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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Snap, I hear ya about the dinner wine. I couldn't imagine having ONE glass last all night...pure torture for me. Why bother? And to leave some in the glass? Unheard of. Wow, it seems rediculous even now.


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      Newbies Nest

      awww...thank you for saying that lifechange - that means the world to me.:l

      I think librarygirl asked it - and I was going to comment and forgot! I'm sooo glad we don't get pushed out of the nest to test our wings....I'm not nearly ready to go. I'm afraid to change anything. you know - if it ain't broke? So while I'm really glad I might be of some help to others, I'm staying for selfish reasons also...:H

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Hey all, I just had to say something... I have a meeting with venders today, a luncheon and normally I would be mental by now trying to hide the bags and glassy eyes from the night before not to mention the Aura. I am confident and optimistic I won't be the lowest person in the room today


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          Newbies Nest

          So great to see the Day's 1, 2 and 3 BAM! Done! Well done to everyone!
          Lola, same boat here, I sure hope they don't push us out of this nest! Me, you and Lav are the oldest newbies alive!! (in terms of the nest, of course) We'll have to build on to the back end of the nest, I guess. It helps me stay in focus. I never want to forget how much it helped me when someone actually told me HOW to do this...not just that they were doing it. It's important to know what to expect, I think.
          Looks like my magic Day 13 has been upgraded to Day 8!! All these young people catch on quicker than I did!! Bahahaha! It was on D13 for me that my thinking changed...something clicked that maybe I just could do this after all!
          Maybe the newbies can find solace in the fact that if a stubborn old bird like me can finally 'get it'...that there's help for you!! But I finally GOT IT!!! One drink leads to another period!
          Lots of great conversations...lots of success going on! Zero tolerance! XXOO, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Lolab, I'm glad you're here too! Although I don't post a ton anymore, most of my posts have been in the nest. I'm so thankful for the ones who went ahead of me and encouraged me along, like you, Byrdie, Lavande. There is "something" in the posts of a person who has been AF for a while. When you read their posts, it is like the clouds have parted for them and they are looking a life a little more clearly than people when they are at the beginning of the struggle. When I came on here at first, I didn't really know what I was doing, but I was comforted by the calm words of people with some AF time. So please stick around, yer one of the good'uns.

            Snapdragon, I really appreciate your alien analogy. The non-aliens can take a few sips, and then put the drink down for twenty minutes or so! Hahaha, I never, ever did that! What a relief it is to let go of that kind of thinking.

            Welcome Yogamom, this is a great place to stick around!

            Have a great AF day everyone!
            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
            AF 11/12/11


              Newbies Nest

              Quick check in from me here on Day 70!!!
              That's ten whole weeks AF.
              My thoughts are so much clearer and I am so much more positive in myself.
              Those in the early stages keep does get so much easier.

              In summary this is what I've found;
              Days 1-4 are the hardest - just do whatever it takes to remain AF
              Days 5-7 are not easy but probably a little easier than day 4. ( for some reason days 4 and 5 are really tough - a lot of people cave at this point, you see it all the time on here). Of course it's hard, nothing in life worth having is easy.
              Day 8 onwards - it does get a little easier, you were AF this time last week too and that makes a huge psychological difference. You may be starting to see some health benefits.
              By day 20 it should be considerably easier, you should definitely see some benefits: physical, mental and financial! You will also be out of the daily routine of drinking.
              Month 1+ it should be better still - you can't be complacent ( you are still only a drink or so away from relapse ) but alcohol thoughts should be starting to take much less prominence in your life. You will still get odd cravings but you can learn to deal with them - just keep doing what you are already doing.
              It is better to be alcohol free with the occasional craving than a heavy drinker constantly craving to be alcohol free.

              Don't quit quitting before the miracles start happening.......


                Newbies Nest

                DAY 3
                :hDOING THIS FOR ME FOR TODAY!:h

                WORD FOR THE DAY: HUMBLE

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                  Newbies Nest

                  No one ever gets pushed out of the nest!
                  Look at how long I've been here

                  Keep up the good work kids!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    It is better to be alcohol free with the occasional craving than a heavy drinker constantly craving to be alcohol free. QUOTE]

                    Sausage - I love that quote!! and congrats on 70 days.

