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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Patricia. You stay strong and keep reminding yourself how important it is to not jump back into that cycle! Sorry I'm bad at typing on Phone and have to try to get back to sleep :-)

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters! I recently had a set back but I am ready to roll again!! Great to see everyone here!!
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Newbies Nest

        Good Thursday morning Nesters,

        Dark & damp over my portion of the nest again but I'm sure my garden is loving the rain

        Patricia & finallydone - good to see you both hopping right back into the nest!
        Whatever it was that threw you off plan has been a lesson, right? Revise your plans so you don't repeat the same mistakes. This is a learning process afterall!

        Speaking of putting your hands in the dirt -
        you should see what I did to mine yesterday & I loved every minute I spent outside pulling weeds out of my garden

        Wishing everyone a productive AF Thursday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning all! Busy day ahead, and still tired - I think my body just really needs some R & R, so I'm trying to give it as much rest as possible. Had to stop in today though to say that I"m on 30 days! Can't quite believe I'm actually here - about 2 weeks ago this seemed like so far into the future. Two nights ago, for the first time I also realised that not having a drink in the evening actually felt "normal", I didn't have to think about distracting myself - so this whole thing about it taking 28 days to form a new habit could have something to it. And yesterday I was SOOO glad I had a good number of days in me because both my boys had big upsets at school, and it was wonderful for me to feel that I could actually be there for them - and afterwards I didn't need a drink to calm me down. Wow! For those in the earlier days of a quit, I can really say that it is possible to rack up days ODAAT, and that it does feel good!
          If you always think what you've always thought,
          You'll always feel what you've always felt.
          If you always feel what you've always felt,
          You'll always do what you've always done.
          If you always do what you've always done,
          You'll always get what you've always got.

          3 Days AF = DONE
          6 Days AF = DONE
          14 Days AF = DONE
          21 Days AF = DONE
          28 Days AF = DONE
          30 Days AF = DONE
          60 Days AF = hmm, much bigger gap to this goal, but let's see if ODAAT works for this one too....


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all,
            A very quick check in tonight i am so tired so early night for me.
            I feel great today 5 days a/f whoopee
            Hope you all have a lovely day/evening xxxxx
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Newbies Nest

     is with much PRIDE....that I hand you your 30 day hat!!! :bday2: Isn't it a great feeling to wake up in the morning and know you are doing something to make your life better?? Not worse??? You now have the investment of 30 big days.. use this to protect yourself. When temptation creeps up out of nowhere....clutch these days with all your worth!! Protect them as you would a stash of 100 dollar bills. Because they will grow. Starting over sucks bad, too. I'm so proud of you...and here's to 30 more!! XO, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hello everyone!

                Hi finallydone... Sorry to here about your setback but glad your back on track!

                Trying to fiqure out this problem now with my doctor, I almost came to tears but remained strong after what he told me. As you all know I was drinking the heavy stuff for years, mostly vodks but basically whatever was in sight. Well my doc of my many years told me the withdrawl symptoms should have passed in 3 days. I still felt like sh**. He prescribided ativan for me. Now I wanted to look for a therapist for someone to talkt o too since major depression just sank right into me.
                Well I went to see the the therapist and he was also a MD and prescribed ativan too now I told my doctor who I have been going too for years that he prescribed that but he did not prescribe nausea meds for me.
                He just called and basically said I was using him for his ativan. Now im scared of what he will do next!
                Ughhhh im so paranoid and the thoughts wont go away,Its Saturday tommorow and wanted a stress free weekend.apparently no such luck. Thanks for letting me get this out!

                I hope all you fellow friends are doing good!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesties!

                  DL - A HUGE congratulations on your 30 days...that's awesome!!! Keep up the good work!

                  KKL - Sorry you're having a hard time with the Doc and therapist. I take Ativan too, only as "needed". I don't understand why your doctor is accusing you of "using" him for Ativan? I think I'd look for a new Doctor!

                  FinallyDone - Glad you're back! I posted on your other thread but I'll say it again: Glue your butt to the Nest and the more wandering off! LOL You can do this, I know you can!

                  Not much to report in my little world today. It's still rainy and the dogs refuse to get their feet wet, so I spend a lot of time cleaning up after them...they're wimps. When summer gets here, I definitely need to clean my carpets!

                  I hope you all have a great day and stay strong no matter where you're at in your's so worth it!

