone is at work so no one will see my shame - sad or what? Ah well, I've reached what must be my turning-point and hopefully both my sanity and my liver will benefit!

                    Thanks for listening. :new:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome aboard Essme
                      I know exactly what u are talking about as I only drink bottled beer and the clinking just makes me cringe. Have you downloaded the book? That is a good place to start. It will help you to make a plan for yourself. We are here for you. I look forward to getting to know you.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning essme!

                        Welcome! You've come to a good place, lots of support & encouragement to be found here. Stick close, we'll help you through

                        Looking forward to starting a brand new AF month. I am now realizing just how wonderful it is to be sober, hang over free. I can do anything I want, go anywhere, anytime I want with no pre-planning. This is total freedom. I wake up everyday happy & grateful with an even stronger resolve to keep my quit going. I won't mess it up now

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning, everyone.
                          Is this our Jump in June thread? Because I'm ready to jump in. June 1 - Day 1.

                          I got my MWO supps starter kit and had my first taste of All-in-One. Mixed as RJ suggests with spicy V8 but it is so thick. Ugh. I'll try a smoothie tomorrow. Any other suggestions for that?

                          I'm also going to give the CDs a shot. And I ordered topa but it hasn't arrived yet. But, I'm not going to let that be an excuse to put off the 30-day. My goal right now is moderation after the 30 day AF cleanse but we'll see. My BF is 11 years sober and I had 14 years before I started drinking off and on over the past 4-5 years. Mostly functionally but I'm just tired of wine playing such a major role in my life. He's been really amazing and understanding, bordering on enabling, not that I mind -- he just knows I've got to figure it out for myself.

                          So I'm off to listen now and will check in again later.
                          "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
                          ~ from Goethe's Faust

                          :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
                          :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            Does anybody want to start the Jump in June thread? There is another 30 day thread started too!
                            I am definitely up to it! I hate this roller coaster and I want to get off!!!
                            xoxo peanut


                              Newbies Nest

                              SD started the June thread! See you June Bugs there!

                              Hello, Nesters.
                              I am at work, but just hopping on to say 'hi'! I hope you all are having a good day.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Newbies Nest


                                Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes - yes, I'm still around (kinda) - just had SOOO much going on lately and am on a horse rescue mission (need to put at least 50lbs on her in a month) - so, it's been very busy.

                                I'm not AF.. I'm now modding (much better than I ever dreamed of) but I'm not over having a problem. I'm so sorry for having to run... you all be strong and well and 'just DO it!' ... no wait, that was something else, wasn't it? LOL

                                Love, Gina.
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

