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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest can get a wine belly too! I have to say that giving up the wine is saving me a ton of $. I think a Bud Light addiction would have saved me a lot of money over the years.

    rooniferd - I hate wine snobs too. Luckily I never had the money to become one!


      Newbies Nest

      Got my back bumper replaced today. I've had this car for about four years now, and I've run into stuff drunk at least six times that I can remember. I can't believe I've only had one DUI - I should have had 100s. I even had a rental car this weekend while my car was being worked on, and I backed into someone after drinking. Fortunately it didn't cause any damage. I wonder if the woman could tell I had been drinking? After she said her car was fine, I jumped back into the rental and got home as fast as I could. I even got paranoid that she had written down my license plate and would call the police. Thank God nothing happened.

      Drinking and driving is MAJOR scary. I am so ashamed that I did it for so long. It's a wonder I never killed myself or someone else.

      Well, my car is all fixed now, and I don't intend to wreck it again - at least not after drinking.

      Day one is almost over. Looking forward to waking up feeling better and NOT hungover.


        Newbies Nest

        K9Lover;1312869 wrote: Hey at least you guys tried to be "classy". I was Bud Light drinker. Nothin' classy about crackin' open those cans and gettin' a nice belch in now and then. I'd sit around scratching my beer belly too. It was cute. LOL
        LMFAO!!! Probably scratched your butt too in the backless pjs!:H That is kinda cute.

        Thanks for the support everyone, and for your kind words sportymom. You are doing well at 10 days. That is incredible!:goodjob: Keep on stopping, as they say.

        I want everyone to know that I have finally gotten my whole house clean. YAYYYYY!!! I have bitched about it so much on here, I felt like you should be the first to know. My stomach was cramping and I felt pretty badly (from the antibiotics side effects), but I spent over four hours on Sunday cleaning, and even spent another hour yesterday cleaning bf's office! Boy was he surprised when he got home, lol. I've threatened him (that it better stay that way), but that's just between you and me.

        Whew! I have finally relaxed and feel better, thank god. Hope everyone is having a great AF nite.:l


        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all; so many new faces around. As long as you are here at all, day 1,2, 20, whatever, it's great - we are all heading in the one direction, and together!!!!
          I have been itching to get to posting this; so much so that I waited to past midnight and my daughter said to me 'you can do it now mum'. 30 days done! Yeeha! I am so happy.
          The last time I got this far was May to June of last year; unfortunately my very dear friend died and I just lost my way; many starts since then but gradually going back to the shithole I was in.
          I have spent the last hour or so reading every post of mine from the last time. I was doing pretty well - got 31 days and drank the day after I got news of his death, so tomorrow at 31 days will be a celebration in honour of James. Before that, on Christmas Day 2010, I drank after 11 weeks and 5 days, so with that in mind my next goal is to get that again - that will be 30 June.
          I have a busy day today so not be about, just wanted to let you all know; thank you God for all of you on here. :h:thanks:
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Rooni, we're both nearly through day 1 so congratulations to us and everyone else... 10, 30 days, months and even years.

            I started my home detox today. The Dr. was really pushing for inpatient and was very concerned about seizures. I'm taking a generic valium and high blood pressure medicine. The V doesn't relax me as much as I hoped but they are making me a little tired so hopefully I'll sleep. Then I go back on Thursday for a check-in.

            Taking off so much time (it's an hour to get there each way) I don't want my work to think something's really wrong healthwise, and I'm not fessing up to the alcholism; I don't think they'd be supportive... Any one have any ideas what I could say is going on? I've sort of been going with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and additional testing to see if anything else is going on.

            I'm still pretty shaky and my head is a bit foggy but otherwise doing fairly well, all things considered.

            Have a great night. Thanks for your support and sharing.
            "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
            ~ from Goethe's Faust

            :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
            :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Wow busy day here

              Daisy, I remember last year when your friend passed away. So glad you are doing better now

              LG, I can't say I know what happened but I am glad that you are still here with us!
              I realized a long time ago that we don't have to like every post we read. Also, we need to understand that people do get emotional here & just 'let it all out'.

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi there everyone, back again and giving it my ultimate shot this time. Roni - laughed at that one, I once rode a bike (to the offlicence!) and woke up the next day with no skin on my knees, only to realise the bike didn't have any tyres on it - no wonder I couldn't stay on the bloody thing! Lavande, good to see you, hello to everyone else, I'm gonna stick around for a long time this time xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everybody, will post later on - beginning now to put posts to names day 3 for me (again). Keep strong, well and happy all. Px
                  Short term goal 7 days AF


                    Newbies Nest

                    just a quick check in this morning.
                    mostly i just want to say Congrats to Daisy on getting those 30 days again.!!
                    can i ask how old your daughter is? i've been going back and forth as to whether i should speak to my kids about all of this.?? i'm sure they notice a difference in how i'm acting, but they probably don't know the reason. or maybe they do.??


