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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    So I just have to tell you all that I just had a chat with my date for tomorrow, and he brought up the not drinking thing and said 'that's a really good thing' and was very positive about it and talked about how he himself is trying to drink less because he used to drink a lot but finds these days it effects him more and so forth!

    Much like being pleasantly surprised by my friend in Thailand's reaction I realise a lot of that fear was in my own head. I KNOW that regardless part of me, out of nervousness being out on a date and association with wine bars and nice restaurants, will really, really want a drink, but I'm going to go into it with a positive attitude about not drinking and enjoying the evening and seeing how it feels to have a nice date sober.

    But sooo relieved he was so cool about it - good signs!



      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters,

      Had the first thunder & lightning storm of the season last night, summer must be on the way

      I'm choosing to remain AF today & hope you'll all join me. The AF life is good
      Have a great Friday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        congratulations to desertlady! That's huge!!!

        Lily that's great news about the times I feel that I am one of the few people that I know in "real" life that felt/feels the need to cut down/quit drinking. But in reality, I think that if people were really honest, most would say that they want to cut back. The difference between them and us is that we are either on our way or have already realized that cutting back isn't usually a lasting here we are. Actively working on a more reasonable solution (quitting) - rather than floating along and continually saying that we need to cut back. So YAY for us!!!!'s Friday. I am making something decadent to celebrate the arrival of the weekend!!!!! Probably chocolate....

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Lola, you Hag! You aren't supposed to mention chocolate unless you have enough for everybody!
          Happy Friday nesters....remember what Mother Lav sez: Friday is JUST another day!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Morning Nesties. I'm at home sick today...Have a broken tooth and an infection in it. Ugh. Went to the dentist yesterday and am on antibiotics and pain meds. Couldn't sleep last night from the pain and had to get up and take a Vicodin. Haven't had any today yet, but glad they are there if I need one.

            It's sunny here and probably going to be kinda warm. As soon as I get my central air fixed, I'll welcome the hot days, lol.:H As it is, I've kinda been glad for the unseasonably cool weather.

            Hope everyone is having a lovely AF Friday!

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Lola & Byrdie, chocolate sounds good to me! In moderate amounts of course

              LG, sorry about the tooth ~ sounds painful

              Lilly, sounds like the AF date is a go

              Need to spend some time this afternoon actually doing some work!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Newbies and Oldbies and everybody in between!

                Happy Friday! Hope you're all doing well. LG, that tooth sounds painful, yikes! But at least you're getting to rest today. Don't get all loopy on that Vicodin eh? LOL

                Lilly - You're going to have fun on your date. I'm living vicariously through several people around here (vacations, dates, etc), so please tell me all the juicy details. HA Your guy sounds good so far, I'll be wishing the best for you (us..hehe)!

                Not much happening around here today...just killing time until 5pm. Wow, what an awesome employee I am! Hey, I work for the governement, the bar is not set very high, the fact that I showed up at all puts me in the "above and beyond" category. LOL

                Everyone have a great day and don't let the weekend convince you it's OK to drink. Byrdie and Lav are right, Fridays and Saturdays are JUST days...not an excuse to drink. Hangover-free weekends are the best!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  K9, before you accept your Employee 'O the Year Award, just how awesome is it to be in uncharted waters with your AF days?!! I know! I'm doing it, too! On Sunday will be my one year plus 100 days! I remember last year, my 100 days was on Will and Kate's wedding day, so it's easy to keep track of such things! Do you still have a house guest? XO, B
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdie - YAY Us! LOL It feels GREAT...I have never gone this long without poison in my body (well liquid poison anyways...McDonalds and Taco Bell ain't exactly health food). I remember your 100th day well, seems like all of England (and the world) came out to celebrate with you! I think I even saw a sign on the back of their carriage that said "By George, Byrdie Rocks Gov'na! Love, Wiilie & Katie" Didn't you see that sign? LOL

                    Are you referencing my nephew as my "guest"? He has no plans of leaving so he doesn't fall into the guest category. HA He's doing well...being a typical 18 year old boy, loud music and friends stopping by at all hours. They walked into the living room the other night as I had on my green facial mask and my teeth whitening strips. Gave them quite a scare I'd say. :egad:

                    Well, I am off to accept my Employee of the DECADE Award, don't want to keep the Mayor waiting. Ta-Ta for now.

