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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1310311 wrote: I am thrilled to see Lj, YM and TL enjoying the first of many days AF. I totally agree that the first 3 days are the hardest. Now you are operating on your own power, all the booze has left the building! Which reminds me, get all the AL out of your house! I found it helpful to put myself in the service of others. I like to bake, so it I set myself a task to bake a cake for a neighbor, that gave me something to do, and you won't believe the reaction when you give something like that for no reason. When I was being showered with 'oh, you shouldn't haves!' I was thinking, honey you don't know how much this helped me!! Filling your weekend time will be important! Don't let your mind wander off on the 'what if's'. It is what it is, and this weekend is very important. On Monday morning, you will feel as if you have really made an accomplishment...and you have!! Lav tells us, 'Friday is just another day!' Do whatever it takes to NOT drink a drop and you won't be sorry! Do not cave in no matter what and no matter who!!!
    May the 4th be with you! (sorry, couldn't help it!!) You can do this! Byrdie
    Love this post Byrd...May the 4th be with you I do solemnly swear not to drink a drop or cav between now and Monday, May 7. (I did that more for me, sorry)



    DAY - 1 Done
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      Newbies Nest

      happy friday everyone.! it's just another day, isn't it? i finally read posts from the last couple of days. really good stuff!! really strong people. Snap, it cracked me up to hear about your italian MIL! i have a couple of people like that in my life--fishing hamhocks out of the vegetarian soup!! i also liked the alien analogy.
      Guy, it's great you kept yourself busy and did what you had to do! i did most of my great drinking alone at home and it's been a huge job, has taken a tremendous amount of thought, will power, imagination, improvisation to figure out what to do with myself instead. i was so BORED! how could i have been so bored?
      Lav, i was wondering if it was your grandkids that finally got you to stop for good.? my mom drank through most of my childhood and that of my sisters. and when my sister had kids and needed help with them, she had to tell my mom that she couldn't trust her with them. it took a bit of time, but ultimately that was what got her to stop. it's been 13 years now!!
      i'm thinking about you, too, Yogamom and i wish you much strength!
      hugs to you all!!


        Newbies Nest

        i forgot to say that i really liked your list at 70 days, Sausage!
        and all the talk about what bitches we were under the influence--
        on sat.morning, my boyfriend said something that rubbed me the wrong way and i screamed at him like i was being murdered. then i slammed the door so hard a mirror fell off the wall and broke.
        #i was so out of control and felt like such a freak. the only diff. to being drunk is that i immediately realized how out of control i was and could appologize to the kids and to my bf right away.
        i told him that it would certainly get better soon (regarding freak out sessions) and i thanked him for being so supportive of me.
        did any of you find the intense emotions continued on in early sobriety? i seem to remember reading posts about this before.


          Newbies Nest

          Happy Friday to Everyone

          Its the weekend and its the hardest time, atleast for me. Usually its hald days for me on Fridays and would start drinking by 1:00 pm thats just a few hours aways. I will not be drinking, What helps me is the remembering of all the dumb things I did while drinking and none of my problems ever got solved.
          Whats worse is the nasty hangovers I would have would hurt so bad until I had to pourr another drink and then the cycle goes on and on and on. A gallon of rum a day. Not to mention what I am saving in buying the stuff.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Aguy! (and everyone else!)

            I know the weekends can be tough, but you're smart in remembering all the negatives about drinking. That's what I do too. I fast forward to all the sh*t that happens when I drink. Do they sell Rum by the gallon? Or was that a couple of bottles? Just being nosey. I used to drink Rum sometimes, but I guess what I bought was considered a fifth (750ml)?

            Byrdie - LOL at your "forth be with you"...DizzyBee pointed out that today is International Star Wars Day, so I feel the need to quote Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try". Of course in the other thread where I put this quote, we were talking about exercise, so I called him Yoga. Oops. LOL

            Not much going on in K9 Land today. I am off at noon (furlough). I plan to get my workout over with then take a nice long guilt-free nap!!! We have church tonight, it got switched to Friday this week, but at least I'll be nice and rested...and I can sleep in tomorrow. It's over at 9:30 so that throws me off my schedule. I'm such an old lady. LOL

            Everyone have a great day and stay strong. Enjoy your sober weekend mornings, they are the best!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Yes they do, ughhh its just the step up from the fifth, I guess it varies from state to state too... I used to buy the cheaper stuff , which was still $18 with taxes,so now I am saving alot , not just the money but also health. Now back to the gallon, I may have been mistaken all this this time since , a gallon is 3.89 liters and the handle was 1.75 thats what I was drinking and the fifth was 750ml , so yes I may be wrong. thats what they refered to at the liquor store I used to go to, so it stuck in my head. Still sucks to be drinking and spending that much...
              Just glad that it is not part of my life anymore. cravings are still there. Its Friday and it supposed to rain, my favorite times to drink. wont go back into that cycle.


