You all crazy

Library Girl, oooohhh you have my sympathies. I hate dental work so much - it's such an awful way to spend money. I had been going to say that my understanding was that removing teeth can cause other issues but I didn't know how, but fortunately we had an ex professional on hand to explain it

So, yeah, I'd say keep it if you possibly can. But, geeze, I know I'd be tempted to just have it pulled to avoid a root canal and save the $. I have one that I know is gonna need that one day - they've been telling me so for years - and I live in fear.
Then again, I had another friend have two root canals lately and say it really wasn't that bad at all so maybe it all depends on the state of your teeth and the skill of the dentist? Me, I'd always pay extra for gas, and preferably valium too, such is my fear of it all.
Good luck!!