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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you roon.... Nice I had forgotten about that morning after regret.I'm thinking that and reminding myself that I am not a drinker are going to be my motto.


      Newbies Nest

      Someone please talk me out of leaving here (work) and stopping to buy a bottle of wine. I have had the most stressful day. I work in a stressful hospital situation anyway and today has just been awful. I am taking orders from three very big cheese docs and not one of them has communicated with the other. I had a meltdown about an hour ago and almost quit. I normally lovee my job but the hospital system is undergoing some very big changes and I am caught in the middle. I handled it quit well, I think. I decided to go with the highest ranking doc. The other two can..........nevermind. My anxiety level is through the roof and I am afraid of the night. Thanks!


      DAY - 1 Done
      DAY - 2 Processing
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        Newbies Nest

        Hi everybody, I had hoped to reply to several posts today but once again have been reduced to iPhone but I would like to say thank you to you all particularly those of you who have given me particular encouragement (k9 and lav). But what a mind I have!! Few wobbles today but didn't log on. Good news is that now sitting on settee drinking tea and eating chocolate. There are a lot of us struggling on this site but when you log on the struggle makes sense and often all becomes clear. Today I know I'm home and dry. K9 thanks so much your good advice and witty posts to everybody. Lav thanks to you too and all the other members who continue to drag us all kicking and sometimes struggling through from day to day. Love and strength to everybody. Xxx
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Leci,
          I replied on your other thread. Please think this through. Don't let AL convince you that it will make you all warm and fuzzy, it won't. Fast forward to tomorrow morning. How will you handle work tomorrow with a hangover?
          Sending love and strength...
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Patricia...cross post!

            Good job on the tea and chocolate and being DRY!!! Dry is bad when referring to humor, dry is GOOD when referring to alcohol! Way to go lady! Keep at it. It gets easier. And yes, I'll drag you as long as I need to, so be warned! Kick and scream all you want, I ain't caving... You'll do fine though, I have faith in you!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Home late, haven't had time to read properly.
              Stay strong everyone, it DOES get easier
              "see" you tomorrow.

              Sausage x
              Day 76


                Newbies Nest

                Leciejo, I also replied on your other thread - forget those assholes! They are not worth your time or the anxiety they produce.

                patricia, tea & chocolate is my favorite evening activity :H

                Hi K9, Sausage & everyone. Wishing a safe night in the nest for all of us a
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hoping everyone is finding the strength to stay away from the beast tonight. I'm kinda depressed, as my "friend" alcohol is usually hanging out with me - but not tonight. Watching TV then off to bed. Gonna get up in the morning and walk on the treadmill, something I haven't done in a LONG time....


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi K9, patricia, Lav, leicijo (?) and anyone I missed. Lej, I hope that you were able to stay strong and resist the temptation to drink. As everyone has already advised AL won't solve anything and the temporary numbness will only lead to ... well you know where it leads.

                    I am doing well tonight. I have a new title at work: Collections Development Librarian. LOL, they should not have let me run with that! I'll be adding all my favorite fiction pronto!:H:H Seriously considering a conference in GA in October and also considering signing up to do a presentation. I need to do this in order to get promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate, which will be an increase in salary. Send me good thoughts on getting this all together and formulating a workable plan. I haven't had the motivation or desire to pursue a promotion for the past two years, due to AL, although I was eligible (you become eligible after a certain no of years in one slot). Another cheer for AF!

                    Hope you all are having a lovely hump's a slide into the weekend from here baby!


                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      Newbies Nest

                      I am going to go to bed early tonight and get on my treadmill tomorrow too! Great minds think alike!


                        Newbies Nest

                        sending you good thoughts, LG!! go for it!
                        just a quick morning post as i'm off to work.
                        Leciejo., i'm sorry i didn't see your post last night.
                        how did it go? how are you?
                        will check in this afternoon.


                          Newbies Nest

                          good evening friends x

                          Hello everyone,
                          Rooni - I've also just ditched my so called best friend, I reckon I feel about AL as an older guy feels about a trashy girlfriend - fun and exciting at first, then impossible to shake off when they become an embarrassing pain in the arse, and soooooo relieved when they are finally out your life. Day 2 for me - and also feeling like a lost soul, but like angel said, of course we're gonna feel like that - it's pretty much all we've been about for so long. Scary. Does it REALLY get easier? I stuck a few weeks last year and there was no let up in sight, though my game plan is stronger this time.
                          Love and peace to all, have a lovely calm evening, and a sparkly bright tomorrow xx:h


                            Newbies Nest

                            I like your analogy, noodle! Kick that trashy girlfriend to the curb!! LOL Day 3 here I come!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all :-)

                              This post was going to be another story, much like my previous post (a while ago) about being AF for a few days and then being drunk a few nights in a row, followed by going AF again for a few days, before drinking again...

                              But realizing my pattern, I thought better of boring you..

                              So I feel good for about 4 hours of an evening when drinking, like total shit all of the next day and anxious and depressed due to withdrawal about 3 days a week..

                              The RATIONAL part of my brains says "WTF are you doing? You know what to do to sort this out!"

                              While the EMOTIONAL part of my brain says "just have a few drinks and feel OK"

                              All this would be great, IF it stopped after half a bottle of wine...

                              Except for the ADDICTIVE part of my brain that keeps saying "A few drinks has made you feel relaxed and gotten you out of a depressed/anxious mood, just imagine how much better you will feel if you have even more...

                              I read other peoples posts and know you are alcoholics from the things you write and have just realized that I am telling the same story...

                              Even though I have been doing this for 10 years, I think Today is the Day that I stop calling myself "someone who drinks a bit too much"

                              "I AM AN ALCOHOLIC"

                              I went to the store last night and only bought one bottle of wine, thinking "I'll just drink half of it, I need to cut down"

                              I almost believed it..

                              Until on the way home, I stopped at the Liquor store to get a half bottle of vodka (I was shaking my head as I walked in)

                              The longest I have gone without a drink in 10 years is 2 weeks and that was by taking valium a couple of times a day...

                              I'm in real trouble here...

                              David :-)


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone, I'm new here and this is my first post. I have being reading the I hate AL thread for the last few days and found it sounded like me. Anyway I just don't want to drink anymore and finding it hard. Ended up drinking Friday ( after a few weeks off it) and drank the whole night through, felt so awful and guilty and layed down all day because I was too sick to do anything. The people who I associated myself with are big drinkers (who I have managed to get away from ), 2 off them still keep trying to get into my surroundings so I drink with, very persistent. I feel quiet vulnerable at the moment as I am a single mother with no support networks, I've just finished college and now have spare time on my hand and I am scared I'll drink with these people out of lonelyness, or drink first and call on them for company and just encourage them back. Sorry for long post.

