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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Waking up with no hangovers on the weekends are so nice. I will call a friend and he will be like I am nursing a hangover or recovering . Thinking to myself how much did he spend on drinks and still did not find
    I do not miss those days at all, usually i did all my drinking at home anyway, I dont know what it would cost me if I had become more of a social drinker.
    Good morning Nesters , and hoping everyone an AL Free Saturday. Today is a very hard day.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters & happy unhung Saturday

      Seeing some sunshine out there so I think I'll take advantage of it & get some outside work done today

      Guy, Sausage, Cat & everyone - wishing you a wonderful AF Saturday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Saturday Nesters!! Just got done with finals for this school year and looking forward to a relaxing and sober weekend!!! Hope all the Nesters are doing well!
        Started living again 2/7/2015


          Newbies Nest

          Hello. I am having a very difficult time today. I knew something was wrong with me, but I didn't know what. Well I have found out. The antibiotics I was taking (3 a day!) killed all the bacteria in my stomach and I have been having nausea and diarrhea for days. This morning at 3 am I woke up with the most painful gas I have ever experienced in my life. I imagine it must be similar to child birth. Per the pharmacists suggestion I have been eating yogurt, and only yogurt all day long, and the pain is still there. My god, please do not take antibiotics without eating yogurt every day. Trust me, you will regret it if you don't, lol.


          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            Newbies Nest

            Aw LG -
            Hope you have called your Doc to get something different

            Congrats in the end of the semester finallydone!
            What are you studying, if I may ask?
            My DIL is still in school & will be done after 1 more year (that's why I babysit so much)
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all. Doing fine. Reading everything. Just hate typing on this ipad. Need to use a keyboard but this gives me more privacy. Have a good day all.


                Newbies Nest

                :new:Hello I'm new here I've been struggling I belong to a couple of other messages boards that have helped me to string some sober days together. I just had 11 days then 3 days then another 3 days. My husband drinks too so alcohol is always in the house, it is so hard I really want sobriety but always wind up failing. The longest I ever had was 90 days sober and that was a couple of years ago. I am not drinking everyday anymore trying to make not to drink during the week but something happens when the weekend comes I just want to drink. After 3 sober days I drank last night.

                I really can longer drink during the week and get up for work it's getting way too hard to do and I"m not 20 anymore.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Yogamom, glad you are doing well

                  Hello & welcome Karen!
                  Glad you decided to joing us. The best way to get the most out of this program is to start by reading the MWO, making a good plan & firm commitment for yourself & staying close to the threads, checking in often.
                  The book can be downloaded from the Health store here in a pdf (that's what I did when I started).
                  Visit the for lots of great ideas to help you put your plan together.
                  Having another drinker in the house doesn't mean that you can't be successful. It does mean that you really need to focus on your plan & goals
                  Life is not perfect without AL but being clear-headed & guilt-free is a real bonus!!!!
                  Wishing you the best!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    :welcome:Hello everybody. It's my first time, and I need a lot of advice. I'm an alcoholic, never sober for last 5 years. Beer is "my friend" and worst "demon"; I can't wait to come back home from work to loose myself into it ;((( Past year I've noticed changes in my personality. I think about death all the time. I'll promise myself every night that I will stop drinking next day, and then at 4-5 in the morning when I'm up again. Unfortunately by 5, when I'm driving home from work I'm terrified that I will not have enough beer to keep me busy that evening. So much money wasted my my health. I'm very private person. Not sure what do? I'm afraid to use my insurance to get help. Affraid somebody may find out my weakness. For all of you who quit please!!!! how did you do it? Did you take any drugs, AA meetings? How you hide it from work? I'm salary employee, required to work 40 hrs a week. Please don't judge my spelling or wording. English is my second language.
                    LECIEJO please be strong!


                      Newbies Nest

                      k, now I'm motivated I'ts almost 11PM my time. I'm working tomorrow. Now, not for the first time, I'm trying to drink all alcohol I have in my home, so I can "start fresh" tomorrow. I'm already in huge fear that on my way back from work I will buy beer....


                        Newbies Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Bellbell,
                          Good luck, to feel motivated is great. Hope you don't have too bad a hangover in the morning,
                          Let us know how it goes! I still am trying to taper off....will try harder today.


                            Newbies Nest

                            good morning and welcome kelba and belle!!
                            i'm fairly new to being sober so i don't feel like i can give much advice yet, but like Lav said, reading and posting a lot here helps tremendously. i read the Tool box for a bouple of hours yesterday when i was considering whether or not i wanted to drink and it helped. it worked. everyone says having a strong plan is essential and i have to agree. good to see you both here.
                            LG, i am so sorry to hear of your pain!! i hope you're feeling better today. i know there are also capsules (aciphidopholus??) that could help as well to restore the good bacteria.
                            please let us know how you are.
                            and a big Congrats, Finally done on your finals! i'm also interested to know what you're studying. i would love to go back to school but i feel like i'm too old for it!!
                            have a wonderful sunday.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Lifechange,
                              Thanks for your message. Well done on being sober ~ how many days and how did you do it? I have been reading the tool box also it is very inspirational, but I feel I am missing the strength I need to fight this, even though the words and posts ring so true.....


                                Newbies Nest

                                hi Kelba!!
                                i've known for a long time that i have to stop drinking. i was fortunate, i am fortunate to realize it before it got so out of hand that i lost my family, my job, etc. i have 2 girls who are 10 and 7 and an 11 year old stepson. i was at the point that i wasn't properly taking care of them and my eldest is the same age i was when i became painfully aware of my moms drinking. i think that has scared me into finding the strength to quit. i don't want my girls to have the childhood my siste and i had and i was on my mothers path.
                                i've tried several times to quit and then to moderate and then to quit and then to mod. and so on. finally 12 days ago i got it. now i have to do the work. which it is. some days i feel on top of the world and some days all i want to do is drink. i've been following all advice from others on this site. what works for others could work for me. i've been going to aa meetings now and then for extra support, i've changed some of my routines, i don't put myself in situations that are dangerous to my sobriety. usually if i'm very honest with myself, i know if i'm putting myself in a harmful situation. for instance wanting to "run to the market" at strange times for things i don't really need. i just don't go. haven't been going out much and if i have to i plan ahead as to what i'm going to drink.
                                the Meditation cd's are meant to be great but i don't have them yet. and i'm also not taking many supplements but i do think they could help as well. i'm basically taking it one day at a time, reading here a lot, changing my plan as necessary.
                                do stick around, ask a lot of questions--- a lot of people recommend not drinking for 30 days and then reevaluate, if you want. but try to get those 30 days first.
                                sending you strength!