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi K9 and all my great friends here. I would feel bad if I did not include all of you because you all mean alot to me for your support and encouragment. i am sticking my butt here and ask for help when I need it. My stupid male ego sometimes gets in the way of asking for help. :thanks:
                    Started living again 2/7/2015


                      Newbies Nest

                      hi everyone.
                      thanks Lolab! it's so true how much having contact with the earth brings us back to what's true. gives us perspective. i love pulling weeds, Lav. that's also what i had to do.
                      i feel so sad tonight because of some things going on with my boyfriend. i feel so hurt and i don't really know how to talk to him. and i think probably a lot of what i'm feeling is a need to control the situation and a little bit his actions. i went out to return a dvd and it's a gorgeous night. i listened to some songs and sat in the park and thought about how i always drink to deal with these feelings and to "show him". today i said to myself out loud that nothing and noone can make me drink. there is nothing worth putting myself in that place again. i'm sure i would've looked like a complete loon sitting on the park bench crying if it hadn't been dark. thank goodness for that. anyway, it helped to think of you all.
                      it really helped.


                        Newbies Nest

                        one more thing--Lilli--i thought of a film i really liked called, "You Kill Me", with ben kingsley and tea leoni. it's a bit older and i have to say it's a quite dark comedy -- one may need a bit of a quirky, morbid sense of humour to find it funny. it's set in Buffalo and is about a mafia hitman who keeps screwing up his work because he's so smashed. the family sends him to san fran to go to aa and get himself straightened out. he goes against his will and there he meets and falls in love with tea leoni. it's a strange but very honest love story. maybe you would like it.


                          Newbies Nest

                          lifechange, I am sorry you are feeling bad, but I'm glad that you are talking about it and dealing with it. Working with your hands in the earth can be very satisfying. I was brought up with two very large vegetable gardens, and to this day, the scent of tilled earth is like perfume to me. However, I never liked having to work in them when I was a child, lol, and still don't really "look forward" to gardening...but am always satisfied afterward.

                          Having a quietish nite tonight. Haven't tackled the back lawn...ant hills and weeds galore back there. Think I will let bf deal with that mess.:H


                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all,

                            Well, evening for you all.

                            Gonna keep this quick for once as I've got so much work to do before I go. Thought I was well ahead of things but got some last minute assignments due Monday (I'm self employed), but another good whack of money I could really use before my trip so I'm not complaining. On that note, I will say on Day 11 here my head already feels clearer, which will help!

                            Awh, Lifechange, a hug to you. Sorry to hear about the fight with the boyfriend. Proud of you for NOT drinking to cope with it. It would only make things worse. And drinking to "show" someone else is only hurting you - been there. Thanks for the movie rec - that indeed sounds like something I'd like as I like dark and quirky

                            I know what you mean about it helping to think of you all - my silent support network. I had flashes of wanting wine last night, out at a gig/pub venue to see some comedy - and thought of not wanting to tell you all I've drunk. I highly recommend to anyone feeling down, btw, a night out laughing, what could be better?

                            Still a bit worried about the date Sat. He just emailed and suggested this very nice place I've wanted to try. (Which is nice, been awhile since a guy's made that kind of effort - thumbs up.) I immediately thought of this lovely wine bar around the corner we could meet at first, a favourite spot - it's very charming. But probably too tempting. I know I don't *have* to drink. And in fact will be good to see if my NOT drinking bothers him. Just know I'll be tempted. Know I'll be proud of myself for staying strong. Swinging between feeling strong and sad I "can't" drink, which is dangerous thinking I know. Gratitude not deprivation, right?

                            Ironically, there's a chance I might be on antibiotics though after all. Have a very, very sore ear, worried its infected, so have to go see a doc today as bit worried about flying with it on Tues.

                            Welcome Finally Done! Glad you're here. Tell us about yourself.

                            Ok, so much for brief.



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everybody!

                              Desertlady, great job on your 30 days! It will just keep getting better for you too. You may have come on here for support, but you did all the heavy lifting yourself. Nobody owns that but you.

                              Finallydone, I'm glad you're still in this fight!

                              I hope everyone has a great AF night!
                              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                              AF 11/12/11


                                Newbies Nest

                                What does anyone do for the terrible headaches that come along with stopping AL, wow almost like hangover type headaches! They hurt!

