Good evening Nesters,
First of all, CONGRATS to DesertLady on 30 AF days :yay:
I never thought I'd make it to 30 days but when I did, I figured I could do anything - same with you

lifechange, I could have very easily fallen into a huge vat of wine two years ago when my husband ran off but I chose not to do that! I wasn't about to let his insane behavior ruin my sobriety. I had a little over a year AF at that time & refused to throw it away.
The bottom line is we cannot control anyone else's behavior ~ only our own. It's OK to be sad, it won't kill us but AL will. Hope you are OK now.

Ant hills LG? I wouldn't go near them either :H
Lilly, hope your ear is OK, ouch.
Keep us close in your heart & thoughts - I never want to disappoint anyone around here either. I think an AF dinner out sounds nice, enjoy

Edited to say Hi to Pinecone & KittyKat!
KittyKat, be sure you are drinking lots of water, tea, etc. Headaches can be a sign of dehydration.
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!