                    Byrdie - I certainly hope you and Lola won't be jumping out of the nest anytime soon - its people like you who have inspired me (and all us other wet behind the ears newbies) to finally take the plunge and squeeze to hopefully learn from your experience. Incidentally, was Day 13 the crunch point for you? I'm relatively relaxed and calm here on day 8 - but am alert to the possibility that I may have a few more massive hurdles to leap over before I reach the crunch point where I am more in control.

                    Leciejo - great news that you are doing so well on day 3 and stop worrying as I'm sure we're all a bit different. Day 4 was the absolute worst for me and I know Sausage said that 4 & 5 were bad for here too - so just make sure you keep on your toes!

                    All the best to everyone. x
                    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Oldies and Newbies!

                      Glad to see so many here! And no, nobody is allowed to leave the Nest, ever! LOL

                      I am on day 129 and honestly I wouldn't even know that if my phone didn't count for me. I have one counter going up (AF days) and one counter going down (to the big 4-0). They're going to meet in the middle eventually. LOL

                      Last night was strange. I was in my nephews room and we were listening to some music he had made, it's called Dub Step and it was such "party" music that it made me feel like holding up a 40oz of beer and dancing. Now for starters, I am way too old to be thinking I am that hip (LOL) and secondly, I don't drink! It was the rhythm of the music that made me think of my party days I guess. So I danced sober...much to my nephew's chagrin. Although he did send me a text this morning that said "You are the coolest aunt ever". I love that kid. And of course my daughter was gettin' down too. Woo hoo, party at my house! HEHE

                      So after all that exertion, I am trying to take it easy at work today. LOL I hope you all have a great day, and GLUE, your butts to the Nest. No hear me?

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Snap, yes Day 13 was huge for me. I had single digit days countless times over the course of a year (2010)...and I had made it to 12 days twice...the second time I had 12 days, I was sitting watching tv doing pretty well, it was 8 o'clock at night, and I had it beat for the day....Hubs went downstairs to check something and I got up and poured a mug of wine and chugged it all before he came upstairs. Why in the hell did I do that??? (see Alien post). So the third time I got over that 12 day hump...I made it and have never looked back!
                        Sausage, that is so wonderful what you posted about the stages and the days...I wish you could put that somewhere so we can refer to it. At least we should write down that post number and pull it out when we need to, that was GOLDEN! Congrats on your 70 days!!! Did you ever think in a million years YOU would be giving advice on how NOT to drink???? Me either...funny how life does that sometimes! So proud of you!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Okay so Day Three here and feeling pretty good. Notice a little more anxiety this afternoon, now I don't know if it is the patients stretching my nerves, the AL leaving or a combo of both, but I feel a little easier to blow. Lol. So I came down to grab lunch, take my supps, and chill for a moment. Had a wonderful night with the husband last night after we got all of the terrible details out of the way. Didn't sleep so well, but I know that will change. Still woke up in a fabulous, cloud free mood. I'm looking forward to marking another day on the calendar tonight!
                          Last night I drank three cans of seltzer water with lemon in an attempt to substitute for wine and boy was I chugging them down! But how refreshing and hydrating to boot! It helped to have a glass of something to chug that was not
                          Happy afternoon to everyone and onward we go.

                          Cat Belle

                          "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                          -Alan Cohen


                            Newbies Nest

                            SnappyD - I liked your analogy of Aliens on a previous post you made. I do feel like I am from another planet sometimes. No of these "normie" earthlings seem to get it! I hope you don't mind my little nickname for ya, I'm on a roll today. LOL

                            I have an analogy that I've been using on another thread. Drinking is like going to bed with Brad Pitt and waking up with Danny Devito. Kind of a letdown.

                            MWO is now officially a "Danny Free Zone"

                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Do you think my post # 20312 on what to expect in the first few days / weeks would be useful in the Tool Box? I don't know how to copy it - does anyone. If anyone thinks it is of value and knows how to do this please help! But only if you think it's worthwhile!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Its a day off for me, so the old days means at this time I would be beyond plastered, cleaning, listening to music loud. Doing stupid things.
                                Would have that gallon of rum about halfway done, then would blackout in about an hour,wake up drink more and then around 8 start doing stupid things , calling and texting , writing stupid emails.
                                Now being sober, I went for a long walk today, even though its about 90 out here in NC. Didnt call anyone. No headaches, no bloating.
                                Just not worth it. Thought I would just check into the nest and for the new people trying to stop , I was up to a gallon a day on most nights and days if there was time i woudl be drinking , usually would not finsh the bottle but almost. This site has helped me in many ways!