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters!! K9 and byrdie you two crack me up and I need a little smile on my face. Glad to see everyone around and for the vast amount of wisdom I gain from everyone's posts. I'll be posting off and on all weekend as I work on the many projects I have in store for the weekend. Well if the weather cooperates
                      Started living again 2/7/2015


                        Newbies Nest

                        Awh poor Library Girl, that sounds lousy. Rest up and take it easy. Sleep a lot if you can - even if it means the vicodin. (Actually don't get me thinking of that - have fun memories of that and Al but that was years ago..)

                        K9 did I miss something - are you on 100 days today? If so, WOW and HOORAY for you!!!!!! That is awesome. Please, you guys with longer terms under your belt, keep telling us about all the benefits. I find that the most motivating thing of all.

                        LifeChange, I wanted to ask how you come to be in Berlin? What are you doing there. Where are you from originally?

                        *Waves hello to Finally Done* Good luck with the projects.

                        Even here on day 12 I am sleeping so much better, feel clearer headed, calmer and happier.

                        I am a little excited about my date tonight I have to admit - and it's been awhile since I could say that. He has picked a really great spot that I'm excited to try (remember that I'm a professional foodie so it's a tough call to impress me in that respect and now that we've had that talk I feel like he'd respect me less if I changed my mind and drank so I feel determined not to. Plus, I actually just could NOT afford the hangover this weekend anyway - too much work/packing to do!

                        Still, I refuse to get too excited - had too many bad/mediocre/disappointing internet dating experiences to get too ahead of myself but hey, it's nice to have hope And a nice dinner out with an attractive interesting man can't be an entirely bad thing ever, right?

                        Good day/eve to you all,

                        L x


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening all...K9 and Byrdie you had me thinking of this silly Ragu commercial...take a look, lol.[/video]]Tea Party - RagĂș Asks - YouTube

                          Been thinking about my dental a price sheet from the dentist...788.00 for a root canal (out of pocket), 188.00 for build up (of tooth), and 728.00 for crown. All this is beyond what insurance will cover. On the other sheet is listed extraction: 148.00.:H:H

                          The tooth is in the back of my mouth, so I'm just not sure...I do know that I don't have the money for a root canal/crown right now. Any advice? BTW, the vicodin are not that good.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            Newbies Nest

                            LG, I vote for the extraction because I have had all of the above work done recently.....
                            I am fortunate to have insurance that covers all of it but I will never have another root canal. Talk about painful, dear God the crowns are not bad to have done but the buggars keep popping off & you have to take them back to have them glued back on.

                            Lilly, hope the date goes well

                            Finally done, hang in there with us this weekend!

                            K9, is working for the government really that boring? :H

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Finally Done, K9 cracks me up too! She crazy (as we say in the South).
                              Library, well girl, I used to be a dental hygienist, so you might be sorry you asked for advice!! Unless it is a wisdom tooth, I would save it if at all possible. To make a long story short (this is a task for me) teeth stop coming in because they hit something on the opposite side. The uppers hit the lowers and vice versa. When a tooth is removed, the ones on either side of it shift and the one above drifts down. As bad as this is, living day to day with this means that you have spaces between those teeth that catch food like crazy and as a result, gum disease usually is the next problem that comes to call. What keeps food from collecting between your teeth is the tight contacts they have with their neighbors, when that relaxes, everything hangs in between. Once your teeth start to shift around, one thing leads to another. Save the tooth if you can...2 thousand dollars is a lot of money, but it you keep the tooth another 20 years, that's only $100 a can justify it with the money you are saving from no AL!!
                              Have a wonderful night everyone, sorry for the dental lesson. XXOO, Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Oops, Library, I forgot to thank you for that link...that was CUTE! K9's post did sound like that, didn't it?
                                Lilly, I think we are ALL excited about your date! No pressure, but let us know how it went!! What did he say??? Are you going to see him again? eheheh...sorry, I need to get a hobby don't I? Good luck, we are all pulling for you!! (dental joke) Love, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