                Newbies Nest

                Find yourself a good book or good movie to dive into on this rainy evening.......
                Take your focus OFF of AL ~ that really helped me a lot

                lifechange, yes, the birth of my grandson is what finally pushed me to give up AL all together.
                I didn't drink while my kids were growing up. My drinking problem was depression induced aka husband induced in my mid-forties due to some real shiity behavior on his part.
                Part of me wishes that part of my life never hapened but I also know that our past experiences help us get to where we are now

                K9, that nap sounds pretty darn good :H
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Weekends can be tough, especially in the early days, but Friday is just another day. Why would you want to get hammered on a Friday night and spoil your weekend and end up feeling rough getting over it. Think what you can achieve this weekend if you remain AF. Draw up a list of stuff you'd really to do / achieve this weekend.

                  You can do anything you like except drink!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks all!!
                    Looking back it must of been that "reward" that was brought up a while ago in another thread, it was always stop at the liquor store since got off early on fridays.
                    I can not repeat that cycle anymore, it feels too good like you all said why ruin it too just a hangover. headaches, bloat, red face, stomach problems, you know everything that is associated with the nasty hangover then wake up early on Monday morning.
                    Weekends are the hardest and they seem to last longer now being sober.
                    Waking up to no hangover is even better!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Seriously thought about AL tonight! I've had a stressful day and boy would it have been easy to turn to AL. I didn't. It's been 18 days since I had a drink. It seems like longer, lol.

                      My bf and I have an ebay and Amazon business, and today (to help out, lol), I shipped a package to a customer from my work (the library), and found out tonight I clicked on the wrong person and sent it to the wrong customer. I feel like such a dumb ass. There's no getting it back, and all I could do is email the person I sent it to and ask him to "return to sender". Who knows if he is honest or will even bother. My mistake and I will have to pay for it.

                      Today my brother called and wanted to know if I had set up payments for the van that I purchased from my mother (she is in a nursing home and he handles the finances), as he has not seen a payment come in yet. I DID set up the payments, and I have made one this month (as was scheduled), but it hasn't made it to her bank yet. He kept saying, I believe you, I believe you...which really rubbed me the wrong way. I have NEVER given him any cause to think I'm irresponsible, yet he is constantly on my case. It's not even HIS money. UGHHHHHHH!!!!!

                      So sorry to rant on and on. It's unbecoming, lol. Anyway, I am sober as a church mouse and finally starting to calm down. If I didn't know better I'd swear it was the 13th!:H


                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        Newbies Nest

                        I have a business & sell onebay as well.
                        Can't tell you how many times I have mixed up people's purchases :H
                        I have found most people are busy like the rest of us & they do understand - don't worry about it
                        As far as your brother ~ you can't control his thinking or behavior so let it go. No need to stress yourself out over his crap, right?

                        Starting to feel humid, I think it may rain soon. That's fine but it makes my joints ache (I'm really not 29 anymore) :H

                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Use the butt velcro if you need a hand!!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everybody,

                          I know alot of people have some anxiety about making it through the weekend. I have really come to appreciate my AF weekends more than I would have ever imagined. Certainly way more than I ever did while I was drinking. I like to get some take-out from one of my favorite places (wife and I get a break from cooking) and stay up late watching a movie. I always used to be too drunk to taste the food, and I would pass out during the movie. What has helped me was treating myself to things that I robbed myself of the opportunity to enjoy. Waking up on a Saturday off with no hangover is like winning the lottery. I hope you can find ways to relax and be kind to yourself this weekend.
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            good morning fellow nesters!
                            today is good. i also had a couple of minutes yesterday where i thought how nice (!!) it would be to have a drink. NOT. i immediately realized that what i wanted was to get drunk. crazy, because that isn't what i want at all. i am so happy each night when i wake up (i still always wake up at some point) and haven't had a drink. i'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
                            wishing you all the same.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning everyone.
                              Today is day 5. Yay! Yesterday had its moments, we have company company this weekend and first thing to come to mind is that wow it would be nice to sit on the back patio, have a coupe glasses of wine/beer, enjoy the weather and flowers and chill. Burt thankfully my husband was there to talk it through and make me realize how disappointed I would be in myself. It will still be hard but I will make sure to have a nice glass of lemon seltzer water in hand at all times!
                              I really find this site so helpful and to read that others are having the same struggles. And also the ways and tools you guys use to make each day. Thanks everyone for being here and I hope y'all have a great day! Today is the tall ships festival down on river street so it should be a great day! Happy Saturday y'all!

                              Cat Belle

                              "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                              -Alan Cohen


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Cat and the other Nesters.
                                I think day 5 is probably one of the hardest. See my last post in the Tool Box, for a time line on what to expect at the different stages. Once you get past day 7 it does get easier - you were AF on this day last week too.

                                Must go have to drop my son at a 7 year olds birthday party - think ill go swimming whilst he is there.

                                Have a great AF weekend Nesters

                                Sausage x
                                Day 72