                      Newbies Nest

                      lifechange;1313031 wrote: just a quick check in this morning.
                      mostly i just want to say Congrats to Daisy on getting those 30 days again.!!
                      can i ask how old your daughter is? i've been going back and forth as to whether i should speak to my kids about all of this.?? i'm sure they notice a difference in how i'm acting, but they probably don't know the reason. or maybe they do.??
                      Hi Lifechange; I have a son at 20, and 3 girls, 19, 17, 16. So as you can see from their age they have been there through it all - to my shame. I actually consider myself a good mum if you take out the drinking. I would have had only a bottle of wine a week when they were young. Gradually, through a messy divorce and struggles financially, I ended up consoling myself with a wee drink; over the years my house was 'party central' at the weekends. For a large part it was fun for the kids until I started drinking the 2 bottlles of wine at night; I still functioned but not to the standard I should have. I hid a lot from them but only now, when I have started my journey to sobriety, am I realising the pain I have caused them; they obviously worried about me. I have been single for many years and it was a lonely place for me once the children went to bed.

                      There are bound to be after-effects for them relating to my behaviour; I can't do much about that now except to apologise - I pray they don't follow in my footsteps, but I'll deal with these things as I get my life in order. I have promised them time and time again that it's over only to drink again and again. The disappointment in their faces is plain to see and my self-hatred for hurting them.

                      We are very close and they are the only ones, apart from yourselves who know; I have told them all about MWO and they are happy; any time I lapse, it is them who encourage me to go back to 'your online friends'. They have seen the change in me over the last year and a half and like myself, they are a lot happier.

                      I got a couple of pats on the back and hugs, 'well done mum', 'proud of you'. My eldest girl isn't a very huggy type but I know she is happy; yesterday she told me her friends are talking about how good I am looking these days - made me happy because I know she was just saying it to encourage me to keep going.

                      My children are everything to me; yes, I wish I had sorted myself out years ago, but in all honesty, I was blinded to just how bad I was; it was only through AF time that I was able to see it how it is and take action.

                      I have had so many day 1's and couldn't get past 3 weeks since last year. I am so grateful today and have to give credit to one member here who PM'd me through those tough few weeks and held me accountable. I also came to MWO every single day so again so thankful.

                      Feel I have turned a corner as I brace myself for the next leg of this journey.......
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Daisy, CONGRATS to you, happy to hear you are doing so well!
                        Life without AL really is so much better, regardless of what's going on in our lives

                        Welcome back to the nest noodle!
                        Apply lots of butt velcro & stay put for a while!!!

                        Greetings patricia, lifechange & everyone!
                        Wishing a wonderful AF Wednesday for all of us.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning every one. Here I am. Had a glass of wine last night. O why? Just a stinkin bad habit. I was so tired. I should of just gone to bed. But did I? No. But, I am not hung over . That is the good news. . Didn't go for the whole bottle. I talked to myself and said - self - off to bed. Now, why couldn't I have said that before the first glass? Ugghhh.

                          Daisy - Good job! We have kids close in age. I also have a little five year old. And a grandbaby on the way. Many reasons to stop this madness. Well Done Mum indeed to you. You deserve it. That brought tears to my eyes.

                          Monique - Hope your detox is going ok....

                          librarygirl - if you would like to clean - you can come over here - I could use some help!

                          Here is to a good day.......


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone, well day one is complete, and now I'm starting day 2. I'm already feeling better, except for a splitting headache. I plan to fill my day with all kinds of fruits and vegetables and of course water. Need to detox and start the healing process.

                            Daisy, I wanted to say something about your situation. First and foremost, congrats on your 30 days! I can't wait to be there. I completely understand about turning to alcohol in a tragic situation. I've been through the death of my mother and my precious dog as well as an awful breakup with a boyfriend, and all of those events ended with me drinking very heavily and being extremely self-destructive. But as we get older, those things will happen more and more, and we've got to learn to face them sober. I really hope nothing else happens to either of us anytime soon, and if they do, God give us the strength to deal with them with a clear head.

                            I hope everyone has a great sober day!


                              Newbies Nest

                              I failed again miserably last night... Need a little encouragement for today...Of course my blood pressure is a little elevated. Other than that I don't feel too bad just stinking guilty...My hubbie called me this morning and asked if I was ok...I was apparently comatose last night when he got home after 10pm and I didn't answer him when he spoke to me...Wine Wine Wine... Who ever has the moniker WINESUCKS...Yes it does.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nesties!

                                Where has our Nest Mom Byrdie been lately? I miss her!

                                Resrch - Sorry about last night. How did you feel before and during your drinking? Sometimes it's important to note what's going on exactly. It may help for next time. Anyway, take care of yourself today and start over tonight ok? We're here for you.

                                I'm just doing a quick fly by to the Nest today, I better get busy with work, I've been slacking the last couple of days. Everything is good in 135 and still strong. Hardly thinking of AL at all, once in a while yes, but nothing like before! I hope you all have a great sober day and let those thoughts of AL slide right off you.

                                Will check in later!

                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

